
The British Council’s Learn English Grammar Review: It’s History, Founder, and Pros & Cons

The British Council’s Learn English Grammar is an accessible online resource for English language learners. It addresses a broad spectrum of grammar subjects, providing lucid explanations, illustrative instances, and exercises for practice. The platform is flexible and suitable for both beginners and those looking to improve their grammar skills, offering a structured approach to learning. In this blog, we will discuss The British Council’s Learn English Grammar review, its history, founder, pricing, and Pros & cons.

What is The British Council’s Learn English Grammar Review?

The British Council’s Learn English Grammar is a well-known organization with a mission to promote English language proficiency and British cultural understanding. For English language learners, they provide a range of materials, including the Learn English Grammar website.

The website Learn English Grammar is a comprehensive resource that covers all aspects of English grammar. The lectures are brief and easy to understand, with interactive exercises and tests. A grammatical reference portion of the website also offers more thorough explanations of grammar ideas.

The Learn English Grammar website is an excellent resource for students of all levels. It is extremely helpful for students who want to comprehend English grammar better.

The British Council’s Learn English Grammar Website has the following features:

  • Simple and direct lessons: Lessons are written straightforwardly and understandably, making them simple.
  • Practice regularly: The courses are supported by interactive tasks and quizzes that allow students to put what they have learned into practice.
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes: There is a section on the website devoted to grammar that offers more thorough explanations of certain grammatical principles.

History of The British Council’s Learn English Grammar

The British Council helps people learn and promotes cultural understanding worldwide. It has been helping people learn English for over 70 years. In 2001, the British Council introduced its Learn English Grammar website, which has subsequently gained immense popularity as a top online destination for English grammar learning.

The Learn English Grammar website is divided into two main sections: A1-A2 grammar and B1-B2 grammar. Each section covers a range of grammar topics, from basic sentence structure to more complex concepts such as relative clauses and modal verbs. The lessons are clear and concise, and they are accompanied by interactive exercises that allow learners to test their understanding. There is also a grammar reference section that provides more detailed information on each topic.

The Learn English Grammar website has been updated several times over the years, and it is now available in over 40 languages. It has been used by millions of people around the world, and it is consistently ranked as one of the best online resources for learning English grammar.

Here is Hello English Language Learning Success Story:

1. The Early Years

The Learn English Grammar website was first launched in 2001. At the time, it was one of the few online resources available for learners of English grammar. The resource was developed by a team of experienced language teachers and was based on the Council’s own teaching materials.

The initial version of the resource was relatively simple, but it quickly became popular with learners around the world. In 2003, the resource was updated with new content and features.

2. The Growth of the Application

In the years since its launch, The British Council’s Learn English Grammar has grown significantly. The application now covers a wide range of grammar topics and is available in over 40 languages.

The application has also been updated with new features, such as video lessons and interactive exercises. In 2018, the application was redesigned to make it more user-friendly.

3. The Future of the Application

The British Council’s Learn English Grammar is constantly being updated with new content and features. The application is also being made available on more devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

The Council is committed to providing learners with the best possible resources for learning English grammar. The British Council’s Learn English Grammar is a valuable resource that will continue to help learners improve their grammar skills for many years to come. 

How does The British Council’s Learn English Grammar Work?

You can enhance your English grammar skills using the British Council’s Learn English Grammar, a freely accessible online tool. It is designed for learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced learners.

The site is categorized into two primary segments:

  • Grammar reference: This section provides clear and concise explanations of grammar rules, with examples.
  • Grammar practice: This section offers a variety of practice exercises to help you test your understanding of the grammar rules.

The grammar reference section is a good place to start if you’re new to English grammar or if you want to brush up on your knowledge. The explanations are easy to understand, and the examples are helpful.

The grammar practice section is a great way to get hands-on practice with the grammar rules. The exercises are graded by difficulty, so you can find appropriate ones for your level.

