
Letter on Frequently Power or Electricity Failure

Hello friends, we are going to describe how to write a Complaining Letter/Application on frequent power/electricity failure in Ashok Nagar for class 5,6,7,8,9,10.

Question: You are the Secretary, Ashok Nagar Welfare Society, Kanpur. Write a letter/Application to the Chairman, Kanpur Electricity Supply Undertaken complaining about frequent power failures in your area and the difficulties experienced by the residents. Sign yourself as Reena Mittal.


Ashok Nagar Welfare Society, Kanpur
1st April, 200…
The Chairman
Kanpur Electricity Supply Undertaking

Subject: Frequently Power/Electricity Failure in Ashok Nagar.

Respected Sir,

I wish to draw your kind attention. Towards the frequent power failure in our area. The power supply in Ashok Nagar is erratic. There are frequent breakdowns. The supply abruptly stops. The entire area plunged into darkness. The power supply resumed. After half an hour or so on. The residents have a sigh of relief that is short-lived. The supply stops once again. This goes on till midnight.

The residents are put to a lot of inconveniences. Because of frequent breakdowns of power supply. The students, who are preparing for their final examination are the worst suffers.

This frequent breakdown gives a sample opportunity to the robbers. Even the shopkeepers are unable to shutter their shops. Officers of the concerned area requested many times. But they pay a deaf ear to the request of the citizens.

You are requested to take the necessary steps to ensure regular supply of electricity in our area.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Reena Mittal

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Letter on Power or Electricity Failure PDF Download

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Letter on Frequently Power or Electricity Failure Letter on Frequently Power or Electricity Failure (1049 downloads )

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