
CBSE Noun for Class/Grade 7 | Types , Exercise, pdf

Noun for Class 7 

Hello, Readers, We are going to learn today’s Nouns for class 7 with solved Exercise. Definition, Types, Exercise/worksheet and get free pdf of the noun for class 7. Solved the Exercise/Worksheet Noun for class 7.

Noun Definition for Class 7:  A word that refers to a name, place, thing, quality, or idea is Called Noun.

For example:

  1. Riya(name)is an intelligent girl.
  2. Paris (place) is a beautiful destination.
  3. I need a pen(thing) to write.
  4. There is pin-drop silence(quality) in the class.
  5. The flowers should be pink(idea/quality) in color.

Types of Nouns

There are many types of nouns, ranging from:

  1. Common
  2.  Proper
  3. Abstract
  4. Countable
  5. Uncountable
  6. Singular
  7. Plural
  8. Masculine
  9. Feminine
  10. Nominative case
  11. Objective case
  12. Possessive Case

Let us understand each one of them individually, with proper examples.

1. Common Noun

What is a common noun with examples?

A noun that names a class of people, animals, or things is called a common noun. 

For example:

People: Mother,father,grandmother,grandfather,teachers,children,girls,woman,man,student, salesperson etc.

Animals: Cat,dog,lions,cows,fishes,tiger,bear,bird,alligator,wolf etc.

Things: table, book,curtains,house,cupboard,pencil,pen,glass,jar,headphones,utensils etc.

  1. Girls are cooking in the kitchen.
  2. Lions are kept in a zoo.
  3. There are pink curtains in my house.
  4. My mother is cooking in the kitchen.
  5. Rohan loves his cat.

2. Proper Noun

What is a proper noun with examples?

A noun that names a specific person, place, or thing is called a proper noun.

For example:

  1. Beijing(place) is the highest polluted city in the world.
  2. Paris(place) is the hub of making cheese.
  3. Kashmiri apples(thing) are the best.
  4. United States of America(place) is the financial capital of the world.
  5. Rohan(person) is a hard-working man.

There are some exceptions when proper nouns are used as a common noun, as they possess such qualities which can be compared.

Let us understand by the following example:

  1. Ankit is the MS DHONI of our college (this means Ankit skills are like MS Dhoni, who is a well-known cricketer).
  2. Priya dances like Katrina Kaif  (this means Priya has dancing skills like Katrina Kaif, who is a heroine).

If we take a look, these examples possess the qualities of some famous personalities, who are proper nouns but in order to compare them, we can use them as common nouns also.

3. Collective Noun

What is a collective noun with exams?

A group/collection/gatherings of people, animals, or things are called collective nouns.

Let us understand by examples given below:

  1. an army of soldiers
  2. a band of musicians
  3. a bevy of ladies
  4. a body of directors
  5. a body of men
  6. a choir of singers
  7. a class of students
  8. a company of actors
  9. a crew of sailors
  10. a crowd of people
  11. a gang of prisoners
  12. a group of dancers
  13. a host of angels
  14. a pack of thieves
  15. a panel of experts
  16. a party of friends
  17. a patrol of police
  18. a staff of employees
  19. a team of players
  20. an army of ants
  21. a board of chicken
  22. a catch of fish
  23. a cloud of insects
  24. a flight of birds
  25. a flock of sheep
  26. a pride of lions
  27. a swarm of bees
  28. a zoo of animals
  29. an album of photographs
  30. a basket of fruit
  31. a bunch of keys
  32. a galaxy of stars
  33. a bundle of sticks
  34. a harvest of wheat
  35. a forest of trees
  36. a pack of cards
  37. a library of books
  38. a loaf of bread
  39. a shower of rain

4. Abstract Noun

What is an abstract noun with examples?

A noun indicating idea, quality, or state for someone or something is called an abstract noun.

For example,

  1. The monitor told the class to be silent.
  2. We are responsible for our own happiness.
  3. My mother was angry when I broke the vase.
  4. Rahul’s dog is dangerous.
  5. The last hope we have is to try again.

Now, we have studied what common, proper and collective nouns are, let’s solve the worksheet.

