
Formal and Informal invitations and replies

There are two types of letters of invitation:

  1. The format letter of invitation
  2. The ordinary letter of invitation.

Characteristics of the Formal letter of Invitation:

  1. It is written in the third person.
  2. There is no signature
  3. The address is written at the bottom of the invitation, and the date of writing is not given.
  4. The Simple Present Tense is used.
  5. The abbreviation R.S.V.P (meaning ‘please reply’) is put at the bottom.
  6. The layout of the letter is such that each of the following is in a separate line:
      • The name (s) given in the invitation:
      • The standard expression-requested the pleasure of the company;
      • The reason for the invitation;
      • The time and date of the event.

Also, read – Message Writing 

Characteristics of the Ordinary (Informal) Letter of Invitation:

  1. It is written in the First Person.
  2. There is no inside address.
  3. The salutation is ‘dear + name.’
  4. The complimentary close is ‘Yours Sincerely’.
  5. The date of writing is given but the year is omitted.
  6. The writer’s address appears in the usual place.
  7. Various tenses are used to suit the sense.
  8. The letter does not actually ask for a reply, but the last sentence suggests that a reply is expected.

Formal and Informal invitations and replies


(i) Formal 

  • Acknowledge the invitation.
  • Express your thanks in the third person.
  • Mention acceptance on a report specifying the valid reason.

(ii) Informal

  • Acknowledge the invitation in first, second person.
  • Mention acceptance or refusal specifying the reason.
  • Use warm and simple language.

Formal invitation format

Solved Questions/Examples formal and informal invitation and replies

Example – 1

Mrs. and Mr. U.R. Mediratta invite you to the marriage of their daughter to be celebrated on 5th  July, 200…, Write a formal invitation in about 50 words by giving relevant details.


formal and informal invitation and replies example

Example – 2

Writing a formal reply accepting the above invitation.


152/21 Panchsheel Colony

Sonepat – 132001

25th June, 20…

Mrs. & Mr. R.K. Mittal thank Mrs. & Mr. U.R. Mediratta for inviting at the occasion of the auspicious marriage ceremony of their daughter Suman to be solemnized on the 5th July, 200… We are happy to accept this invitation and will be present there to enjoy the fine time.



Example – 3

Indian Air Force is celebrating the 64th Air Force Anniversary. You are a Public Relations Officer. Draft A formal invitation for all retired Air Force Officer. Formal and Informal invitations and replies.



To celebrate the 64th Air Force Anniversary, the chief of the Air Staff will host a reception for all retired Air Force Officers at 20.00 hours on 05 Oct. 200… at Air Force Officers Mess, Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg, New Delhi.

All retired officers with their spouses are cordially invited.

R.S.V.P 23015478


             23377609                                                                                                                                                                            Dress – Formal

Example – 4 

You are Ankit/Aditi the school Captain of Pratibha Vikas Vidyalaya. You have decided to celebrate “The Grand Parents Day” at school. Draft a formal invitation to be sent to the grandparents of students of your school giving details of the programme, days, date and time, etc.


Formal and informal invitation and replies example


Example – 5

Write out a formal invitation like a card format to be sent to all the parents of your school at the event of Annual Sports Day.


formal and informal invitation and replies

Example – 6

Ministry of Health, Delhi Government is organising an exhibition on ‘Health Care’ in Pragati Maidan. As a Health Secretary, write an invitation to the people to visit the exhibition. Give relevant details.


Organised by the Ministry of Health, Delhi Government

From 5th August to 11th August

The Union Minister of Health, Govt, of India, will inaugurate the exhibition

On 5th August at 11.00 a.m.

In the Hall of Nations, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.

You are cordially invited to visit the Exhibition.


  1. Causes and preventive measures for fatal diseases.
  2. Personal health care.
  3. Causes of blindness and prevention.
  4. Precautions against infectious diseases.
  5. Pectoral information about Nature Health Care.
  6. Seminar on AIDS.

Example – 7

Nikhil has come out successful in the I.I.T Entrance Examination. He has decided to throw a party with his friends. Write out an informal invitation giving details of the venue, time and date. Do not exceed 50 words.

M-3, Satyawati Colony

Ashok Vihar, Phase-III,


23rd June, 200…

Dear friend Arun,

As you are aware that I have come out successful in I.I.T Entrance Examination, so, I have arranged a festive party for all my friends on 5th July at Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi at 4.00 p.m. Please inform your group and do bring Samta to make the party more charming.

Yours faithfully,


Example – 8 

You are Mohan/Molly. You have been invited by the Lions Club to act as one of the judges for a fancy dress competition for children. But due to a previous engagement, you cannot accept this invitation. Write a formal reply to the President of the Clun regretting your inability to accept the invitation. (word limit – 50 words) Formal and Informal invitations and replies.


52/21 Panchsheel Park,

New Delhi

12th March 2000…

Respected President,

I really feel a great honour on being invited to act as one of the judges at the fancy dress competition to be organised by the Lions Club on 18th March 2000… Due to my previous engagement and to deliver a lecture at Ramjas College, Delhi I am unable to accept this invitation. I send my good wishes for its success.

Yours faithfully


Example – 9

Suman/Suresh has cleared the Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental entrance examination. The family is elated at the achievement and they decided to have a get-together for all Friends Draft an inform invitation for the get-together.


16/15, Mukherjee Nagar

New Delhi

10th September, 20xx

Dear ABC

You will be glad to know that our daughter, Suman has cleared the Pre-Medical Pre-Dental entrance examination. We, all the family members, have decided to celebrate the occasion by organising a get-together with our friends at our residence on 15th September at 6.00 p.m. You are cordially invited to grace this occasion. We will be waiting for you. 


Parents of Suman


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