
Message writing for class 8, Format, Examples, Topics

Go through the message given below

Message writing for class 8, It has been written by Vidi to let her friend Akansha know why she would not be home the latter would come looking for her later in the evening.

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Message writing format for class 8

message writing format, class 8, marking scheme, Message writing, with answer

Example 1

Message writing examples


4.00 p.m

March 2, 2017


Sorry for the inconvenience. Something urgent has come up. Had to rush to my uncle’s place. I may have to stay over there for the night. Do not wait up. 


Example 2

As is evident from the example above, a message is a rather informal piece of writing, informing someone about something urgent especially when the person conveying the message is not able to meet up with the other person for whom the message is meant. Although it is a written message, it may not always be written in complete sentences. (message writing for class 8)

Now, read this telephonic conversation between Shikha and Mrs. Pandit.

Mrs. Pandit: Hello!

Shiksha: Hello! I’m Shiksha, Runa’s friend. Can I speak with her, please?

Mrs. Pandit: I’m Runa’s mother. She is not at home. She has gone out with her father to buy some books.

Shiksha: Oh! Aunty, would you please take a message for her?

Mrs. Pandit: Sure, Shiksha.

Shiksha: Okay, I had borrowed a novel from her and I was to return it by the end of this week. But, it seems I would finish reading it only by next week. So, I will return the novel then. I’m sure she would understand.

Mrs. Pandit: Yeah, that’s okay. I’ll give your message to her.

Shiksha: Thanks so much, Aunty. Bye.

Mrs. Pandit: Bye.

As Mrs. Pandit was going out herself, she wrote the following message for Runa.


11.00 a.m.

September 9, 2017


Shikha called to inform you that she would be able to return the novel she has borrowed from you only next week instead of the end of this very week.


Message writing example, message writing format for class 8, marking scheme

In the light of the preceding discussion, it becomes clear that the whole process putting down a message for someone may sometimes involve more than two persons. Besides informing someone about something or passion on a message received over the telephone,

Purposes for message writing or Topics of message writing

A message can also be written for any of the following purposes:

  • To apologise. For example, “Sorry, I broke the flower vase in your room. I will surely replace it with a new one soon.”
  • To request someone to do something. For Example, “While you go to buy vegetables, please get some Dispirin as well from the chemist’s shop.”
  • To give instructions. For example, “Please switch off the lights when not in use.”
  • To warm someone. For example, Beware of the ferocious dog lurking about in the compound.’
  • To provide an explanation for not being to do something. For example, “Sorry, I can’t go out with you tonight.

Message writing, message writing topics, purpose of message writing

Good message has the following essential features

Thus far, you might have also observed that features:

  • A short piece of information written using an informal tone.
  • It is concise and to the point.
  • Contains the date and time when the message was written, the name of the person for whom the message is meant, the name and signature of the person who has written the message.

Worksheet/Questions for message writing for class 8

Message writing Questions for class 8

Question 1

On your way back from school, you see an ID card lying on the roadside. You pick it up and having gone through its contents you come to know that it is a school ID card and it belongs to your friend, Ankit. And since Ankit’s hoe is not far from where you currently are, you head straight to his house to return his ID card. (message writing for class 8) When you knock at his door, his mother opens it to tell you that  Ankit is not at home. So, you hand over the ID card to Ankit’s mother. But before doing that, you also write a suitable message for Ankit. How would you write that message?

Question 2 Message writing telephonic conversation for class 8

Read the following telephonic conversation between Neeraj and the receptionist.

Neeraj: Hi! Is this Mr. Mittal’s office?

Receptionist: Yes, it is., May I know who is speaking?

Neeraj: My name is Neeraj and I’m calling on behalf of the paper supplier. Can I have a word with Mr. Mittal, please?

Receptionist: Mr. Neeraj, I’m afraid Mr. Mittal is not in the office at the moment. Hw would be back in an hour or so. But, I surely can take a message for him.

Neeraj: Okay. Basically, I’ve called to inquire about the bill for is an order which he had placed with us and which we had executed last week. Would you please inform Mr. Mittal to give us a call asap* with regard to this?

Receptionist: Sure, I’ll give your message to Mr. Mittal.

Neeraj: Thanks.

Since the receptionist herself would be taking a break shortly, she writes a message for Mr. Mittal based on the just concluded telephonic conversation. How would the receptionist write this message?

Question 3 telephonic conversation

Read the following conversation over the phone between Sita and Geeta.

Sita: Hello! Is it you, Geeta?

Geeta: Yeah, It’s me. And, it’s Sita, right?

Sita: Yeah, right. Well, would you come over to my house now? I’m all alone. My parents have gone out to buy some articles as we’re leaving on a short trip to Manali this afternoon. I think we’ll be back only buying some articles as we’re leaving on a short trip to Manali this afternoon. I think we’ll be back next week. and, I would love to spend some time with my best friend before we leave on our vacation. 

Geeta: Sure, I’ll be on my way right away. by the way, I am really very happy for you that you’re going on a vacation.

Sita: Great! I shall be waiting for you. Bye for now.

Geeta: Yeah, bye.

Write the message Geeta will leave for her mother based on the telephonic conversation just concluded.

message writing for class 8 with answers pdf

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