
Hello English Review: Its History, Founder, and Pros & Cons

Hello English is a versatile language-learning app that opens the doors to English proficiency. It is an effective tool for anyone trying to improve their English because it has millions of users worldwide. Learning is made engaging and successful via interactive teaching, visual and aural learning, individualized education, gamified challenges, and progress tracking. Regardless of your proficiency level, Hello English adjusts to your level and pace. Start learning English today to open up a world of opportunity.

What is Hello English?

Hello English is a versatile and popular language-learning program that enables students all around the world to grasp the English language. It has firmly established itself as a leading tool for individuals pursuing English proficiency, with millions of users.

The success of this program can be defined by its extensive range of features, which are designed to make learning entertaining and effective. Interactive lessons engage students in meaningful ways, and the incorporation of visual aids and audio recordings accommodates a variety of learning methods. Hello English adapts to your level and speed, providing a tailored learning experience that keeps you challenged but never overwhelmed.

Quizzes and challenges, for example, turn the learning process into an entertaining experience that keeps you engaged. You may see how your language abilities grow over time by recording your progress.

Hello English is your dedicated partner on the way to language learning, whether you’re a beginner or striving to proficiency. Join the millions of learners worldwide and discover a world of possibilities with Hello English.

History of Hello English Application?

Nishant Patni started Hello English in 2014. Nishant’s goal was to develop an application that would bridge the gap between English learners and the language itself. Recognizing the global demand for English proficiency as well as the limits of traditional language learning methods, he set out to create a tool that would make English learning more accessible, entertaining, and effective.

Here is Hello English Language Learning Success Story:

1. The Early Days of Hello English Application

Hello English’s early editions focused on offering basic language lessons and vocabulary-building exercises. Its user-friendly interface and engaging classes immediately gained popularity with students in India, where English fluency is highly valued for school and work possibilities.

2. Expansion and Innovation

As Hello English grew in popularity, the development team worked to improve and enhance the app’s capabilities. Gamification components, quizzes, and challenges were introduced to make learning more enjoyable. The use of visual aids, audio recordings, and real-life interactions enhanced the learning experience.

3. Going Global

The success of Hello English went beyond India, and the app’s user base began to expand abroad. It quickly became a go-to resource for people all around the world looking to improve their English language skills. Because of its global reach, the development team decided to offer classes in multiple accents and dialects, making the app appropriate to many English-speaking countries.

4. Recognition and Awards

Hello English got recognized for its unique way of helping people learn languages. It received many awards over the years that praised its creative teaching methods. These awards made it well-known as a top choice in the market.

5. A Remarkable Language Learning Experience

Hello English’s history demonstrates the power of innovation in language acquisition. What began as a concept to make language study more accessible has grown into a global phenomenon that enables people to realize their full potential via English mastery.

As Hello English evolves and adapts to the ever-changing landscape of language education, it remains a source of inspiration for language learners all around the world, paving the path for a brighter, more connected future.

Who are the Founders of Hello English Application?

Nishant Patni and Pranshu Patni, a husband and wife team with backgrounds in business and education, launched Hello English. While Pranshu graduated from NMIMS, Nishant attended Kellogg School of Management and IIT Bombay.

Nishant got the concept for Hello English while he was studying business in the US and had to travel to China for a while. He wanted to Study Mandarin but was discouraged by the dearth of useful learning materials.

A comprehensive and interesting English Learning program that would be available to people everywhere was needed, Nishant and Pranshu realized. With the goal of improving both the enjoyment and efficiency of English learning, they founded Hello English in 2014.

Since then, Hello English has expanded to rank among the top apps for learning English worldwide. More than 100 million individuals in more than 200 countries have downloaded it. Users of the program can learn English using a number of features, such as interactive courses, games, quizzes, and a community forum.

Pranshu and Nishant are enthusiastic about utilizing technology to enhance education. They think that Hello English can assist people in learning English and achieving their objectives all over the world.

Additional information about the creators of Hello English is provided below:

  • Nishant Patni: Nishant Patni is the CEO of Hello English. He is in charge of the company’s general strategy as well as the creation of new goods and services.
  • Pranshu Patni: Pranshu Patni is the COO of Hello English. She is in charge of the company’s daily operations as well as its marketing and sales initiatives.
  • Patnis: Both of the Patnis are involved in charitable work. They have made contributions to a number of charities and organizations related to education.

