
Memrise Review: Its History, Founder, and Pros & Cons

Memrise is a platform for language learning that employs a number of strategies to help in the memorization of new words and phrases. The courses have been gamified to make learning enjoyable and interesting. Memrise also has a number of features like streaks and incentives that can keep you engaged.

Memrise can assist you in learning new words and phrases by using spaced repetition, mnemonics, and understandable information. It also provides tools that allow you to immerse yourself in the language you are learning, such as listening to native speakers and watching videos.

Anyone looking to learn a new language in a fun and efficient manner should check out Memrise. People who enjoy games or are visual learners will find it extremely helpful.

If Memrise does not offer the language you want to study, you can also design your own course. Memrise is a fantastic resource for language learning. It is entertaining practical and inspiring. Memrise is a fantastic resource if you want to learn a new language. In this full blog, we will help you to know about Busuu by giving Busuu reviews, Its history, and Pros & cons.

What is Memrise?

Memrise has completely changed the way we learn by providing a dynamic and engaging platform for efficient language learning and knowledge growth. Memrise is a go-to resource for students of all ages and backgrounds because of its user-friendly interface and scientifically proven procedures.

Memrise’s spaced repetition approach, which optimizes the timing of revisiting material to increase long-term retention, is the key to its success. This method makes it simple for students to memorize words, facts, and ideas. Additionally, Memrise’s extensive course collection covers a wide range of topics, including languages, physics, history, and more…

The platform’s gamified approach makes learning more enjoyable. Users can compete with peers, gain points and badges, and make studying an exciting endeavor. Memrise also offers user-generated content, which lets users design and distribute their own courses and promotes a collaborative learning environment.

Memrise accommodates your schedule in today’s hectic environment. You may learn on the go with the help of its mobile app, maximizing even the smallest windows of time.

Memrise empowers students by providing a thorough, engaging, and customized learning experience. Memrise is your companion on the road to growth, whether your goal is to learn multiple languages or simply broaden your knowledge.

History of Memrise

Memrise is an app that assists users in learning languages and other subjects through techniques like spaced repetition and memory strategies. Ed Cooke, Ben Whately, and Greg Detre, three friends who had a passion for education and technology, were created in 2009.

Memrise had some difficult times in the beginning. The founders had to wear multiple hats because the business was bootstrapped. They were in charge of all aspects of the app’s development, including user marketing. However, they were committed to seeing Memrise succeed, so they put in a lot of effort to create a larger user base.

In 2012, Memrise raised $10 million in capital from investors, and it started to expand quickly. With the help of this money, the business was able to grow its staff and create additional software features. In order to provide language learning courses, Memrise also started collaborating with universities and other organizations.

The Chinese technology firm Immersion Corporation bought Memrise in 2015. Memrise now has access to Immersion’s resources and knowledge, enabling the business to keep growing and expanding.

Millions of people use Memrise today to learn new languages and other subjects all over the world. It offers a vast range of courses that include more than 200 languages in addition to other subjects like history, science, and music. Memrise has a sizable and active user base that may support one another in learning, and it is accessible on both desktop and mobile platforms.

Leading language learning software Memrise is always advancing and inventing. In order to give customers the best learning experience possible, the firm is regularly updating the app with new features and courses.

The following are some significant turning points in Memorise’s history:

In 2009, Ed Cooke, Ben Whately, and Greg Detre established Memrise.

  • 2012: $10 million is raised by investors for Memrise.
  • 2015: Immersion Corporation buys Memrise.
  • 2016: Memrise launches the MemBus, a traveling bus that records video footage of native speakers speaking different languages.
  • 2017: Memrise launches the AI-Language Partner, a chatbot that helps users practice speaking new languages.
  • 2020: Memrise launches the Memrise Live platform, which allows users to take live classes with native speakers.

Who are the Founders of Memrise?

Memrise, a language learning app, employs spaced repetition and memory techniques to aid users in acquiring new languages and various other fields of study.

Who are the Founders of Memrise?

Three buddies who were enthusiastic about education and technology created it in 2009:

  • Ed Cook: Ed Cook is an authority in memory and cognitive science and a strong believer in the power of words. His works on memory and education include “Moonwalking with Einstein” and “The Art of Memory.”
  • Ben Whatley: Ben is a software engineer and entrepreneur. He is the co-founder of several other technology companies, including the social media platform, Elgg.
  • Greg Detre: Greg Detre is both a neuroscientist and a businessman. He is a co-founder of the Brains On Fire neuroscience research enterprise.

While attending Oxford University, the three founders became friends. They were all interested in the science of learning and wanted to develop a strategy for improving the efficiency and fun of learning. Their response was Memrise.

