
Expository Essay on Poverty


Poverty is defined as a state in which people are deprived of fundamental necessities of existence, such as an insufficient supply of food, clothing, and shelter. Most people in India cannot eat twice a day, sleep on the street, and dress in filthy and worn clothes. They do not receive a proper and healthful diet, medications, or other necessities. Poverty in urban India is increasing due to an increase in urban population as people from rural areas relocate to cities and towns to find work or engage in some financial activity. Around 8 crore urban individuals have an income that is below the poverty line, while 4.5 crore urban people are on the verge of poverty. Many people who live in slums become illiterate. Despite certain measures, there have been no adequate results in terms of poverty reduction.

Causes of Poverty

Growing population, poor agriculture, corruption, outdated habits, large disparities between rich and poor people, unemployment, illiteracy, epidemic diseases, and other factors are major causes of poverty in India. A large proportion of people in India rely on agriculture, which is inefficient and contributes to poverty. People, in general, confront food scarcity as a result of bad agriculture and unemployment. The major reason for increasing poverty in India is its ever-increasing population. More people imply more food, money, and housing. Poverty spreads faster when basic amenities are lacking. Being extra rich and extra poor produces a massive expanding gap between the rich and the poor. Rich people are becoming wealthier, while poor people are becoming poorer, resulting in an economic divide between the two.

Effects of Poverty

Poverty has a wide-ranging impact on people’s lives. Poverty has a variety of repercussions, including illiteracy, bad diet and nutrition, child labour, inadequate housing, poor lifestyle, unemployment, poor hygiene, feminization of poverty, and so on. Due to a lack of funds, poor people are unable to maintain healthy food, a good lifestyle, a home, fine clothes, a proper education, and so on. This causes a tremendous disparity between the affluent and the poor. This disparity results in an underdeveloped country. Poverty causes small children to do low-wage employment to support their families rather than attend school.

Solutions to Eradicate Poverty

For the sake of humanity on our planet, it is critical to address the issue of poverty as soon as possible. Some of the measures that can help to solve the problem of poverty include:

  • Farmers should be provided with the necessary facilities for good agriculture as well as to make it lucrative.
  • Illiterate adults should be provided with the necessary training to improve their lives.
  • People should practise family planning to control the ever-increasing population and thus poverty.
  • Corruption should be removed globally to reduce poverty.
  • Every youngster should attend school and receive a proper education.
  • There should be opportunities for people of diverse backgrounds to work together in the workplace.


Poverty is not just a personal issue; it is also a national one. As soon as possible the poverty should be removed by using some efficient solutions. The government has attempted several initiatives to eliminate poverty but nothing happened. Poverty eradication is required for the long-term and inclusive progress of people, the economy, society, and the country. The combined efforts of each individual can easily remove poverty.

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