
Expository Essay on Science and Technology


Science is the methodical study of the physical and natural aspects of our environment through research and testing. Technology is the application of science to a practical objective. We can live a nice life thanks to the combination of science and technology.

Science and technology are essential components of our daily life. They offer our thoughts and behaviours a futuristic perspective. Science and technology help to improve many parts of our lives. We would still be living in the Stone Age if science and technology did not exist. Science and technology are responsible for the modern era’s existence.

Science is the scientific study of the physical and natural environment that surrounds us. Technology, on the other hand, is the use of science to bring about inventive developments. Science and technology have not only changed the way we think, but they have also changed the way we live.

It influences all areas of our lives, whether we wake up to the sound of our morning alarm or go to bed after turning off the lights. The desire to live a pleasant existence compels us to pursue progress, which is impossible without the assistance of science and technology. We must credit science and technology for making our lives more comfortable and calm.

On the other hand, we cannot deny the negative impact of science and technology on destruction and war. Thus, science and technology have an important part in both progress and war. However, when we measure their advantages and disadvantages, we discover that the benefits of science and technology are infinite.

Aspects of science and technology

Science and technology are critical in building a strong national economy. Economic growth advances technology by raising the gross domestic product. They promote the development of high-tech industrial development, boost productivity, accumulate capital, and contribute to healthy international competition.

Science and technology have a practical impact on agriculture. Their engagement multiplies crop productivity by a factor of ten. Furthermore, science and technology are assisting farmers in adopting new techniques and technologies to reduce physical labour.

Not to mention the contribution of science and technology to medicine, which is assisting in the development of a healthy nation. Medical equipment and research in the sector are delivering cures for the deadliest diseases. As a result, we see a significant decrease in the death rate.

Every day, science and technology bring the world closer together. We can see visible progress in the transportation and telecommunications departments. The introduction of the internet and the metro network has eliminated the physical distance barrier. They have virtually transformed every aspect of our life.

When a country’s literacy rate is high, it advances. Science and technology have made an impact on schooling. Its ongoing presence in schools and colleges improves teaching and learning quality. Some examples of science and technology in education include the use of audio-visual aids, online lessons, and so on.

Science and technology have infiltrated so deeply that it is difficult to picture our daily lives without them. As a result, we might conclude that science and technology are unavoidable aspects of our lives.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Science and Technology


Understanding technology allows physicists to create something that can significantly improve our planet’s future; for example, machines, telephones, televisions, planes, and the list goes on. The development of these technologies makes it far easier for citizens to attain their goals. As we all know, science has been major assistance to our country.

It has the potential to transform a good, little country into an affluent one. Science is a person’s only chance in the face of disease. Without scientific breakthroughs and continual efforts, diseases and illnesses such as malaria, heart disease, and so on would have spread throughout the world.

In the past, disease or illness was thought to be incurable and unbeatable. Technology has become so popular or economically financially viable that its benefits, which include the ability to expand knowledge and connectivity, have been widely publicised. Education engineering is the study of education.

Other advantages include:

  1. Science and technology make life easier and more convenient.
  2. Travelling is becoming easier and faster in minutes.
  3. Interaction is becoming more accessible, quicker, and less expensive.
  4. The surge in the invention has boosted the quality of living.
  5. Through the use of various modern technology, man has become smarter.


Several semi-automatic guns have been developed as science or technology advances, and recent wars between nations have been more harmful and damaging. Nuclear power is posing a huge threat to the modern world. Keeping this in mind, Einstein, the brilliant scientist, speculated that the fourth world war might be fought with stones or displaced plants.

He was concerned that advances in lethal military weaponry will lead to the abolition of human civilization someday. If we use technology and science for human well-being, we will be created as rapidly as possible.

  1. Man has abused technology by employing it for destructive ends.
  2. It is used by a man to commit illicit acts.
  3. Technology, such as smartphones, is harmful to children.
  4. Terrorists employ cutting-edge technology to carry out their heinous crimes.
  5. Many severe ailments, such as skin conditions, have arisen as a result of the introduction of nuclear energy and the atomic bomb.


Simply put, science and technology describe the state of the nation in terms of advancement. Some countries are regarded backwards when they lack the necessary as well as up-to-date scientific and technological means and instead rely on ancient means.

Furthermore, we must acknowledge that discoveries in science have propelled human civilization to success throughout history. Nonetheless, we must use everything in a prudent and limited manner. Misuse in the scientific and technical fields can have serious effects. As a result, we must exercise restraint and be mindful of our actions.

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