How does the Hello English App Work?

Hello English is a language-learning app that guides users via interactive lectures, games, and quizzes to help them learn English. It provides a spectrum of courses from beginning to advanced, covering themes such as grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

Hello English employs a number of learning techniques, such as spaced repetition, gamification, and personalized learning. It also features a vast and active user community that may assist one another in learning and staying motivated.

How to Use Hello English?

To being using Hello English, you must first register an account. After creating an account, you can browse the courses and select the ones that are right for you. Each course is broken down into lessons, each lesson consists of a series of activities. Hello English exercises are intended to be participatory and interesting.

They employ a range of approaches to assist you in learning, including:

  • Matching: You are given two words or sentences and instructed to pair them.
  • Fill in the blank: You are given a sentence with a blank and must fill it in with the appropriate word or phrase.
  • Translation: You are given a sentence in one language and are expected to translate it into another.
  • Listening: You are given a recording of a statement and must write down what you hear.
  • Speaking: You are given a sentence and must record yourself speaking it.

Hello English employs gamification to make learning more enjoyable and rewarding. You gain points and badges as you advance through the lessons. On leaderboards. you can also compete with other users.

Who is the Target Audience of Hello English?

The Hello English app’s target market is wide and includes:

  • Beginners: People who are studying English for the first time and require a structured and user-friendly platform.
  • Intermediate Learners: People who want to improve their English proficiency and move forward at their own speed with a variety of themes and linguistic abilities.
  • Advanced Learners: Individuals with a solid command of English who want to improve their abilities, achieve fluency, and gain access to challenging sessions and topics are considered advanced learners.
  • Non-Native English Speakers: Individuals from all over the world who desire to develop their English language abilities for a variety of reasons, including academic growth and professional advancement.
  • Students: Those getting ready to take English language tests like TOEFL or IELTS and taking advantage of the app’s structured curriculum, thorough lectures, and exam-specific practice.
  • Professionals: Those wishing to improve their English language skills for use in international job markets and professional settings in order to advance their career chances.
  • Travel Enthusiasts: Visitors who wish to improve their interactions with locals, make hotel reservations, and learn how to deal with numerous cultural quirks in English-speaking nations.
  • Language Enthusiasts: People who are passionate about learning and who find the app fun and interesting thanks to its interactive features, gamified challenges, and interesting content are called language enthusiasts.
  • Children and Young Learners: Hello English is appropriate for children and young learners who want to begin their language adventure early since it includes kid-friendly content and lessons
  • Adult learners: Hello English is a flexible tool for language study and skill improvement for adults who are returning to school or pursuing personal development.

In essence, Hello English appeals to all kinds of people with various language learning objectives and beginning places.

Courses Available on Hello English?

A wide range of courses are available, from Hello English, that cover everything from vocabulary and grammar to pronunciation and listening comprehension.

Here are some of Hello English’s most well-liked courses:

  • English Grammar: The fundamentals of English grammar are covered in this course, including punctuation, conjunctions, prepositions, adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns.
  • English Vocabulary: This course aids in your acquisition of new vocabulary. It provides a range of exercises, including games, quizzes, and flashcards.
  • English Pronunciation: This lesson will help you pronounce words more clearly in English. It features exercises to help you practice as well as audio recordings of native speakers.
  • English Listening Comprehension: This course aids in the improvement of your comprehension of spoken English. Conversations and stories are captured on audio in it.
  • English Speaking: This course will help you become more efficient and certain in your use of the English language. It has exercises that will give you practice in conversing with native speakers.
  • English For Business: Learn the English you need to excel in the job with the help of this course on English for Business. It covers things like composing emails, delivering presentations, and haggling.
  • English for Travel: This course will teach you the English language skills necessary for international travel. It covers issues like placing food orders, moving around town, and requesting directions.
  • English for Immigrants and Refugees: Learn the English you need to integrate into a new nation in this course on English for Immigrants and Refugees. It covers issues like routine discussions, red tape in government, and getting a job.

Hello English provides a wide range of additional features in addition to these courses, including:

  • Live lessons: To receive individualized feedback and practice, you can enroll in live lessons taught by native English speakers.
  • Challenges: By taking part in challenges, you can compete with other students and win prizes.
  • Games: Playing games is a fun and interesting method to learn English.
  • Community: You may get support and connect with other students by joining the Hello English community. You can develop your English Skills with a course from Hello English, regardless of your level of proficiency.

