
Modals for Class 6

If you are looking for Modals for class 6 then you are at the right place, here you will learn about Modals and clear your concepts. Worksheets, Exercises with answers are also provided and download Pdf of Modals for class 6 free of cost.

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What are modals for class 6?

Modals are the words that describe the mode or manner of the action denoted by the verb. They express meanings or ideas such as permission, possibility, certainty, necessity, obligation, command, request, compulsion, ability, capacity, polite request, etc.

Auxiliary Verbs: They are used in addition to the other verbs.

Modal Auxiliary Verbs: They are also called helping verb. For example, Can, Could, Will, Would, Should, May, Might etc.

They are always used with the principal verb that follows them.

The main Modals are:-

Can, Could, Will, Would, Shall, Should, May, Might, Must, Ought to, Used to, Have to, need to , dare, etc.

Usage of Modals

Use of ‘Can’ for class 6

  • denotes power
  • capacity
  • ability
  • Used for taking and giving permission.
  • Shows friendly request.

10 Examples of ‘Can’ 

  1. She can run very fast. (denotes power)
  2. Ram can eat four apples at a time. (denotes capacity)
  3. Kirti can lift 50 kg weight. (denotes ability)
  4. Can I go now? (taking permission)
  5. Can you come with me? (giving permission)
  6. Can I take your book for two days? (friendly request)

Use of ‘Could’ for class 6

  • denotes the past ability
  • capacity
  • power
  • shows remote possibility
  • shows formal request

10 Examples of ‘Could’ 

    1. Daisy could lift 40 kg weight when she was fourteen. (Past ability)
    2. I could write 10 pages daily when I was three. (Past capacity)
    3. She could run very fast when she was four. (Power)
    4. There could be a bomb in your house. (remote possibility)
    5. She could not come yesterday. (Past ability)
    6. She could do her help, but she didn’t. (Past ability)
    7. Could you help me? (formal request)
    8. There could be a teacher in the class. (remote possibility)

Use of ‘Shall’ for class 6

  • To express a pure future with first-person (I, we)
  • With second and third person (you, he, she, they, etc.):- To express
  • Taking and giving permission.

Examples of ‘Shall’ 

  1. I shall be waiting for you. (Pure future)
  2. She shall meet you in the park. (Promise)
  3. He shall be punished for this blunder. (Threat)
  4. He shall have an opportunity to meet her. (Promise)
  5. Shall we do our work in the afternoon? (Taking permission)
  6. You shall leave now. (Command)
  7. He shall be punished for this mistake. (Threat)
  8. She shall be awarded for this excellence. (Promised)
  9. They shall protect their country. (Determination)
  10. You shall be here for the meeting. (Command)/ Compulsion

Use of ‘Should’ for class 6

  • It is the past form of Shall.
  • Express duty
  • suggestion
  • advice/opinion

10 Examples of ‘Should’ 

    1. It’s too late, You should go home now. (Suggestion)
    2. You are good at calculations, You should participate in the quiz. (Suggestion)
    3. You should come on time to the class daily. (advice)
    4. You should brush your teeth twice a day. (advice)
    5. He should do his homework on time. (duty)
    6. You should run fast to catch the bus. (Advice)
    7. You should try to lose weight. (Opinion)
    8. Why should I cut hair? (Taking opinion)

Use of ‘Will’ for class 6 

  • is used with the second person (you), and third person (He, She, It, Singular) in future tense.
  • To express Wish 
  • Willingness
  • Request 
  • Determination 
  • Threat

10 Examples of ‘Will’ 

  1. Hanky will make pastries. (Promise)
  2. I will help you come what may. (Promise)
  3. She will be here in 10 minutes and handle it. (Willingness)
  4. We will meet you tomorrow and see you. (Promise)
  5. You will be Punished for this blunder. (Threat)
  6. I will do my homework on time. (Determination)
  7. Will you come with me, Please? (Request)

Use of ‘Would’ for class 6 

  • to express past habits.
  • Shows choice and preference
  • Taking permission (formal way)
  • to make humble and polite request

10 Examples of ‘Would’ 

  1. I would like to wear a red dress. (Choice)
  2. Would you like to play Badminton? (Taking permission)
  3. Why would he prefer tea to coffee? (Preference)
  4. He thought that he would pass. (Wish)
  5. Would you mind not smoking here please? (Humble Request)
  6. I Would come here with my father. (Past habit)
  7. Would you please pass these books? (Request)
  8. I would like to take Tea. (Preference and choice)

Use of ‘Ought to’

  • moral obligation and duty

Examples of ‘Ought to’ for class 6

  1. She ought to take care of her grand parents.
  2. We ought to love our country.
  3. You ought to tell her truth.
  4. You ought to speak truth.
  5. Amrita ought to go there to see him.

