
Expository Essay on Leadership


What makes a great leader focuses on distinguishing between an ordinary leader and a great leader. Although both are leaders, there is a significant distinction between them. There is some dispute about whether some people are simply born to be excellent leaders. However, other people believe that exceptional leaders are developed. This argument has raised a logical question: what exactly makes a great leader?

A leader should possess the characteristics that make them considered a great leader. Not all leaders are great leaders, and the distinction is usually found in the characteristics that such leaders exhibit. A strong leader should not be a tyrant. Instead, leaders must be focused, visionary, have acute awareness, be responsible, and be reasonable. Effective leaders consider both their strengths and weaknesses. They assess themselves by asking questions such as, “Am I a good leader?” “What am I capable of, and what are my limitations?” When a leader realizes his or her areas of weakness, he or she will work to improve them so that they can convert them into assets.

Some leaders believe they are capable of accomplishing anything, both within and outside their realm. This is a logical fallacy since there is no such thing as a whole individual capable of performing all jobs. Leaders should be assisted by others who are skilled in various subjects and areas of knowledge. These aides support even the most seasoned leaders by compensating for their flaws. Leaders must acknowledge the abilities of individuals who work with them. As a result, they are more likely to be effective leaders.

How should the leader be?

A leader’s perception is essential. It aids in determining whether or not a leader is effective. Leaders must communicate effectively and maintain positive relationships with those who report to them. Leaders must create an environment in which all employees believe they have something valuable to contribute. The leader should identify the conflicts and address them appropriately. A leader good leader if those who work with him speak well of his leadership abilities and what he is capable of doing. Leaders, like everyone else, must be responsible and accountable. They should never violate any law and respect the law.

Leaders must follow the norms that govern them at all times. They should never push themselves past their boundaries. They should not believe that because they are powerful, they can change the rules to suit themselves. The goals of the organization or group that the leader is heading should serve as an incentive for the leader. Good leaders should prioritize the goal and work to achieve it in the best interests of the business or group they are heading.

Leadership skills

There are numerous attributes and skills to become an effective leader. However, nine important abilities distinguish leaders from followers. These include being influential, focused, integrative, a problem solver, able to have a positive attitude, able to cooperate with others, visionary, and self-disciplined. I’ll only discuss three of the nine. First, influence is vital since having the power to influence others is necessary to get followers. When influencing people, it’s important to understand where you stand in the leadership hierarchy. The higher up the ladder you go, the longer it takes to advance to the next level.

Second, for a company leader to be complete and unified, and staff to be on the same page, integrity is a vital talent. Leaders are defined by their integrity, and what they do is determined by who they are. When leaders can be relied on by others, they will have confidence and trust in their vision, allowing them to affect their lives. The integrity secret is expanding and shifting.

Third, a leader must be able to solve difficulties because they arise regularly. The role of the leader is to solve the situation as effectively as feasible. Leaders must adjust their perspective, but this is not their problem. They must recognise that they cannot pick their problems, but they can adapt their approach to solving them.

Leaders must notice an issue before it worsens and keep a lookout for warning indications of an impending disaster. Following the recognition of the problem by the leader, he or she should bring the possible outcome based on the formulation of principles and policies to address the problem.


Many people in management or leadership roles understand what they need to do to become better leaders. Nonetheless, individuals occasionally fail to respond appropriately. Being an effective, trustworthy, and dedicated leader necessitates continuous professional and personal development, self-reflection, honest and regular feedback from the team, and taking appropriate measures based on the input.

Finally, being a great leader takes persistent perseverance, laser-like focus, and team-building abilities, all of which combine to become a perfect leader. However, leadership is not possible without a cohesive and dedicated team. That is something that every leader should keep in mind when carrying out their professional duties.

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