
Interjection for class 3

Definition of Interjection: An interjection is a word that expresses something in an exclamatory manner, especially a sudden emotion such as excitement, dismay, surprise, enthusiasm, etc. for example-Hurrah!, Alas!, Bravo!, Oh God!, wow! oh, ouch! etc.

Interjection for Class 3 Examples

Here are some examples of using these words in a sentence given below:

1. Hurrah! – Hurrah!” is used to express sudden excitement, happiness, and approval.


  1. Hurrah! I got the job there.
  2. Hurrah! We won the competition.
  3. Hurrah! I have passed my test.
  4. Hurrah! You achieved this.
  5. Hurrah! We got the reward.

2. Alas! – Alas!” is used to express sorrow and pain.


  1. Alas! He met with an accident suddenly.
  2. Alas! I lost my watch yesterday.
  3. Alas! we could not save him from drowning.
  4. Alas! He died of cancer.
  5. Alas! She is admitted to the hospital.

3. Bravo! – Bravo” is used to show that you appreciate or admire what someone has done.


  1. Bravo! He has taken a wicket.
  2. Bravo! She has stood first in the class.
  3. Bravo! You won the competition.
  4. Bravo! You grabbed the opportunity.
  5. Bravo! He achieved the first prize.

4. Wow! – Wow” is used to express that someone is surprised or impressed with something or someone.


  1. Wow! What a beautiful gift!
  2. Wow! That’s great!
  3. Wow!What a luxury car!
  4. Wow! This is amazing!
  5. Wow! What a pleasant surprise!

5. Oh, God! – Oh, God!” is used to show that you are surprised, angry, sorrow, and shocked about something and someone.


  1. Oh, God! We have missed the train.
  2. Oh, God! She got the highest marks in school.
  3. Oh, God! You made her angry without any reason.
  4. Oh, God! India lost the match in the final.
  5. Oh, God! I could not save him from drowning.

Interjection Worksheet for Class 3 

Here we have three worksheets, two worksheets with fill-in-the-blank, and one MCQ.

Exercise – 1

Fill in the blanks with suitable interjections ( Alas, Hurrah, Wow, Bravo) given below in the bracket:

  1. ______ We won the final match.
  2. ______ I got first prize in the competition.
  3. ______ She failed her exams this year.
  4. ______ What a great idea!
  5. ______ You achieved it yourself.
  6. ______ What great content!
  7. ______ We reached our target.
  8. ______ You did a great job.
  9. ______ Many poor people died of hunger in lockdown.
  10. ______ You are so beautiful.


  1. Hurrah!
  2. Hurrah!
  3. Alas!
  4. Wow!
  5. Bravo!
  6. Wow!
  7. Hurrah!
  8. Bravo!
  9. Alas!
  10. Wow!

Exercise – 2

Choose the correct interjection from the bracket given below:

  1. _______(Hurrah/alas) I won the singing competition.
  2. _______ (Alas/oh) I forget to carry my bag.
  3. _______ (Well done/bravo) Your answer is correct.
  4. _______ (Alas/oh) He lost his brother in a car accident.
  5. _______ (hello/hurrah)  I got the government job.
  6. _______ ( Oh/hello) I am a new employee in this office.
  7. _______ (Bravo/alas) You are the winner.
  8. _______ (Hurrah/oh god) we achieved our target.
  9. _______ (Alas/oh) She is admitted to a hospital.
  10. _______ (Hurrah/Alas) You reached your destination.


  1. Hurrah!
  2. Oh1
  3. Well done!
  4. Alas!
  5. Hurrah!
  6. Hello!
  7. Bravo!
  8. Hurrah!
  9. Alas!
  10. Hurrah!

Exercise – 3

Choose the correct option.

1. _______  He got first prize in sports.

a.  Alas!

b. Bravo!

c. Hurrah!

2. ______   She passed an interview.

a. Hurrah!

b. Alas!

c. Bravo!

3.  _______ What a wonderful day.

a. Wow!

b. Bravo!

c. Alas!

4. _______  she is falling sick day by day.

a. Bravo!

b. Wow!

c. Alas!

5. _______ What a beautiful dress!

a. Alas!

b. Hurrah!

c. Wow!

6. _______ I forgot to carry my purse.

a. Alas!

b. Bravo!

c. Oh!

7. _______ He lost his book in school.

a.  Bravo!

b. Alas!

c. Wow!

8. _______  She had fallen down the stairs.

a. Bravo!

b. Alas!

c. Wow!

9. ______  We are going to visit a zoo.

a. Hurrah!

b. Alas!

c. Bravo!

10. ________  He is going to a movie today.

a. Alas!

b. Hurrah!

c. Bravo!


  1. Hurrah!
  2. Bravo!
  3. Wow!
  4. Alas!
  5. Wow!
  6. Oh!
  7. Bravo!
  8. Alas!
  9. Hurrah!
  10. Bravo!


Interjection for class 3 Interjection-for-class-3 (694 downloads )

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