In addition to the grammar reference and practice sections, the Learn English Grammar website also offers a variety of other resources, including:

  • Grammar tips: These short articles provide helpful advice on how to use grammar correctly.
  • Grammar quizzes: These quizzes can help you test your knowledge of grammar rules.
  • Grammar blog: This blog features articles on a variety of grammar-related topics.

To use the Learn English Grammar website, select the grammar topic you want to learn about. The grammar reference section will provide you with an explanation of the grammar rule, along with examples. You can then practice your understanding of the rule by doing the grammar practice exercises.

If you get stuck, you can always ask for help from the grammar tips or quizzes. If you want to learn more about a particular grammar topic, you can check out the grammar blog. The Learn English Grammar website is a comprehensive resource that can help you improve your English grammar skills. With regular practice, you’ll be using English grammar like a native speaker in no time!

Who is the Target Audience of The British Council’s Learn English Grammar?

The British Council’s Learn English Grammar is a free online resource that can help learners of all levels improve their English grammar skills. The website is designed for learners of all ages and from all walks of life.

Some of the specific target audiences for the Learn English Grammar website include:

  • Students: Students of all levels can use the Learn English Grammar website to improve their grammar skills. The website can be used as a supplement to classroom learning or as a way to self-study.
  • Professionals: Professionals who need to use English in their work can also benefit from the Learn English Grammar website. The platform can assist them in enhancing their grammar proficiency, enabling them to communicate efficiently in English.
  • Immigrants: Immigrants who are learning English can use the Learn English Grammar website to improve their grammar skills. The website can help them understand English grammar rules so they can communicate more effectively in their new country.
  • Travellers: Travelers planning to visit an English-speaking country can use the Learn English Grammar website to prepare for their trip. The website can help them learn the basics of English grammar so that they can communicate effectively while they are travelling.
  • Those who want to improve their English grammar skills should: The Learn English Grammar website is an invaluable tool for individuals seeking to enhance their English grammar proficiency. Whether you are a student, a professional, an immigrant, or a traveller, the Learn English Grammar website can help you become a more proficient English speaker.

The Learn English Grammar website is a comprehensive resource that can help learners of all levels improve their English grammar skills. Due to its lucid explanations, useful illustrations, and interactive exercises, the Learn English Grammar website is a valuable asset for individuals looking to enhance their English skills.

Courses Available on The British Council’s Learn English Grammar Work?

  1. Grammar Basics: Start your English grammar journey with the fundamentals. This course covers topics such as verb tenses, articles, and sentence structure. It’s perfect for beginners or those looking to reinforce their foundational knowledge.
  2. Intermediate Grammar: Building on the basics, this course delves deeper into intermediate-level grammar concepts. Expect to explore more complex sentence structures, advanced verb forms, and nuanced usage of articles and prepositions.
  3. Advanced Grammar: For those aiming for fluency and mastery, the advanced grammar course is a treasure trove. Dive into the intricacies of English grammar, including conditional sentences, reported speech, and complex clauses.
  4. Business English Grammar: Tailored for professionals, this course focuses on grammar in business contexts. You’ll learn to craft professional emails, reports, and presentations with precision and clarity.
  5. Academic English Grammar: Students pursuing higher education or preparing for English proficiency exams will find this course invaluable. It covers the grammar required for academic writing and research.
  6. Exam Preparation: If you’re gearing up for English language proficiency exams like TOEFL or IELTS, this course is your ally. It provides targeted grammar practice and tips for acing these assessments.
  7. Specialized Grammar Topics: The British Council’s platform also offers courses on specific grammar topics, such as punctuation, modal verbs, and passive voice. These modules allow learners to hone in on particular areas of interest or challenge.
  8. English for Specific Purposes: Whether you’re in the medical field, engineering, or any specialized profession, there are courses tailored to your needs. Learn the grammar relevant to your field for effective communication.
  9. Vocabulary and Grammar Integration: Understanding grammar in context is crucial. Courses on integrating vocabulary and grammar help learners use words effectively in sentences and paragraphs.
  10. English Grammar for Kids: The British Council hasn’t forgotten the younger learners. Courses designed for children make grammar learning fun and engaging, setting a strong foundation for their language skills.
  11. Self-Paced Learning: Additionally, the platform offers opportunities for individuals to choose their learning journey and progress at their own speed.

