
Expository Essay on Marriage


Weddings appear to be an inextricable element of our existence. However, they did not arise anywhere: they are the result of centuries of tradition. There are several wedding traditions worldwide, and it’s difficult to say when weddings first began. However, we can infer various facts regarding the first weddings based on evidence and approximation.

Marriages began around 23,000 years ago when humans raised their food and lived in more tight communities. Marriages were most likely formed due to people staying closer together rather than being nomadic. Due to the mobile manner of life and a lack of order in terms of settlement before agriculture, it may have been typical for people to marry for a few years and then move on to another partner (Adshade, Marina). 

Marriage’s History

The marriage was also legally binding in this ancient society, and the wives had greater rights in this old area than in much of modern western history, including the right to divorce”. In exchange, the wedding engagement was established in Egypt. The couple would maintain all of the rights associated with a traditional wedding and serve as a trial run for the actual marriage. Unlike dowries in India, the groom would provide money to the bride’s family to demonstrate his ability to provide for his future wife. The wedding event featured a rainbow of colors, songs, dancing, and participants throwing fresh wheat to wish the married couple fertility.

“Early marriage was birthed of ancient cultures’ desire to establish a safe environment in which to breed, handle the awarding of property rights, and maintain bloodlines,” according to the website from yesterday. Marriage, however, was as much about love and desire as it was about social and economic stability even in those early days”. It’s surprising, but the motivation for marriage hasn’t changed much since ancient times, with finances and feelings playing a role in the decision to marry.

Because ancient Egyptian civilization and culture were so extravagant and prominent, it’s no surprise that other societies began to hold weddings about the same period. Several passages in the Old Testament describe ancient Israel’s marriages and weddings. “First, whereas ladies were required to be virgins when they got married—and according to Deut 22:21, may even be put to death if they weren’t—men were free to marry many women,” according to Bible Odyssey. It’s difficult to say how frequent polygamy was in ancient Israel. In addition, data suggest that men had greater control over who they married than women.


Girls were most commonly married around puberty, while men were older. Though most marriages were founded on economic or social factors rather than emotional ones, other works, such as the Song of Songs, reveal that ancient Israel had conceptions of passion and sexual love”. The marriage did not begin to embrace modern rituals such as handing away rings until the Roman Empire. In ancient Rome, marriage was the only legal option to have children and maintain a respectable social status. In addition, wedding ceremonies included the exchange of iron rings, followed by the sacrifice of an animal and a prayer to the gods for blessings on the couple’s marriage. The Roman Empire provided the foundation for western marriages.

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