
Expository Essay on Procrastination

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What you have to do tomorrow, do today; what you have to do today, do it now, as Saint Kabir taught. Procrastination is the practice of completing a task or activity until a later time. One of the worst habits a person may have is procrastinating on accomplishing tasks. People are prone to procrastination, deferring the completion of a job, or implementing a plan to a later date. Life is unpredictable, and it is possible that circumstances will change and one will be unable to complete the work. It’s OK to put off unpleasant tasks, but we’re right, and what we’ve determined to accomplish must be completed on time.

Procrastination is well recognized as a negative behavior that can lead to poor habits, so why do people continue to do it? Why do people put things off when they know they have to do something? “Procrastinators are made, not born,” say experts and psychologists. Procrastination is influenced by a person’s current lifestyle and the environment they grew up in. Others consider procrastination an epidemic; therefore, what can be done to combat it?

Reasons for Procrastinating

Slothfulness is one of the most common causes for postponing a task. When a person indulges in pleasures and slothfulness, his motivation for action is blunted. When a person becomes concerned about the task’s outcome, he is more likely to put it off till later. Low self-esteem, a lack of determination, a lack of attention and distraction, and high impulsiveness are all characteristics that contribute to postponing work. People mistake procrastination for laziness and unwillingness to do something, whereas, in reality, procrastination is a loss of self-control. Your procrastination will reduce if you improve your self-control and stay organized. Many psychologists believe that “turning off the computer,” “changing your work environment,” and “having a to-do list” are all effective methods for overcoming procrastination.

A successful guy strikes the iron when it is still hot. When procrastination becomes a habit, all joy and carefree living fade away, and we are left with a life of constant anxiety, which is not at all a life worth living. While procrastination is bad for individuals, it could be worse for groups, communities, and countries.

Procrastination is Harmful

Procrastination has several negative consequences. It keeps the mind in a state of stress. If you do the work right now, you will relieve your stress. Putting off work till a later date more frequently may prohibit us from reaping the rewards that could have resulted from it being completed. Once in a while, opportunity comes knocking. Once an opportunity is missed, it is lost forever. There’s no guarantee that things will stay the same in the future. They may change, and you may have to regret not taking advantage of the opportunity later. It may sometimes be tragic, turning a positive aspect of your career into a negative one.

We must question ourselves if we truly understand the hazards of procrastination and, as a result, avoid it. We may find the answer both in the affirmative and in the negative. In some areas of our lives, we continue to put off taking measures toward development. In the educational sector, for example, we have been sadly postponing. After more than five decades of economic planning, we still have half of our population illiterate. We’ve taken initiatives to combat illiteracy, but we’re not moving quickly enough.

Procrastination, despite its negative connotation, can be beneficial at times. People are prone to deferring unpleasant duties in favor of more pleasurable pursuits. By avoiding a particular task, a person might escape worry. Problems may resolve themselves without the procrastinator’s involvement. According to Frank Partnoy, Wait: The Art of Science and Delay, “handling delay is a crucial tool for human beings.” When people can manage their time, they are more successful and happier. Humans’ procrastination is essentially a universal way of existence.” The key, according to Partnoy, is not whether we are procrastinating but whether we are procrastinating effectively.

How Can You Stop Procrastinating?

There are a few suggestions for overcoming procrastination.

Slothfulness: We must eliminate slothfulness. It is necessary to be active. Avoid overindulging in luxuries because it will make you irritable.

Understanding the Worth of Time: It is critical to comprehend the value of time. Nothing great can be expected from someone who does not recognize the value of a minute, for seconds and minutes add up to an hour, a day, a month, a year, and a lifetime. Sloth will vanish if the value of a minute is deeply rooted in our minds and hearts.

Idleness: It is exhausting to be idle. As a result, one needs to engage in some practical tasks, such as domestic chores, in addition to one’s primary occupation.

Planning: It is necessary to plan one’s job to avoid procrastination. It is vital to plan meticulously. The full scope of work can be broken into fragments, with a deadline set for each piece to ensure satisfaction and invigoration. What we must do from the time we get out of bed until we go to bed must be crystal obvious, and we must follow it religiously.

Prioritization: The array of work can be arranged in priority order. How many chores must be completed, and in what sequence must they be completed — if this is planned ahead of time, the majority of the battle is won, and we can break the habit of delaying tasks.



The main difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful person is that the former quickly put his decisions into action and reaps the benefits. At the same time, the latter procrastinates and thus misses out on the benefits. Because there are so many distractions, procrastination may appear impossible to overcome, yet it is. Many people lack the motivation to do the work necessary to overcome their procrastination. Investing time and effort into the cause will finally result in its abolition.

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