Noun Exercise for Class 7-1

Question 1: Identify the proper, common abstract, and collective nouns for the following.

  1. A cat likes to drink milk
  2. A patrol of police was having a grand party on the lawn
  3. The teacher told us to maintain silence
  4. John loves to read American stories
  5. Gangtok is the capital of Sikkim
  6. A Royal Bengal tiger looks great
  7. A team of players was playing cricket
  8. Cherries are red in color
  9. Eggs were broken by Rahul
  10. London is the home for the London Eye


    1. Cat- common noun, milk- common noun
  1. a patrol of police- collective noun
  2. Teacher- common noun, silence- abstract noun
  3. John- proper noun, American stories- proper noun
  4. Gangtok- proper noun, Sikkim- proper noun
  5. A royal Bengal tiger- proper noun, great- abstract noun
  6. A team of players- collective noun, cricket- common noun
  7. Cherries- proper noun
  8. Eggs- common noun, Rahul proper noun
  9. London- proper noun, The London eye- proper noun

5. Countable Noun

What are countable nouns for example?

Anything that can be counted with numbers is called countable nouns.

For example,

  1. Books
  2. Boxes
  3. Toffees
  4. Notebooks
  5. Bottles
  6. Cans

These things could be counted with numbers.

There can be 2 books, 3 boxes, 20 toffees, 5 notebooks, 35 bottles, and 65 cans.

6. Uncountable Noun

What are uncountable nouns for example? 

Anything that cannot be counted or we have units to measure it is known as an uncountable noun.

For example, 

  1. Air
  2. water
  3. Rice
  4. Milk
  5. Bread

Noun worksheet/Exercise For class 7 – 2

Question 1: In the statements given below there are uncountable nouns and countable nouns, find the appropriate noun and write its type. 

  1. Part bought rice and pulse from a supermarket.
  2. Toyota is having a car sale tomorrow.
  3. Many trees were cut down last year.
  4. Goat milk is very healthy.
  5. Students work hard for their exams.
  6. Vatsal loves to eat sweets.
  7. Water is a renewable resource.
  8. He bought tasty mangoes from the market.
  9. There are several ways to solve a question.
  10. My mom loves to chop vegetables.


  1. Rice and pulse- uncountable
  2. Cars- countable
  3. Tress- countable
  4. Milk- uncountable
  5. Students- countable
  6. Sweets- countable
  7. Water- uncountable
  8. Mangoes- countable
  9. Several ways- countable
  10. Vegetables- countable

7. Singular Noun

What is a singular noun for example?

A noun that consists of only one person, animal, or thing is called a singular noun.

For example,

  1. A Cup full of tea
  2. A bottle of water
  3. An ice tray
  4. An apple in the basket
  5. A book in my cupboard

8. Plural Noun

A noun that is having more than one person, place, thing, or animal is called a plural noun.

For example,

  1. Girls are playing in the park.
  2. Lions are in the jungle.
  3. Women are taking a walk.
  4. Oranges are kept in the basket.
  5. Boys are playing cricket.

NOTE: Countable nouns can be singular or plural both.


1. The plural of most nouns are formed when -s are added to them.

  1. Ball- Balls
  2. Book- Book
  3. Car- Cars
  4. Ear- Ears
  5. Flower- Flowers
  6. Goat- Goats
  7. Horse- Horses
  8. House- Houses
  9. Mug- Mugs
  10. Window- Window

2. Nouns ending in -ch,-s,-sh,-ss, and -x form plural if -es is added to them.

  1. Bench- Benches
  2. Brush- Brushes
  3. Box- Boxes
  4. Class- Classes
  5. Fox-Foxes
  6. Match- Matches
  7. Tax- Taxes
  8. Class- Classes
  9. Glass- Glasses
  10. Bush- Bushes

3. Most of the nouns ending with -o form their plural when -es is added to their singular.

  1. Buffalo- Buffaloes
  2. Cargo- Cargoes
  3. Hero- Heroes
  4. Mango- Mangoes
  5. Mosquito- Mosquitoes
  6. Potato- Potatoes
  7. Tomato- Tomatoes
  8. Volcano- Volcanoes