Which Language can you Learn with The British Council’s Learn English Grammar?

You can only learn English grammar with The British Council’s Learn English Grammar. The website is designed to help learners of all levels improve their English grammar skills. It is not designed to teach other languages. However, the website is available in a variety of languages, so learners of all native languages can use it.

The website is currently available in English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, and Arabic. If you are interested in learning another language, many other resources are available online and in libraries like Duolingo, Langster, Bussu, Memrise, Hello English, Beelinguapp, and many other websites are available.

Types of Activities The British Council’s Learn English Grammar Offers

The British Council’s Learn English Grammar platform provides a variety of exercises to engage learners and assist them in efficiently mastering English grammar.

Here are some of the activities available on this platform:

  • Interactive Quizzes: Take quizzes that will test your knowledge of grammatical rules. These quizzes provide rapid feedback, allowing you to reinforce your understanding.
  • Grammar courses: Gain access to structured grammar courses that cover a wide range of topics, from fundamental to advanced grammatical ideas. Explanations and examples accompany these lectures.
  • Grammar Challenges: Participate in grammar challenges that promote critical thinking and the application of grammar rules in real-world situations.
  • Exercises in Listening: Improve your listening abilities while focusing on grammar. Listen to audio snippets or recordings with grammatical exercises attached.
  • Reading Comprehension: Improve your reading comprehension skills by reading texts with grammar challenges. This assists you in understanding grammar in context.
  • Writing Assignments or Tasks: Exercise your grammar skills by completing assignments or tasks that demand you to use grammatical rules in your compositions.
  • Vocabulary Integration: Explore activities that mix vocabulary and grammar to ensure you can utilize words properly
  • Role-playing: Participate in interactive role-playing activities that include chats and dialogues, allowing you to apply grammatical principles in real-life circumstances.
  • Error Correction: Improve your proofreading and editing abilities by identifying and correcting grammar errors in sentences or paragraphs.
  • Speaking Exercises: Participate in exercises focusing on precise pronunciation and grammatical usage to improve your spoken English.
  • Fill-ups: Fill in the blanks with the correct grammar elements, such as verb forms, articles, or prepositions.
  • Interacting Games: Grammar may be learned in a fun and engaging way by playing interactive games that test your grammar skills.
  • Tracking Progress: Keep track of your progress with numerous tracking activities and evaluations that help you set objectives and measure your success.
  • Self-Assessment Tests: Use self-assessment tests to determine your skill level in various grammatical areas and discover places that may need further attention.
  • Community Engagement: Join online forums or communities to connect with other learners, share experiences, and get professional advice.

Advantages and Disadvantages of The British Council’s Learn English Grammar


  • Quality Content: The British Council is a recognized organization known for producing high-quality language teaching products. Their grammar courses have been thoroughly researched and designed by subject matter specialists.
  • Organized Learning: These courses frequently adhere to an organized curriculum, which benefits students by providing a clear path for graduating from fundamental to intermediate grammar principles.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: They often cover a wide range of grammar issues, ensuring that students obtain a solid understanding of English grammar, from fundamental rules to more sophisticated notions.
  • Cultural Context: The British Council’s courses frequently contain cultural context, which helps learners comprehend how grammar is employed in real-life circumstances, which is especially useful for people wishing to use English in a variety of contexts.
  • Interactive Resources: The British Council provides a number of interactive activities, such as quizzes, exercises, and multimedia content, to make learning more engaging and successful.
  • Certification: Some of their courses include certification upon completion, which can be valuable for students looking to demonstrate their English grammatical competency for academic or professional objectives.
  • Instructors with Experience: When live instructors are used, they are often well-trained and experienced, giving learners with useful insights and guidance.
  • Flexibility: The British Council frequently gives course format flexibility, including online and in-person choices, allowing learners to pick what works best for them.
  • Global Reach: Because the British Council is a well-known international organization, its grammar classes are available to learners worldwide, making them a convenient choice for many.
  • Continuous Improvement: The British Council regularly updates its materials and courses to reflect changing language trends and teaching approaches, ensuring learners can access the most up-to-date information.


