
Message writing for class 7 with examples, Format, worksheet

HiStudents, here you have all types of message writing examples for class 7 with examples, format, worksheet, topics, or more.

What is a message?

Definition: A message can be as the information meant to be given to the third person. The importance of information conveyed in the conversation between two people is to be converted into a message for the third person. Messages can easily be communicated through telephone but sometimes the concerned person is not present. So, the receiver should write the message clearly for the person for who, the message is meant.

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Purpose of a Message:

  • Communicate something very important
  • To give instructions for some urgent work
  • To provide an important explanation about something

Format of a message writing for class 7

Message writing format for class 7, Message writing class 7, Marking scheme

Message writing,Message writing example, message writing for class 7, Format, Examples, Sample question, Worksheet, with answer, How to write a message

It is important to remember that while writing a message:

Points you remember message writing for class 7

  • Write the word ‘message’ in the center and starting of the message.
  • The time and date of receiving the message should be mentioned.
  • Give only a brief salutation like Dear Sir, Dear Uncle, etc.
  •  A message should always be written in the Reported Speech.
  • A message does not need an address.
  • Word limit should be kept in mind.
  • Message should clear and accurate.
  •  Write only important points. Do not add anything on your own.
  • Write your name at the end of the message.

Solved Examples/worksheet

Message writing examples

Example 1 (Conversation)

Mr. Shankar calls up his colleague, Mr. Bhatt but Mr. Bhatt is not at home. His son, Sunil takes down the message. (message writing for class 7)

Mr. Shankar: Hello, Can I speak to Mr. Bhatt, please?

Sunil: I’m sorry, he is not at home. May I know who is calling?

Mr. Shankar: I’m Shankar, his colleague.

Sunil: Hello uncle. I’m Sunil, his son. Can I take down the message for dad?

Mr. Shankar: Sure. please tell your father to reach HOtel Grand Park tomorrow.

Sunil: Tomorrow?

Mr. Shankar: Yes, at 8:00 pm. The MD of our company is organizing at dinner.

Sunil: Okay, uncle, I’ll convey the message.

Mr. Shankar: Bye!

(Sunil has to leave for his extra class and os he leaves the message for his dad.)


August 20, 20xx                                                                                                                                             6:30 pm


Your colleague, Mr. Shankarm called up to say that you must reach Hotel Grand Park at 8:00 pm tomorrow at attending the dinner being organized by the MD of your company. He has requested you to convey the same message to MR Singh also.


Example 2 (Telephonic conversation)

Read the following telephonic conversation. Write a message for the concerned person is not more than 50 words.

Rohit: May I talk to Mr. Rajeev?

Anu: My dad is not at home. May I know who is calling?

Rohit: I am Rohit Gupta. I had to come to your house to pick Mr. Rajeev. We had to go together and meet Mr. Karan, the President of Traders Association but I have received the information that Mr. Karan has canceled today’s meeting. He has some other important meeting. He will hold the meeting in the coming week.

Anu: When exactly?

Rohit: The exact date is not yet known. I will inform Mr. Rajeev as soon as I come to know the date. Please inform your father about the cancellation of the meeting.

 Anu: Don’t worry uncle, I will do that.

(Anu was waiting for her dad to come home. His mobile phone was switched off. She had to reach her college, so she writes the following message for her dad and leaves. (Message writing for class 7)


September 10, 20xx                                                                                                                                        9:30 am


Your colleague, Mr. Rohit Gupta called up informed that the Trader Association meeting has been canceled by Mr. Karan because he has some other important meeting. Mr. Gupta promised that he will inform you about the next date as soon as he comes to know. 


Try out worksheet/Questions

Message writing Questions for class 7

Question 1 (Conversation message for furniture delivered)

Read the following telephonic conversation. Write a message for the concerned person is not more than 50 words. 

Mr. Verma: May I speak to Mr. Atul?

Receptionist: Mr. Atul is not here at the moment. Sir, any message for him. 

Mr. Verma: I am Aman Verma. I had ordered some furniture for my entire house at Plam Garden. The furniture had to be delivered on the 10th of this month. Because of some unavoidable reasons, we shall not be in a position to receive the furniture on the 10th Please tell Mr. Atul to shift the delivery date to the 20th of this month.

Receptionist: That would not be much of a problem, Sir. I will do that.

Mr. Verma: One thing more, I will send my own pickup van on the 20th, therefore, Mr. Atul does not have to arrange for the transport.

Receptionist: That’s okay, Sir.

(Mr. Atul did not return to the office by 5:00 pm and the receptionist, Miss Pooja writes down the message for Mr. Atul and leaves it on his table.)

Question 2 (Telephonic conversation)

Read the following telephonic conversation. Write a message for the concerned person is not more than 50 words.

Deepak: May I talk to Sumit?

Mrs. Sharma: Sumit had an appointment with his dentist. He has gone there with his father.

Deepak:  Aunty, I have an important message from our House Mistress. Will you kindly convey the message to Sumit?

Mrs. Sharma: Of course, I will.

Deepak: Please tell him that tomorrow is the last day for submitting the science project. He must complete it and submit it by tomorrow. Otherwise, it will not be accepted and his marks will be deducted in the final assignment.

Mrs. Sharma: I’ll do that.

Deepak: Thank you, aunty.

(Mrs. Sharms had to to go the market, so she writes a message and leaves it on Sumit’s study table.) message writing for class 7

Question 3 (Message for an issued book in the library)

Read the following conversation. Write a message for the concerned person is not more than 50 words.

Seema: Hello! Can I speak to Neha?

Pooja: Hello, I,m Pooja. Neha is not at home. May I know who is on the line?

Seema: Hi, Pooja. My name is Seema. I am Neha’s classmate. Can you convey a message to Neha for me?

Pooja: Sure.

Seema: Tell her that I’ll not attend college tomorrow. Ask her to get the book’ As You Like It’ by Shakespeare issued for me from the library. I need it urgently.

Pooja: I’ll give her the message.

Seema: Thank you!

(Pooja has an urgent meeting, so she leaves the message for Neha.)

Question 4 (Write a message for Leave books)

Read the following conversation. Write a message for the concerned person is not more than 50 words.

Satish: May I talk to Pradeep?

Suresh: May I know who is on the line?

Satish: I am Satish, a friend of Pradeep. I wish to convey an urgent message to him. 

Suresh: You may leave your message with me.
Satish: Please Pradeep that I have sent all the books he had asked for by courier today. The books will reach him by tomorrow.

Suresh: Okay. I will tell him. 

Satish: Also please tell him that I shall be reaching Delhi by Rajdhani Express in 10th October. The train reached Delhi at 8 am. He must meet me at the station. Thanks. 

(Suresh writes a message for Pradeep before leaving for his actions.)

Question 5 (Write a message for Mom)

Read the following conversation. Write a message to the concerned person is not more than 50 words. (message writing)

Mrs. Walia: May I speak to Bhumika?

Kiran: Mother is not at home. I’m Kiran, her daughter.

Mrs. Walia: Okay, Kiran I have a message fro Mrs. Bhumika. Kindly deliver it to her.

Kiran: Of course, I will do that.

Mrs. Walia: Tell Bhumika that Dr. Rastogi, the cardiologist, is out of India these days. He is likely to return in the first week of July. Therefore, Bhumika cannot see De Rastogi until then.

However, my friend, Ms. Veena has strongly recommended Dr. Bansal of Escorts Hospital. Dr. Bansal is in town and if Bhumika wants an appointment with him, she should ring me up immediately. Message writing for class 7

(Bhumika returned home later to find a message from Kiran on the dining table.)

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