Hello English is a complete resource for everyone who wants to learn English thanks to its selection of courses, features, and activities.

Additional advice for picking the best course on Hello English is provided below:

  • Consider your level of English proficiency: From beginning to advanced English learners, there are classes easily available.
  • Examine your objectives: What are your goals in studying English? There are classes that concentrate on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, speaking, business English, listening comprehension, and speaking.
  • Pick a course that appeals to you: You are less inclined to preserve if the subject matter is uninteresting.  Try it out without cost. You may test out the majority of the courses on Hello English for free before enrolling in them.

You may select the best course on Hello English to assist you in achieving your English learning objectives with a little advance planning.

The Language You Can Learn from Hello English

Hello, English is a multilingual language. It aims to open up language learning to speakers of different tongues, allowing them to study English and discover other languages. Hello English warmly welcomes you to a world of linguistic inquiry and progress, regardless of whether you are just beginning your English language adventure or looking to improve your proficiency in your native tongue.

Hello English is an English language-learning application that also offers courses in other languages.

Here are the languages that you can learn from Hello English:

  • English: Of course, English is the main language available on Hello English. It’s an excellent platform for mastering this global language, as it provides comprehensive courses suitable for learners at every level, from complete novices to advanced
  • Hindi: Given its Indian origins, Hello English also provides classes for Hindi speakers. It helps Hindi speakers become more fluent in English, facilitating improved interactions and opportunities.
  • Bengali: Hello English serves as a gateway for Bengali speakers interested in learning English. Bengali learners can efficiently improve their English skills with the help of the app’s lessons.
  • Indonesian: Indonesian speakers are also taken care of by Hello English. It provides lessons designed to meet Indonesian students’ objectives and particular language demands.
  • Filipino (Tagalog): To enhance their English language abilities, Filipino speakers might also look into Hello English’s courses. The application guarantees that Filipino students are given individualized teaching.
  • Thai: Thai speakers can now take advantage of Hello English’s expanded reach by improving their English skills through organized courses and engaging lessons.
  • Nepali: On Hello English, there are courses specifically designed for Nepali speakers who want to improve their English. These programs offer an organized way to learn a language.
  • Turkish: The language classes offered by Hello English are equally helpful for Turkish speakers. The app’s material is created to specifically address Turkish learners’ needs.
  • Punjabi: Hello English provides classes for Punjabi speakers who want to learn English and widen their horizons.
  • Arabic: While English is the main focus, Hello English also offers its services to Arabic speakers, allowing them to explore learning the English language thoroughly.
  • Spanish, French, and Other Languages: According to user demand and particular app versions, Hello English periodically offers courses in languages other than those mentioned above, such as Spanish or French.

Hello English also provides classes in additional languages, including French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Vietnamese, in addition to these.

Anyone aspiring to acquire a new language will discover Hello English as a valuable tool. Regardless of a learner’s age, degree of competence, or ambitions, the application offers a selection of courses to match those needs.

Types of Activities Hello English Offers

Hello English offers a variety of activities to enhance the language-learning experience.

These activities include:

  1. Interactive Lessons: Hello English provides structured lessons covering vocabulary, grammar, and language skills, ensuring a strong foundation.
  2. Quizzes and Challenges: Engaging quizzes and challenges test your knowledge and keep you motivated.
  3. Listening Exercises: Audio-based activities help improve your listening and comprehension skills.
  4. Speaking Practice: Hello English offers speaking exercises to practice pronunciation and conversational skills.
  5. Grammar Drills: Exercises that focus on grammar rules and usage.
  6. Vocabulary Building: Vocabulary exercises and word games expand your language repertoire.
  7. Daily Practice: Daily tasks and reminders encourage consistent learning.
  8. Real-Life Conversations: Authentic conversations and dialogues prepare you for real-world interactions.
  9. Accent Training: Specific courses and exercises to improve pronunciation and accents.
  10. Reading Comprehension: Activities that enhance reading skills and comprehension.
  11. Writing Practice: Exercises to refine your writing skills.
  12. Exam Preparation: Specialized courses and mock exams for language proficiency tests.