  • Cost: Courses given by the British Council can be somewhat expensive, which may be an issue for students on a tight budget.
  • Limited Availability: Access to British Council courses may be limited in some regions, making enrollment in their programs challenging for learners in rural areas.
  • Rigid Schedule: Some British Council courses may have fixed schedules, which may be difficult for people who have hectic or irregular schedules.
  • High Demand: British Council courses might be in high demand, resulting in restricted supply and lengthy waiting lists.
  • Language of Instruction: While English is the major language of instruction, learners who are not fluent in English may struggle to keep up with the course content.
  • One-Size-Fits-All: Because the courses frequently follow a predetermined curriculum, they may not accommodate individual learning requirements and preferences.
  • Limited Personal Interaction: Personal engagement with professors may be limited in online courses, resulting in less personalized feedback and advice.
  • Cultural Focus: Courses with a strong British cultural focus may not mesh with the individual requirements or interests of learners from varied backgrounds.
  • Alternative Grammar classes: With the expansion of online education platforms, students may be able to locate alternative grammar classes that are less expensive or more customized to their personal aims.
  • Resources: Some students may not have access to the technology or internet connectivity required for online British Council courses.
  • Certification Fees: While certification can be beneficial, some students might consider the cost of certification tests a detriment.

How much does The British Council’s of Learn English Grammar Cost?

The price of British Council’s Learn English Grammar courses can change based on different things like which course you pick, how you learn (online or in-person), and where you live. Sometimes, the British Council provides free stuff, but some courses might cost money.

British Council offers courses in three categories:

  • Silver: The silver category costs 108$ per month, and you get 5 class credits.
  • Gold: The next one is Gold category membership, which costs around 159$ per month. In this, you get 10 credits, private and group classes, and 4 live 25 sessions per month.
  • Platinum: The last category is the Platinum category, which costs around 217$ dollars per month, and in this, you get 15 class credits. They provide premium business-class English and other features included in the silver or gold category.

You can choose a monthly subscription plan that suits you the most according to your budget and lifestyle and use your credits to book private and group classes.

Live online classes:

  • Group classes: 55 min / 1 credit
  • Private classes: 25 min / 2 credits

You can pay anytime and start learning instantly and also you can cancel any whenever you want.

My Personal the British Council’s Learn English Grammar Review

Learning English grammar has always been a priority for me as a non-native English speaker. In my quest to improve my language skills, I embarked on a one-year journey using the British Council’s Learn English Grammar app. The British Council’s Learn English Grammar review shares my personal experience, insights, and thoughts on this educational tool.

Navigating through the app is straightforward, making it accessible even for beginners. The well-organized menu and clear instructions helped me quickly find the grammar topics I wanted to study. The app offers a wide range of grammar topics, from basic to advanced concepts. This diversity ensures that learners of all levels can find relevant material to study. However, I occasionally wished for more in-depth explanations on certain complex topics.

The interactive exercises are undoubtedly the app’s standout feature. They provide a hands-on approach to learning grammar, allowing me to practice what I’ve learned immediately. The instant feedback on exercises helped me identify and correct my mistakes, which was invaluable for my progress.

While the app is fantastic for grammar exercises, it lacks cultural context. Understanding how grammar is used in real-life situations can be crucial, especially for non-native speakers. Incorporating more cultural insights could enhance the learning experience.

Overall, My one-year journey with the British Council’s Learn English Grammar app has been a positive experience. The interactive exercises, ease of use, and variety of content have significantly improved my grammar skills. However, I believe that further cultural context and personalized study plans could make it even more effective.

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