Few exceptions:

  1. Bamboo- Bamboos
  2. Dynamo- Dynamos
  3. Memento- Memento
  4. Photo- Photos
  5. Piano- Pianos

4. If the noun ends with -f or -fe, its plural is formed by adding -ves to its singular.

  1. Calf- calves
  2. Elf- Elves
  3. Half- Halves
  4. Knife- Knives
  5. Leaf- Leaves
  6. Life- Lives
  7. Loaf- Loaves
  8. Sheaf- Sheaves
  9. Shelf- Shelves
  10. Thief- Thieves

 Few Exceptions:

  1. Belief- Beliefs
  2. Chief- Chiefs
  3. Cliff- Cliffs
  4. Roof- Roofs
  5. Proof- Proofs

5. If a noun ends with -y and has a consonant before it, to make it plural we add -ies in place of -y.

  1. Army- Armies
  2. Baby- Babies
  3. City- Cities
  4. Country- Countries
  5. Diary- Diaries
  6. Family- Families
  7. Duty- Duties
  8. Story-Stories
  9. Country- Countries
  10. Body- Bodies

Few Exceptions: 

  1. Boy- Boys
  2. Day- Days
  3. Key- Keys
  4. Monkey- Monkeys
  5. Valley- Valleys

6. Some nouns are formed plural by changing the vowels inside the.

  1. Foot- Feet
  2. Goose- Geese
  3. Man- Men
  4. Tooth- Teeth
  5. Woman- Women

7. Some nouns don’t follow any rules. We need to keep in mind their singular as well as the plural form.

  1. Child- Children
  2. Mouse- Mice
  3. Louse- Lice
  4. Ox- Oxen

8. Some nouns do not differ in their singular and plural.

  1. Deer- Deer
  2. Fish- Fish
  3. Hundred- Hundred
  4. Sheep- sheep
  5. Score- Score

9. A noun consisting of 2 or more words, form its plural by adding -s to its principal word.

  1. Brother-in-law- Brothers-in-law.
  2. Commander-in-chief- Commanders-in-chief.
  3. Foot-Man-Foot-Men.
  4. Lockers-on- Lockers-on.
  5. Maid-servant- Maid-Servants.

10. Name of certain apparel(clothing) is used as plural.

Here are few examples of them:

  1. Aryan’s trousers are new.
  2. Her shorts are dirty
  3. Only white socks are allowed on Saturday in school.

11. Name of some subjects sound plural but they are singular.

For example,

  1. Mathematics is a tough subject
  2. Politics is a gloomy subject
  3. Few laws of physics are written by Einstein
  4. Economics is a subject that deals with the operations of the financial system

Noun Exercise For Class 7-3

Question 1: Change the noun into italics in the given below sentences. Make other changes if required.

  1. The old man went to the doctor to get his wobbling tooth out.
  2. The thief got scared of the howling of the dog and ran away from the street.
  3. The maid-servant washed the dishes in the house.
  4. Riya’s book was kept on the shelf in the living room.
  5. The city is famous for tulips.
  6. The man-servant is picking flowers from the pot.
  7. The passer-by was attacked by an armed man.
  8. The goose killed a mouse in the field.
  9. This pizza was prepared in the hotel.
  10. The commander-in-chief ordered the army for the attack.


  1. teeth
  2. thieves, dogs
  3. maid-servants
  4. shelves
  5. these cities are
  6. men-servant are, flower
  7. passers-by, men
  8. geese, mice
  9. these pizzas were
  10. those commanders-in-chief

Question 2: Fill in the blanks correctly using singular or plural forms of words given in the bracket.

  1. _______ music player needs ten _______ (this, battery).
  2. All the boys received their new ________ for the match (uniform).
  3. There are two _______ in her book (lipstick).
  4. ______ and _______ are pests (mouse, louse).
  5. Some kings had many ________ (wife).
  6. They clicked many ______ of  during their trip to Paris (photo).
  7. He is wearing a nice pair of _____(jeans).
  8. Sana got three _______ as her birthday present (dress)
  9. There are five ______ filled with sweets (box).
  10. This year John topped in ________ exam (physics).