Use of ‘Need to’

  • expresses requirements
  • things which is necessary to do
  • give advice to someone

Examples of Need to for class 6

  1. You need to brush your teeth now. (obligation)
  2. You need to drink 8 glasses of water daily. (Advice)
  3. He need to take rest for an hour . (necessity)
  4. You need to buy new shoes. (necessity)
  5. I need to help him. (necessity)
  6. He needs three labors in his farm. (Requirement)

Use of ‘May’

  • Shows possibility
  • Expresses willingness in an optative sentence.
  • Shows respect and request.
  • taking and giving permission.
  • possibly and likely is never used with ‘may’

Examples of ‘May’ for class 6

  1. It may rain today. (50% chance)
  2. May I go to drink water? (Request)
  3. She may come here in upcoming days. (Possibility)
  4. You may go now. (giving permission)
  5. He may play cards. (Possibility)
  6. May I leave now? (Taking permission)
  7. Government may declare the 10th result Today. (Possibility)
  8. May you live long. (Willingness)
  9. He may possibly come here. (Wrong)
  10. He may come here. (Correct)

Use of ‘Might’

  • Shows less possibility

Examples of Might for class 6

  1. They might sing. (he may or may not be sing, less possibility)
  2. She might be talking.
  3. It might rain today. (25% chance)
  4. I think she might help you.
  5. He might learn this chapter.

Use of ‘Must’

  • Shows greater possibility
  • obligation
  • necessary to do, cannot ignore
  • advice or suggestion

Examples of ‘Must’ for class 6

  1. You must follow traffic rules while driving.
  2. He must do exercise or yoga to lose weight.
  3. He comes alone to the party He must be single.
  4. You must add green leafy vegetables in your diet.
  5. It must be raining today. (90% chances)
  6. She comes in a luxurious car, she must be rich.

Use of ‘dare’

  • express challenge or courage

Examples of ‘dare’ for class 6

  1. She does not dare to go there.
  2. How dare you  touch my phone!
  3. How dare he say that!
  4. You dare to come there again.
  5. He does not dare to go to the party.

Use of ‘Used to’

  • Denotes past habits and situation.

Examples of ‘Used to’ for class 6

  1. I used to play football with my brother.
  2. She used to come here every Sunday.
  3. They used to drink together.
  4. She used to tell lies when she was five.
  5. She used to meet her when she was in love.
  6. They used to stay here, for the last 3 years.
  7. I used to go to the temple with my grandmother.

Use of ‘have to’

  • Shows Obligation
  • Things that are necessary to do
  • give advice

Examples of ‘have to’ for class 6

  1. I have to complete this project by Monday.
  2. You have to do lots of work in the office.
  3. They have to study hard to score good marks.
  4. You have to pay more attention towards children.
  5. You are not well, You have to take medicine.

Modals Uses Chart for class 6

Can-denotes power
-Used for taking and giving permission.
-Shows friendly request.
Could-denotes the past ability
-shows remote possibility
-shows formal request
Shall-To express a pure future with first-person (I, we)
-With second and third person (you, he, she, they, etc.):- To express
-Taking and giving permission.
Should-It is the past form of Shall.
-Express duty
Will-is used with the second person (you), and third person (He, She, It, Singular) in future tense.
-To express Wish 
Would-to express past habits.
-Shows choice and preference
-Taking permission (formal way)
-to make humble and polite request
May-Shows possibility
-Expresses willingness in an optative sentence.
-Shows respect and request.
-taking and giving permission.
-possibly and likely is never used with 'may'
Might-Shows less possibility
Must-Shows greater possibility
-necessary to do, cannot ignore
-advice or suggestion
Ought to-moral obligation and duty
Need to-expresses requirements
-things which is necessary to do
-give advice to someone
Used to-Denotes past habits and situation.
have to-Shows Obligation
-Things that are necessary to do
-give advice
dare-express challenge or courage

Modals Worksheets for class 6

Worksheet 1 

Put appropriate Modals in the blank from the given words.

  1. I ______ complete my homework by Tuesday. (have to/shall) (compulsion)
  2. ______ you live long! (must/may)
  3. ______ we go for a movie next week? (Will/shall)
  4. He is not well, You _______  go to meet her. (should/must)
  5. I saw someone, there ______ be a thief outside. (might/should)
  6. ______ God bless you! (Might/May)
  7. She ______ sleep alone when she was Eight. (Used to/need)
  8. You are unhealth, you _______ add green leafy vegetables in your diet. (should /Ought to)
  9. He ______ some time to think about it. (need/may)
  10. He ______ not help him when he was in trouble. (can/could)


  1. have to
  2. may
  3. shall
  4. must
  5. might
  6. May
  7. used to
  8. should
  9. need
  10. could

Worksheet 2

Fill in the blanks with shall/will, choosing from the given options.

