
Expository Essay on Unemployment

The problem of unemployment is a global reality. Even developed countries like the U.S., England, France, Germany, Italy, etc., also suffer from this problem, but it is most prevalent in India.

It has become a threat to India’s economic and social development. It is one of the significant causes of poverty, backlog, crime, and frustration. India is the second-largest country after China in terms of population and labor. But due to severe unemployment, this tool is not being used. There are skilled and determined hands, but there is no job-ready, and they are forced to stay idle.

The ever-increasing number of job seekers in the live registry exchange shows how alarming this has been in recent years. But this gives a negative impression of the problem because all job seekers and unemployed do not find themselves enrolled in employment agencies. In addition, there are no employment negotiations in rural and rural areas of the country.

There are millions of young men and women who are looking for work. This chronic unemployment problem is not limited to any category, segment, or community. There is a massive shortage of jobs for educated, well-trained, and skilled people, among the unskilled and unskilled workers, small and medium farmers, and workers. Then there is the inefficiency. Sadly, creative jobs have failed to keep pace with the growing number of job seekers. It is a problem that poses a significant challenge to our leaders, intellectuals, planners, economists, industrialists, and academics.

In remote areas, cities and towns, the problem is even more significant, with thousands of workers and farm workers without a piece of land on their own. Most of our farmers also have minimal assets. As a result, they remain inactive for many months of the year. This has resulted in a mass exodus of people from cities and towns. Because of this chronic unemployment, the majority of our people live below the poverty line. The unemployment problem has also led to many other serious issues, such as extremism and terrorism. We must not forget that the idle mind is the work of the devil. Many young people are involved in crime, violence, anti-social behavior, terrorism, and extremism because of the frustrations of long-term unemployment and the lack of decent work.

Causes of Unemployment

A frustrated or unemployed man or woman can show that he or she is a hazardous person. He will never allow others to live in peace. Many of our legal and organizational problems are directly related to the problem of youth unemployment. If not managed properly, these will explode into dangerous and anti-social activities. Therefore, it is necessary for the hour when young people are adequately employed, and their strengths, skills, and abilities are used for productive and nation-building activities. If this problem is solved, many more problems will be solved automatically. In a world of democracy and social justice such as ours, unemployment is a significant threat, largely eradicated through effective labor planning and job creation on a large scale. If the increase in our workforce cannot be reduced, your demand must be increased sufficiently by appropriate short-term and long-term planning in both public and private companies.

There are many apparent reasons to be overlooked, in this case. Rapid population growth, a faulty education system, slow industrial development, neglect of small industries, and the backlog of our agriculture, etc., are some of the major causes of the problem. Improper planning of long-term and short-term employees is another factor that contributes to the problem. A few other factors have contributed to the worsening of the situation, but they are not as severe as those listed above.

Our education system needs to be reviewed and adapted to our current needs. As factories, our universities, colleges, and schools are still producing a good harvest of graduates who are only qualified for white office jobs. These graduates are only eligible for clerks, assistants, officers, and officers sitting at tables in offices. These matriculants, graduates, and graduates are adding to the growing unemployed list. These educated but unemployed youths, numbering in the millions, are a source of great anxiety and worry. Our education should be focused on work. It should be so that it enables one to be independent rather than dependent on others. It is paradoxical that our highly educated and highly trained workers, such as engineers, doctors, scientists, etc., run government jobs. They are unwilling to start their forums, laboratories, industries, and businesses.

Instead of facing challenges and creating decent work through self-employment, our educated young men and women are wasting their time by pursuing routine and easy-to-follow government jobs. They rely heavily on the government and do not have the courage and motivation to stand on their own two feet. Emphasis should be placed on vocational education. There should be more technical centers and training centers. Informal and informal admissions to colleges and universities should be considered. Higher education should be reserved only for those who are genuinely qualified.

It is genuinely shocking that our Five Year Programs continue to increase the number of unemployed people. This is because our editors have failed to take a positive, long-term view of the issue. Due to poor planning and mistreatment of workers, some jobs do not have a sufficient number of right hands, and on the other hand, there are thousands and thousands of hands without proper jobs.

This has resulted in our talented people fleeing for greener pastures in other countries. Our staff planning should be objective analysis, facts and statistics, and other relevant factors. Our negative priorities, planning, and policies have created a dangerous gap and holes in our various employment programs. Due to the lack of proper staffing programs, graduates and graduates in various fields are forced to find jobs that have been completely removed from their education, training, and training.

The rapid growth of our people is one of the major causes of this problem. Every minute there is an increase of 40 or more people in our already uncontrollable number. As a result, job creation is not in line with the rapidly growing population. Apart from the lack of jobs for educated young men and women, there are also uneducated workers. Every year more than four million people are in the labor market. Unemployment in rural areas is increasing, putting a lot of pressure on land and cottage industries.

The ever-increasing trend in the domestic and artisan industries has exacerbated the situation. The indiscriminate expansion of educational institutions in colleges and higher education is a waste of the country’s resources. Our education must be reorganized entirely and work-oriented. We need technical education rather than free education. Education should teach one to be independent, not depend on the government for work.

Our industries are also lagging, which makes the situation worse. We have invested heavily in state-owned enterprises with low employment opportunities, ignoring small and rural industries. Non-selective automation and computer performance have also contributed to the worst-case scenario. Any industrial growth should be linked to the immediate needs of the community. Without this in mind, any employee planning can be effective and efficient. The emphasis should be on proper planning and the use of our greatest strengths. We must look for human solutions based on our fundamental truths instead of doubt. There should be maximum use of our industrial power, but it should only be based on these principles.

Recently, there has been much talk about making ”the right to work” one of the fundamental rights, but no material has emerged so far. Moreover, it does not seem to be working in a country like India with a large population and declining natural resources.

To alleviate the problem of unemployment and unemployment in the districts, an ongoing recruitment program called Jawaharlal Rodger Yolanda was introduced in 1989. More than 440 lakhs of families living in poverty benefited from it. Such schemes are needed to create beneficial jobs in organized nations, organized structures, and other backlogs and communities in rural areas of the country. Only then will our development efforts and industries achieve the desired results.

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