  1. This batteries
  2. Uniforms
  3. Lipsticks
  4. Mice, geese
  5. Wives
  6. Photos
  7. Jeans
  8. Dresses
  9. Boxes
  10. Physics

9. Masculine Noun

A noun that refers to ‘male’ is called a masculine noun.

The word masculine means male, so that all the words with male gender, be it a person’s name, an animal’s name, or bird’s name, it is all said to be masculine.

For example

  1. My father’s name is Rahul. (here father is the masculine word).
  2. He’s my best friend’s husband. (here husband is the masculine word).
  3. My son works in New York. (here son is the masculine word).
  4. My nephew’s name is Ron. (here nephew is a masculine word).
  5. In ancient times, Akbar was the king of Delhi (here king is the masculine word).

10. Feminine Noun

A noun that refers to the ‘female’ is called a feminine noun.

The word feminine means female, so that all the words with male gender, be it person’s name, an animal’s name or bird’s name, it is all said to be feminine.

For example

  1. My mother is a housewife. (here mother is the feminine word).
  2. She is my brother’s wife. (here wife is the feminine word).
  3. My daughter helps me with household chores. (here daughter is the feminine word).
  4. My niece is named after our grandmother. (here niece is the feminine word).
  5. She was the queen of her kingdom. ( here queen is the feminine word).
Common Gender.

A noun that belongs to both males and females.

In this context, that specific word can be used for both males or females.

For example

  1. Riya is my best friend. (here friend is considered as common gender)
  2. I had been treated by a great doctor. (here doctor is considered as a common gender)
  3. Atul is the owner of this land. (here the owner is considered as a common gender)
  4. My science teacher scolded me today. (here the teacher is considered as a common gender)
  5. I saw a deer at the zoo. (here deer is considered as a common gender)
Ways of forming feminine nouns

1. By adding -ess in front of the masculine noun

  1. Heir- Heiress
  2. Host- Hostess
  3. Manager- Manageress
  4. Peer- Peeress
  5. God-Goddess
  6. Priest- Priestess
  7. Shepherd- Shepherdess
  8. Lion- Lioness
  9. Waiter- Waitress
  10. Editor- Editor

2. By changing the spelling of feminine slightly before adding -ess

  1. Conductor- Conductress
  2. Duke- Duchess
  3. Emperor- Empress
  4. Governor- Governess
  5. Hunter- Huntress
  6. Master- mistress
  7. Prince- Princess
  8. Tiger- Tigress
  9. Hunter- Huntress
  10. Traitor- traitress

3. By using an entirely different word

  1. Bachelor- Maid
  2. Brother- sister
  3. Gentleman- Lady
  4. King- queen
  5. Monk- Nun
  6. Lord- Lady
  7. Nephew- Niece
  8. Son- daughter
  9. Uncle- Aunt
  10. Wizard- Witch

4. To form feminine of animals and birds

  1. Buck- Doe
  2. Bull- Cow
  3. Cock sparrow- Hen sparrow
  4. Drake- Duck
  5. Fox- Vixen
  6. Hart- Roe
  7. Horse- mare
  8. peacock- peahen
  9. he bears- she bears
  10. he-goat- she-goat

These are always used as common gender:

  1. Anchor
  2. Cousin
  3. Baby
  4. reporter
  5. player
  6. tutor
  7. organizer
  8. infant
  9. companion
  10. pupil

NOTE: These words are no longer used- authoress, poetess, actress.
Instead, words author, poet, and actors are now used.

Noun EXERCISE/Worksheet For class 7 -4

Question-1: Choose the correct option.