The creators of Memrise are dedicated to enhancing everyone’s access to and enjoyment of learning. They are passionate about developing tools that enable them to realize their full potential and think that everyone has the capacity to learn.

The founders of Memrise have spoken about their goals for the business in the following ways:

  • For everyone, learning should be enjoyable and successful.
  • We want to create tools that help people reach their full potential because we believe everyone has the potential to learn.
  • We are dedicated to increasing access to and affordability of education.

The creators of Memrise serve as an example to individuals who are enthusiastic learners. They have demonstrated that it is feasible to produce inventive and efficient learning resources that can help learners achieve their objectives.

How does Memrise Work?

Have You ever wondered how Memrise can be so effective at helping you study languages and other subjects? Let’s look at Memrise’s magic in more detail to see how it makes learning fun and straightforward.

Memrise employs spaced repetition to help in the learning of new vocabulary, grammar, and phrases. Memrise will require you to learn a few words or phrases when you begin a new course. Memrise will wait a few hours after you have learned them before asking you to review them again, Memrise will wait a few days before you review the words again. The interval between reviews will steadily increase until you have mastered the material.

How Does Memrise Use Other Memory Techniques?

Memrise uses different memory strategies in addition to spaced repetition to help you learn new material.

Among these methods are:

  • Mnemonics: Mnemonics are memory aids that assist you in recalling knowledge by linking it with something easier to remember. For example, the word “cat” may conjure up images of a cat sitting on a floor.
  • Chunking: Chunking is the process of condensing information into smaller, more manageable bits. This can help you recall the facts. For example, you may group the terms “cat,” “dog,” and “mouse” as “animals.”
  • Imagery: Memrise uses images to assist you in remembering new knowledge. When you learn the word “cat,” for example, you might see an image of a cat sitting on a mat.

Who is the Target Audience of Memrise?

Memrise’s target audience is anyone who wants to learn a new language. Students, tourists, professionals, and anyone interested in acquiring a new language, whether for personal development or to advance in their career, can all take advantage of what Memrise provides.

Memrise is also popular among those looking to enhance their vocabulary in their home language. It can be used to learn new words for school, work, or just to broaden your horizons.

Memrise’s demographics show that the majority of its users are young adults. According to Similarweb, the majority of Memrise’s website visitors are between the ages of 18 and 24. Women are also fond of the app, with 50.15% of visitors being female.

In terms of psychographics, Memrise’s target audience is people who are eager to learn new things. They are often inquisitive and open-minded, and they are eager to learn a new language.

Memrise proves to be a valuable resource for individuals seeking to acquire a new language or enhance their lexicon. It is simple to use and effective, and it is compatible with a wide range of devices. Memrise is an excellent place to start if you want to learn a new language.

Courses Available on Memrise

Memrise is a language learning software with over 200 languages and courses ranging from beginner to advanced.

Memrise, in addition to languages, offers courses on a range of other topics, such as:

  • Vocabulary: Memrise provides vocabulary courses in a variety of languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
  • Grammar: Memrise provides grammar courses in a variety of languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
  • Phrasebooks: Memrise provides phrasebooks in several languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
  • Culture: Memrise offers classes on the cultures of several countries, including France, Spain, Germany, China, Japan, and Korea.
  • History: Memrise provides history lessons for countries such as France, Spain, Germany, China, Japan, and Korea.
  • Geography: Memrise provides geography courses for countries such as France, Spain, Germany, China, Japan, and Korea.
  • Science: Memrise offers science courses such as biology, chemistry, physics, and astronomy.
  • Math: Memrise provides courses in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and calculus.
  • Art: Memrise offers art history, painting, sculpture, and architecture courses.
  • Literature: Memrise provides literature courses such as classic novels, poetry, and plays.
  • Music: Memrise provides music theory, listening comprehension, and instrument-playing training.
  • Sports: Sports classes are available on Memrise, including soccer, basketball, football, and baseball.
  • Business: Memrise provides business courses such as marketing, finance, and accounting.

Memrise courses are generated by a user community, therefore there is a vast range to pick from. Courses are also daily updated with new information, so you’ll always be able to learn something new.

On Memrise, you can browse the categories or search for a specific topic to discover a course. Check out the “Popular” or “Trending” courses to see what other users are learning.

You can begin learning as soon as you choose a course that interests you. Memrise courses are designed to be enjoyable and engaging, so you can learn without even realizing it.

Memrise is an excellent place to begin if you are serious about learning a new language or expanding your vocabulary. With so many courses to select from and a community of helpful users, you’re sure to find the right one for you.

