
Letter/Application to Postmaster for Irregular Delivery of Letters

Hello, readers today we are going to learn How to Write a  Letter regarding Complaints about irregular delivery of letters. I receive my letters late. This causes a great loos to my business.

Question: Write a letter to the Postmaster General Office, Lucknow, complaining of the late delivery of letters. You are Murali/Mohini of Aminabad, Lucknow.


50, Banjara Hills,
Hyderabad – 15,
10th March, 200…

The Postmaster,
Banjara Hills P.O,
Hyderabad – 15.

Subject: Irregular delivery of letters.


I am sorry to say that the postman of our beat Mr. Lal Chand is not discharging his duty properly. He does not put my letter into the letter-box installed at the gate. He just throws them near the front gate of the house. Sometimes he hands over the letter to the children playing in the street and they are lost forever. On the worse of it his visits are far and few between. Thus many times I receive my letters very late. Several times people could not reach well in time to join the work or interview calls due to negligence on the part of the postman.

Only last week I gathered a letter addressed to me from the lawn of my neighbor. It is his usual practice to deliver the letters a day or two after their receipt. This causes a great loos to my business. I have often requested to look into the matter and instruct him to be careful towards his duties.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

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