1. The opposite for Priest would be?

  1. Priestess
  2. Priestess
  3. Priesting
  4. Prieston

2. The opposite for nun will be?

  1. Honk
  2. Priest
  3. Monk
  4. Mother

3. The masculine for a mother would be?

  1. Monk
  2. Father
  3. Player
  4. Anchor

4. The feminine for man-servant would be?

  1. Madam-Servant
  2. Pupil-servant
  3. Bull-servant
  4. Maid-servant

5. The feminine for wizard would be?

  1. Wonk
  2. Witty
  3. Witch
  4. Wicht

6. The masculine for madam would be?

  1. Sir-Madam
  2. Sir
  3. Brother
  4. Father

7. The opposite for bull would be?

  1. Beef
  2. Buffalo
  3. Cow
  4. goat

8. The feminine for the price would be?

  1. Queen
  2. Princess
  3. Princess
  4. Princess

9. The opposite for vixen would be?

  1. Peacock
  2. Lion
  3. Fox
  4. Lamb

10. Write the opposite for duchess?

  1. Prince
  2. Duke
  3. King
  4. Queen


  1. Priestess
  2. Monk
  3. Father
  4. Maid-servant
  5. Witch
  6. Sir
  7. Cow
  8. Princess
  9. Fox
  10. Duke

Question 2: Rewrite the sentences changing the colored nouns into their opposites.

  1. The tigress attacked the girl in the jungle.
  2. The son could not attend the funereal of the mother.
  3. The governess arrived at the office.
  4. The landlady ordered the man-servant to wash the dishes.
  5. The prince greeted the heiress.
  6. The hero went to Scotland to meet the king.
  7. The master of the feast asked the waiter to lean the table.
  8. The doctor treat my brother when he was ill.
  9. The lion was searching for deer in the jungles.
  10. The reporter on ABVP news changed last month.


  1. Tiger, boy
  2. Daughter
  3. Governor
  4. Landlord, maid-servant
  5. Princess, heir
  6. Queen
  7. Mistress, waitress
  8. Doctor, she
  9. Lioness, deer
  10. Reporter

11. Nominative Case

When a noun is used as the subject of the verb, it is said to be a nominative case.

For example,

  1. Karan won the match. ( Karan is used as the subject for the verb won)
  2. The coffee is hot. (Coffee is used as the subject for the verb is)
  3. Rashid lost his mobile. (Rashid is used as the subject and lost as a verb)
  4. The sunsets in the west. (Sun is used as the subject and sets is used as the verb)
  5. The cat killed the mouse. (Cat is used as the subject and killed is used as the verb)

12. Objective Case

When the noun is used as an object of the verb, is called the objective case.

For example,

  1. Chetan Bhagat writes novels. (The word novel is the object of verb writes)
  2. The teacher punished the boy. (The word boy is the object of verb punished)
  3. The plate is on the table. (The word table is the object of verb on)
  4. Gagan has lost his wallet. (The word wallet is the object of the verb lost)
  5. The river flows into the sea. ( The word sea is the object of the verb flows)

13. Possessive case

The noun that shows possession/indicating to something, is called possessive case.

NOTE: It is indicated by raised comma (‘) known as an apostrophe mark.

For example,

  1. Pari‘s book is kept on the bed.
  2. The farmer‘s crops yielded a good profit.
  3. Student‘s ID card lost.
  4. Uncle‘s wallet was found by the police.
  5. This is my mother‘s watch.


1. In singular nouns, plural nouns ending without -s, and for living things, we add (‘s) to show possession.
2. Plural nouns that end with -s we only use (‘) to show possession.

Noun Worksheet/EXERCISE-5

Question 1: Given below are few sentences, identify the case of the noun for them.

  1. President is going to Japan today.
  2. Dessert smells so good.
  3. The mother teaches the child in the morning.
  4. Priyanka is busy with school work.
  5. The lawyer will talk to the judge later.
  6. Rachel decorates the house beautifully.
  7. Joey’s decision can’t be changed.
  8. Pari is listening to Arijit’s music.
  9. Goalkeeper gave a red card to the player.
  10. The girls’ hostel is beautiful.


  1. President- Nominative case
  2. Dessert- Nominative case
  3. Mother- Nominative case, Child- object
  4. Priyanka- Nominative case, School’s- possessive case
  5. Lawyer- Nominative case, Judge- possessive case
  6. Vijay- Nominative case, the house- Object case
  7. Joey’s- possessive case
  8. Pari- Nominative case, Arijit’s music- possessive case
  9. Goalkeeper- Nominative case, player- object case
  10. Girls’- possessive case.

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