These activities cater to learners of all levels and ensure a well-rounded language-learning experience.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hello English Application

We’ll look at the benefits and drawbacks of Hello English to help you decide if it’s the ideal language-learning app for you.


  • Comprehensive Courses: Hello English provides structured and comprehensive courses for students of all levels, from beginning to advanced. As a result, it is an inclusive platform that can serve a diverse spectrum of learners.
  • Interactive Learning: The app’s interactive courses actively engage users, making learning entertaining and memorable. Learners are kept engaged with interactive activities, quizzes, and challenges.
  • Personalized Training: Hello English adapts to each student’s ability level and speed, resulting in personalized training. This ensures that learners receive content that is appropriate for their stage of development.
  • Multisensory Approach: To adapt to diverse learning styles, the app blends visual assistance, audio recordings, and real-life discussions, making it beneficial for a wide range of learners.
  • Gamification Aspects: Hello English uses gamification aspects to make learning more enjoyable and addicting. Quizzes, challenges, and prizes keep users interested and motivated to learn more.
  • Practical Language Skills: The app teaches important language skills, including talking, listening, reading, and writing, to help learners use the language in real life.
  • Exam Preparation: Hello English offers classes and mock exams for language proficiency tests such as the TOEFL and IELTS, which might be beneficial for students who want to excel in these exams.


  • Limited Language Options: As of my September 2021 update, Hello English was primarily focused on teaching English. While it has recently increased its offerings, it may not be the greatest option if you want to learn languages other than English.
  • Internet Dependency: The majority of Hello English’s functions are dependent on an internet connection. This could be a problem for customers with restricted or unreliable internet access.
  • In-App Ads: Some users may find the inclusion of in-app commercials distracting to their learning experience, mainly if they use the app’s free edition.
  • Cultural background: The app’s content may not always provide a rich cultural background of the language being taught, which might be critical for a whole language experience.
  • Competitive Market: Hello English is a language learning app that competes in a crowded market. Some people may discover options that better suit their learning styles.

Is Hello English a Good Fit for You?

Hello English provides numerous benefits, making it a helpful tool for language learners, particularly those focusing on English. However, before committing to this program, it is critical to understand its potential limits, such as language options and internet requirements. Finally, the language learning software you choose should be based on your unique goals, tastes, and the languages you want to learn. Exploring different apps and taking advantage of free trials will help you find the best fit for your language learning path.

How much does Hello English App Cost?

Hello English is an English language-learning app that is available for free on the App Store and Google Play. On the other hand, there exists a premium version with additional features and content. The premium version of Hello English costs $59.99 per year or $17.99 per month.

It includes the following features:

  • Unlimited access to all courses and activities
  • No ads
  • Personalized learning plan
  • Live classes with native speakers
  • Access to the Hello English community

If you are serious about learning English, the premium version of Hello English is a good investment. It offers more features and content that can help you improve your English skills more quickly and effectively.

However, if you are just starting out with English or are not sure if you are committed to learning it, the free version of Hello English is a good option. It offers a limited number of courses and activities, but it is a good way to get started with English learning.

Here is a table of the pricing plans for Hello English:

FreeFreeLimited access to courses and activities, ads
Premium$59.99/year or $17.99/monthUnlimited access to all courses and activities, no ads, personalized learning plan, live classes with native speakers, access to the Hello English community
Certified PlanContact Hello English for pricingAccess to all features of the premium plan, plus certified courses and assessments

I have been using the Hello English app to start on a journey to learn various languages for the past year. It’s been quite the trip; I wanted to express my ideas to you in straightforward terms. The language learning app Hello English is awesome. I have used it for a full year, and it’s simple to use. It’s wonderful that this software has something to offer everyone, whether you’re just starting out or have been learning for some time.

The app functions like a warm instructor. You get assistance with words, sentences, and language speaking. If you want to try out several languages, the variety of languages available to learn is fantastic. I particularly enjoy how the app adapts as you use it. It determines what you know and don’t know, so it never feels too difficult or too simple. There are entertaining activities and quizzes to keep you interested.

One of the nicest features is that it pays attention to you when you speak and trains you to say things correctly. It feels authentic because you can chat with individuals who can communicate in that language. Hello English is a great software for learning languages, in my opinion. It’s a fun and beneficial method to study, whether you’ve been doing it for seven months or a whole year like I have. Test it out!

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