Here are some pointers for picking a Memrise course:

  • Consider your objectives: What are you hoping to learn? Are you interested in learning a new language for travel, work, or personal purposes? Once you’ve determined your objectives, you can begin to limit your options.
  • Consider your knowledge level: how much do you already know about the subject? If you are a beginner, seek classes intended just for beginners. If you are more advanced, you might locate more difficult classes.
  • Examine the feedback: Before selecting a course, read the reviews of other users. This will give you a decent picture of how the course is and whether it is appropriate for you.
  • Experiment with a few different courses: Once you’ve decided on a few courses, test them out to discover which one you prefer. There is no reason to limit yourself to just one course.

With so many amazing courses to pick from, Memrise is sure to have the perfect one for you. So, what are you holding out for? Begin learning right away!

Which Language Can You Learn from Memrise?

Memrise is a language learning software with over 200 languages and courses ranging from beginner to advanced. Among the most popular languages on memrise are:

Languages that are widely spoken and popular:

  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Mandarin (Mandarin)
  • Japanese
  • Russian

Memrise, in addition to these popular languages, offers courses in a variety of other languages, including:

  • Dutch
  • Swedish
  • Norwegian
  • Danish
  • Korean
  • Arabic
  • Turkey
  • Greek

Indigenous and Endangered Languages:

  • Hawaiian
  • Navajo
  • Maori
  • Cherokee

African Languages:

  • Swahili
  • Zulu
  • Xhosa
  • Yoruba

Languages with unique Scripts:

  • Hindi
  • Thai
  • Korean (Hangul)

And Many More…

Memrise also offers courses in a variety of other languages from around the world, including languages from Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

If you want to study a language that isn’t on our list, you will still locate a course on Memrise. There are many community-created courses accessible, and if you don’t find what you are looking for, you can make your own.

Types of Activities Memrise Offers

Memrise uses a variety of activities to help users learn new words and phrases.

These activities include:

  1. Memorize: This is the most basic activity, where users are presented with a word or phrase in one language and have to remember the translation in the other language.
  2. Matching: This activity is similar to Memorize, but users have to match the word or phrase in one language with its translation in the other language.
  3. Fill in the blank: This activity is more challenging, as users have to fill in the blank with the correct translation of a word or phrase.
  4. Translation: This activity is the most challenging, as users have to translate a sentence from one language to the other.
  5. Listening: This activity tests users’ listening comprehension by having them listen to a word or phrase and then select the correct translation.
  6. Speaking: This activity tests users’ speaking skills by having them record themselves saying a word or phrase.
  7. Writing: This activity tests users’ writing skills by having them write the translation of a word or phrase.

Games: Memrise also offers a variety of games that can help users learn new words and phrases in a fun and engaging way.

These games include:

  1. Memrise Monster: This game is a matching game where users have to match the words and phrases in one language with their translations in the other language.
  2. Spelling Bee: This game tests users’ spelling skills by having them spell words in the target language.
  3. Hangman: This classic game tests users’ vocabulary knowledge by having them guess words in the target language.

Memrise also offers a variety of other activities, such as quizzes, challenges, and surveys. These activities are designed to help users learn new words and phrases in a variety of ways.

The specific activities that are available in a course will vary depending on the course. Still, all courses utilize different activities to make sure users stay interested and to aid their effective learning.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Memrise


  • Variety of Courses: Memrise offers a huge selection of classes in over 200 languages, ranging from beginning to advanced. There are additional classes available on a wide range of other subjects, including culture, grammar, and vocabulary.
  • Interactive Activities: Memrise offers a number of interactive activities, including games, quizzes, and challenges, to help users in learning new words and phrases. These exercises are made to keep users interested and help in their learning.
  • Spaced Repetition: Memrise employs spaced repetition, a learning strategy that has been proven to be more successful than conventional approaches like flashcards.
  • Personalization: Memrise users can customize their learning process by modifying the activities they want to undertake, the frequency of reviews, and the degree of difficulty.
  • Community: Memrise has a sizable and lively user base that can support and encourage one another while learning.


  • Can be Expensive: Memrise has a free version, but the subscription version has more features, including no commercials and unrestricted access to all courses.
  • Not suitable for advanced learners: Memrise is not suitable for advanced learners because it is largely a vocabulary learning tool and they need to master more complicated grammar and sentence structures.
  • Might be repetitive: Memorise’s exercises might become boring after a while, which may make learning boring for certain users.
  • Not as effective for learning to speak and write: Memrise primarily focuses on vocabulary study, which makes it less effective for developing foreign language speaking and writing skills.

