
Noun for Class 3

What is Noun?
Noun Definition for Class 3: Words that are used as the name of persons, animals, places, or things are called nouns. For example: Rohit, Cow, India, Mango, etc.

Use of nouns in sentences:

  1. Raman is a good person.
  2. She is a tall girl in the class.
  3. I am a smart boy in this room.
  4. You are a great man now.
  5. I am an intelligent boy in school.
  6. She is a great actress in this show.
  7. You are not a good girl.
  8. This is a great idea for our growth.
  9. That is a big challenge for me.
  10. Her name is Madhuri.

Types of Nouns for Class 3

There are 5 types of nouns for grade 3 students we have created this blog in very simple language to understand easily. Below we will discuss all kinds of nouns for class 3 with examples and worksheets.

1. Proper Noun

The person, place, animals, and things that have particular names are called proper nouns.


  1. Do you think that Virat can win the game for India?
  2. Ravi is playing cricket with his friends.
  3. I want to meet Kamal tomorrow anyhow.
  4. Would you like to visit Delhi today?
  5. I used to play with cats in my childhood.
  6. Sita is my best friend.
  7. Mango is my favorite fruit.
  8. Chaman is the owner of this property.
  9. The Taj Mahal is the symbol of love.
  10. Tommy, my dog is sitting near the Table.

2. Common Noun

A word that generally describes a person, place, or thing is called a common noun. It does not specifically talk about a person, place, or thing. Common noun starts with a small letter. Given below are some basic examples to give you a better understanding of common nouns.


  1. My father is my hero.
  2. My mother is the best food.
  3. That man is very brave in reality.
  4. I’m not too fond of dogs.
  5. I need a water bottle now.
  6. This fish is golden in colour.
  7. This handbag is blue in colour.
  8. The butterfly is sitting in the flower.
  9. This bicycle belongs to his friend.
  10. This is my book.

3. Collective Noun

A collection of persons, animals, and things taken together in one place is called a collective noun.


  1.  An army of soldiers is going toward the tank.
  2. A group of people is standing near the park.
  3. This is an old pair of shoes.
  4. A class of students is going for a picnic.
  5. A team of players will win the match tonight.
  6. A pride of lions is looking for its prey.
  7. He is walking with the fleet of ships.
  8. A flock of dogs gathered near the tree.
  9. A herd of elephants is drinking water from the river.
  10. He is trying to open the lock with a bunch of keys.

4. Abstract Noun

The noun that is intangible in nature and we cannot see or touch with our five senses is called an abstract noun.


  1. Honesty is the best policy.
  2. Pride is a sin.
  3. This is my love for you.
  4. I just want to confirm the truth.
  5. This is our honesty.
  6. Rajan is a brave boy.
  7. Courage is needed to stand against wrong.
  8. You need to trust yourself.
  9. You should not spread hatred among the students.
  10. Students should obey their teachers.

5. Material noun

A word that refers to physical matter is called a material noun. They are tangible in nature. Generally, they are uncountable in nature but sometimes they are countable.


  1. I have a cricket bat in my room.
  2. I love to buy gold on occasion.
  3. The bark of the tree is lying in the middle of the road.
  4. This is a soft paper.
  5. We should not use plastic.
  6. The river is flowing from the mountains.
  7. Riya will drink this glass of milk.
  8. Please! Have a glass of water.
  9. The stars are shining.
  10. The food is very tasty.

Noun Worksheet for Class 3

Exercise – 1

Choose the correct option to fill in the blanks:-

  1. This is a soft ________ (paper/papers)
  2. I have purchased a new ________ (car/cars)
  3. These are very useful ________ (books/book)
  4. There is a lot of ________ (people/ peoples ) in the market.
  5. There are lots of ________ (problems/problems) in his life.
  6. He is an intelligent ________ (boy/boys ) in his class.
  7. I am a bright ________ (student/students) in my class.
  8. These are very affordable ________. (laptops/ laptop)
  9. This is an expensive ________. (pen/pens)
  10. I have bought a ________. (flat/flats)


  1. paper
  2. car
  3. books
  4. people
  5. problems
  6. boy
  7. student
  8. laptops
  9. pen
  10. flat

Exercise – 2

Fill in the blank with the correct common noun from the bracket:-
(Dancer, teacher, decision, laptop, video, flat, rooms, friends, toys, student, )

  1. I have purchased a ________ at Rohini.
  2. Children love to play with ________ in childhood.
  3. I made a lot of ________ in my college.
  4.  Our house has many ________ and two kitchens.
  5. This is a trending ________ on social media these days.
  6. I do my office work with my ________ in the afternoon.
  7. That is a big ________ in your life these days.
  8. He is a good ________ in my class.
  9. She is a great ________ at this school.
  10. He is an excellent ________ in India.


  1. flat
  2. toys
  3. friends
  4. rooms
  5. video
  6. laptop
  7. decision
  8. student
  9. teacher
  10. dancer

Exercise – 3

Underline the Abstract noun in the following sentences:-

  1. Your perfume smells good.
  2. The food has a stale taste and cannot be served to guests.
  3. The kid is crying due to pain in her legs.
  4. This is the beauty of our country.
  5. The gown you are wearing is according to the latest fashion.
  6. One should never lose hope.
  7. Don’t create chaos in the room.
  8. The beauty lies in her eyes.
  9. You will lose this job because of your stupidity.
  10. There is no uncertainty in this job.


  1. smells
  2. stale
  3. crying
  4. beauty
  5. fashion
  6. hope
  7. chaos
  8. beauty
  9. stupidity
  10. uncertainty

Exercise – 4

Identify the material noun in the following sentences:-

  1. Did you make this coffee?
  2. Will you cook eggs for the dinner?
  3. This leather jacket is very expensive.
  4. Add a little quantity of oil to the dish.
  5. Ask for the duster from the next class.
  6. Add some more cream to this coffee.
  7. Rajat gifted her the platinum ring.
  8. The knife is very pointed.
  9. Add honey to the glass of milk instead of sugar.
  10. Use good quality cement to lay a strong foundation for your house.


  1. coffee
  2. eggs
  3. jacket
  4. oil
  5. duster
  6. cream, coffee
  7. ring
  8. knife
  9. honey, milk, sugar
  10. cement

Noun PDF for Class 3

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