  1. I _____ meet you tomorrow.
  2. _______ we play together.
  3. When ______ you get those shoes.
  4. She _____ dance.
  5. She _______ go to temple in the morning.
  6. _____ we go to Mumbai?
  7. You ______ definitely enjoy the party.
  8. When ______ you marry her?
  9. _______ We meet him in the morning?
  10. I _______ help you?
  11. I’m sure, You ______ like that place.
  12. I ______ be waiting for you.
  13. We ______ not participate in the competition.
  14. He _______ get a chance.
  15. We _______  be punished for this blunder.


  1. Shall
  2. Shall
  3. Will
  4. Will
  5. will
  6. Shall
  7. will
  8. will
  9. Shall
  10. Shall
  11. Will
  12. Shall
  13. will
  14.  will
  15. Shall

Worksheet 3 

Fill in the blank with must, might and may.

  1. It is raining outside, He ______ play football.
  2. _____ I leave the room, Please?
  3. He _____ win the elections, he doesn’t have good impression on public.
  4. She has running nose, she _____ not come to school Today.
  5. You _____ add fruits and green leafy vegetables in your diet.
  6. He is suffring  form fever, he _____ visit a doctor.
  7. He ______ come here, he has to leave Mumbai in ten minutes.
  8. _____ I go now?
  9. She hates him, she ____ go to meet him.
  10. You ____ go now.
  11. This form ____ fill in blue ink.
  12. He ____ take precautions.
  13. He _____ go to London this week.
  14.  You _____ take medicines on time.
  15. Government ______ declare 10th result Today.


  1. Might
  2. May
  3. Might
  4. Might
  5. Must
  6. Must
  7. Might
  8. May
  9. Might
  10. May
  11. Might
  12. Must
  13. may
  14. Must
  15. May

Modals Exercises for class 6

Exercise 1

Fill in the blank from the given modals 

would, should, can, could, used to, dare, Must, Need, Shall, Could, have to, May, Will 

  1. ______ I have your attention Please?
  2. ______ you do me a favour?
  3. She _____ visit a doctor.
  4. They _____ woollen clothes in Shimla.
  5. Dolly _____ bite, when she was two.
  6. Shally ______ not come on time yesterday due to heavy rain.
  7. He _____ swim very well.
  8. She ______ do her homework on time. (advice)
  9. Teena studied hard, she ______ be pass with good marks.
  10. Ram does not ______ to go there.
  11. ______ I go to Mumbai next week? (Taking request)
  12. There ____ be a bomb under your seat. (remote possibility)
  13. She ______ do lot of work daily.
  14. What ____ I do for you?
  15. How _____ you do this?


  1. May
  2. Will
  3. Must
  4. need
  5. used to
  6. could
  7. can
  8. should
  9. Would
  10. dare
  11. Shall
  12. Could
  13. have to
  14. Can
  15. Could

Exercise 2

Complete the following with suitable modals.

  1. Employee: Sir, 1____ I come in?
  2. Boss: Where were you? You 2____ be in the office by this time.
  3. Employee: Sorry Sir. I 3_____ not get the bus on time.
  4. Boss: You 4_____ leave your home early.
  5. Employee: Kindly, forgive me this time. I 5____ not be late in future. 6_____ I take my seat now?
  6. Employee: Sir, 7_____ you please check this mail?
  7. Boss: I 8_____ not check your mail at this time. I 9 _______ leave for an important meeting.
  8. Employee: Okay Sir! I 10 _____ send this mail to you.
  9. Boss: I 11_____ check it later.
  10. Employee: Have a good day Sir!


  1. may
  2. should
  3. could
  4. should
  5. will
  6. can
  7. would
  8. can
  9. have to
  10. shall
  11. shall

Exercise 3

Underline the correct modal in the following sentences.

  1. The Economy may/will go up and down in this year.
  2. She will/shall gain the opportunity.
  3. There might/would be a cat under your chair.
  4. Hurry up otherwise you will/would miss the train.
  5. You should/may wash your hands before eating.
  6. She will/would become a doctor.
  7. They used to/must drink together, when they were in same batch.
  8. If I were a bird I would/could fly in the sky.
  9. She should/must chew food properly.
  10. You Should/must not eat too much chocolate.
  11. He hates her. He shall/will not go to meet her.
  12. Ram ought to/must follow traffic rules while driving.
  13. Weather is bad, They may/might go to Goa.
  14. He was injured badly and he could/would not write.
  15. You will/shall get the profit.
  16. Shall/Will I call him?
  17. Will/would you like to take some Tea or coffee?
  18. He would/will rather die than beg.
  19. She will/shall get a prize.
  20. May/Might you get this job!


  1. May
  2. Will
  3. Might
  4. will
  5. should
  6. will
  7. used to
  8. would
  9. must
  10. should
  11. will
  12. ought to
  13. might
  14. could
  15. will
  16. shall
  17. would
  18. Would
  19. Will
  20. May

Also Read, 

Modals for Class 6 Pdf

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