Overall, Memrise is a great tool for acquiring new words and phrases. It is efficient, interesting, and tailored. It is crucial to be aware of its limitations because it is not appropriate for all types of learners.

Here are some further suggestions for making the most of Memrise:

  • Set realistic goals: Set reasonable expectations and avoid attempting to learn too much too soon. Set a modest target at first, like learning 10 new words each week.
  • Be consistent: To learn a new language, it’s crucial to maintain a consistent effort. Every day, make an effort to expand your vocabulary.
  • Use the spaced repetition feature: Memrise’s spaced repetition feature will help you remember new words and phrases over time.
  • Take breaks: avoid trying to study for long periods of time. In order to prevent becoming drowsy or overwhelmed, take breaks every 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Have fun: Learning a language ought to be enjoyable. You’re less inclined to persevere if you’re not having fun.

How much does Memrise Cost? Free vs. Paid

There are free and paid versions of Memrise available. The premium edition offers more features and advantages whereas the free version has fewer features.

Comparison Between Free vs. Paid Plan:

Free Version

Paid Version

Free$8.49 per month or $59.99 annually
Up to five languagesUnlimited access to all language
Get an access to 200+ coursesUnlimited access to all courses
Use the spaced repetition algorithmOffline learning
Attempt practice testsNo advertisements
Become a member of the Memrise communityIndividualized lesson plans
Limited accessLifetime Memrise Plan

Note: A lifetime subscription to Memrise is also available for 119.99 $.

All the features of the premium plan are present in this plan, plus:

  • Access to Memrise for a lifetime
  • No recurring or yearly fees
  • Discounts on products from Memrise

Which Plan is Right for You?

What’s best for you depends on your needs and how much money you have. The free plan is an excellent choice if you are just getting started with Memrise and want to give it a try. The premium membership is preferable if you are serious about learning a new language and want to get the most out of Memrise.

Paid Plan of Memrise Application:


Free Plan

Premium Plan

Lifetime Plan

Number of Languages

Up to 5UnlimitedUnlimited

Number of Courses


Spaced Repetition Algorithm


Practice Quizzes


Memrise Community


Offline Learning




Personalized Learning Plans


Priority Support


Monthly or Annual Fees


My Personal Memrise Review

I have been using Memrise to learn English for approximately six months now. I currently use the free version, but I am thinking about switching to the premium one. Memrise has shown to be a highly useful tool for language learning.

I enjoy how it employs spaced repetition to make new words and phrases easier for me to remember. I really appreciate the range of activities that are offered since it keeps me interested and inspired.

Since I started using Memrise, my English abilities have gotten a little better. When I talk with native speakers, I am able to retain more words and phrases and understand more.

Here are some benefits and drawbacks of Memrise that I have personally discovered:


  • Effective: Memrise employs spaced repetition, a learning strategy that has been found to be more successful than more conventional approaches like flashcards.
  • Engaging: Memrise offers a variety of activities, including games, quizzes, and challenges, to keep users interested.
  • Affordability: Memrise has a free edition and a reasonably priced subscription plan.
  • Community: Memrise has a sizable and lively user base that can support and encourage one another while learning.


  • Might be repetitive: Memrise’s exercise might become monotonous after a while, which may make learning boring for certain users.
  • Not as effective for learning to speak and write: Memrise is mainly for learning vocabulary, so it’s not as helpful for learning to speak and write in a foreign language.

Finding the appropriate courses might be challenging. Memrise has a big library of courses, but it can be challenging to discover the one that best suits your needs.


Memrise has been a good experience for me. It is, in my opinion, a fantastic tool for anyone looking to learn a new language. I suggest giving Memrise a try if you are serious about learning a new language.

By following advice will help you make the most of Memrise:

  • Set reasonable expectations and avoid attempting to learn too much too soon. Set a modest target at first, like learning 10 new words each week.
  • Be dependable: Consistency is the key to learning a new language. Every day, Make an effort to expand your vocabulary.
  • User Memrise’s spaced repetition function to your advantage to improve your ability to remember new words and phrases over time.
  • Take breaks: avoid trying to study for long periods of time. In order to prevent becoming drowsy or overwhelmed, take breaks every 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Have fun: Learning a language ought to be enjoyable. You’re less inclined to persevere if you’re not having fun.

Memrise can, in my opinion, occasionally get repetitious. The activities should be more varied, in my opinion. Memrise, in my opinion, might be more useful for learning how to speak and write a foreign language. There are several courses that concentrate on this, but I believe there is room for expansion.

Memrise is a fantastic resource for learning a new language, in my opinion. It’s efficient, interesting, and reasonably priced. In my view, anyone who is committed to learning a new language should give it a go.

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