
Expository Essay on Obesity


Obesity is a chronic health condition when body fat reaches an abnormal level. Obesity occurs when we eat more food than our body needs each day. In other words, when a high-calorie diet exceeds the calories we burn, it causes obesity.

In the old days, obesity was limited to adults. However, obesity has become a global problem affecting children in modern times. Let’s have a look at the most common causes of obesity mentioned below:

Causes of Obesity

Obesity may be due to genes. If a person’s family has a history of obesity, they are more likely to be affected by obesity sooner or later in life. The second reason is poor health. Now, various factors fall into the category of bad habits. Overeating that is, eating more than you need, is a direct way to reach the stage of obesity. The extra calories are converted into fat and cause obesity.

Unhealthy foods, fried foods, high-fat refined foods and sugar are also responsible for causing obesity in adults and children. Lack of exercise prevents the burning of extra calories and, in turn, leads us all on the path to obesity.

But sometimes, there may be indirect causes of obesity. The second reason can be related to our mental and emotional health. Depression, anxiety, depression, and emotional problems are commonplace in obesity. Physical ailments such as hypothyroidism, ovarian cysts, and diabetes often exacerbate the condition and play a key role in gaining weight.

In addition, certain medications, such as steroids, antidepressants, and birth control pills have been shown to interfere with the body’s metabolic functions. As a result, long-term use of such drugs can lead to obesity. In addition, frequent drinking and smoking are also linked to obesity.

Dangerous Consequences of Obesity

At first glance, obesity may appear to be a single problem. But she is the mother of several health problems. Obesity means more fat that accumulates in our body, including arteries. The significant effect of such high cholesterol levels is seen in the form of heart attacks and other life-threatening heart problems. Fat deposits also interfere with the stretching of the arteries. That means obesity can cause damage to our bodies by changing our blood pressure to an abnormal range. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Obesity is known for creating an endless list of problems.

The disease can lead to severe illnesses such as diabetes and cancer in extreme cases. Weight gain through obesity puts tremendous strain on the body’s bones, especially the legs. This weakens our bones and interferes with their smooth movement. A person with obesity is more likely to have fertility problems and sleep problems.

Many obese people appear to have trouble breathing as well. In an incurable condition, this condition can develop into asthma. The psychological consequences of obesity are another sensitive topic. Do not say that obesity and depression create a loop. The more obese a person is, the worse his depression becomes.

How to Control and Treat Obesity

First of all, the easiest and most effective way is to change our diet. There are two factors to consider in the diet. The first is what and what you do not eat. The second is how much food.

If you want to get rid of obesity, include plenty of raw vegetables in your diet. Spinach, beans, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, etc., have enough vitamins and minerals and meager calories. Other healthy options are mushrooms, pumpkin, beetroot, sweet potatoes, etc.

Choose fresh fruits, especially citrus fruits and berries. Oranges, grapes, pomegranates, pineapples, cherries, strawberries, lime, and cranberries are suitable for the body. They are low in sugar and ideal for strengthening the immune system. Eating whole fruits is a much better option compared to swallowing fruit juices. Fruits, when eaten whole, are high in fiber and low in sugar.

Eating a large salad bowl is also suitable for dealing with obesity. A salad that includes fiber-rich foods such as carrots, vegetables, lettuce, tomatoes works best in eliminating hunger without the risk of weight gain.

A high-protein diet of eggs, fish, lean meat, etc., is an excellent choice to lose weight. Take enough omega fatty acids. Remember to drink plenty of water. Keeping yourself clean is a wise way to avoid overeating. Water also helps to remove toxins and excess fat from the body.

As often as possible, avoid fat, sugar, refined flour, and fatty foods to keep your weight under control. Control the size of your part. Replace three heavy meals with small, regular meals throughout the day. Eating sugar-free smoothies, dried fruit, etc., is highly recommended.

Regular exercise plays a crucial role in coping with obesity. Whenever possible, go to the market take the stairs instead of the elevator. Physical activity can be any other way. It could be hobbies such as swimming, cycling, grass tennis, or light running. Meditation and yoga are potent exercises to ward off stress, depression and obesity. But in the worst cases, meeting with a doctor is the best solution. Sometimes, appropriate medications and surgical procedures are needed to control the health condition.


Obesity is spreading like a plague, affecting both adults and children. While genetic and other physical factors play a role, the problem is primarily the result of careless living.

By changing our lifestyle, we can indeed control our emotions. In other words, it would be possible to eradicate obesity from our lives by living a healthy lifestyle.

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