
Expository Essay on Gender Equality


In a society, everyone has the right to live his or her life as they see fit, free of discrimination. We call equality the achievement of a state in which all individuals are regarded equal regardless of caste, gender, colour, profession, or rank.

Gender inequality is the most common kind of discrimination. It can be seen in even the most progressive cultures and top organizations. Gender equality can be achieved only when men and women are treated equally.

What is it that makes women unequal to men?

Women are unequal to males due to social stigmas and attitudes that run deep in the blood of all families. Many families regard women to be a burden, and they do not have the same rights as males in society.

We are misinformed about women’s rights and tend to stick to age-old practices. This is exacerbated by social ills such as the dowry system, child labour, child marriage, and so on.

Women can learn, educate themselves, and compete with males. This can be pretty dangerous to the fake patriarchal society at times.

The age-old social structure dictated that women should stay at home and take care of everything while men went out to earn a living. This has been done since ancient times when the outer world was dangerous.

Discrimination is a social scourge that divides people. We cease being together and unite to solve our problems.

For decades, this societal shame has crept into the underbelly of society. This has also been noticed in gender-related situations. Gender inequality is a thing of the past since men and women are co-creating histories in all fields.

What is the current scenario?

In the 21st century, men and women hold equal rights. Slowly but steadily, perspective is shifting. People are becoming more aware of their rights and the choices they have in a free society.

It has been observed that when men and women hold equal positions and contribute equally, society advances and reaches a significant milestone.

When a community achieves gender equality, everyone enjoys the same rights and opportunities in education, health, employment, and politics.

Even within the family, when both male and female members are treated equally, it is the finest environment in which to grow, learn, and add tremendous value.

To advance in the proper direction, a nation must value all genders equally. When both genders have equal access to opportunity, a society’s progress improves in all areas.

Equal rights in sectors such as decision-making, health, politics, infrastructure, and profession, among others, will catapult our society to new heights.

The social stigma associated with women staying at home has shifted. Girls now compete on an equal level with boys in school.

They are also breaking new ground in their respective industries. Before marriage, women are now pursuing financial independence. It gives them the courage to stand up to injustice and make better choices for themselves.

Now that time has changed and we have successfully made our environment much safer, women may take the initiative, get educated, pursue their passions, bring economic balance to their homes, and share the burden of a family with men. This, in turn, will accelerate and improve a country’s economic success.

How can gender equality be promoted?

Education is the most important step that can be taken to rid society of such threats. We can effectively eradicate such threats if we educate our next generation about the best social practices and gender equality rights. In terms of gender equality and rights, our culture is misinformed.

Numerous policies have been developed and implemented by the administration. Because our country is the second most populous in the world, addressing these gender-based issues is difficult.

It can only be eradicated from the root cause by employing education as the primary weapon.

The following approaches can be used to quantify gender equality and track a country’s growth.

  • The GDI (Gender Development Index ) is a gender-based computation performed in the same manner as the Human Development Index.
  • Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM) is a thorough calculation approach that determines the percentage of female members in decision-making roles.
  • GEI (Gender Equity Index) takes into account economic participation, education, and empowerment.

India ranks 113 out of 135 participating nations in the Gender Gap Index (GGI). Such stigmas that women are supposed to run the home and stay indoors continue to wreak havoc on Indian culture. Women are underserved, although our country is rapidly catching up in terms of economic development throughout the world. Other stigmas, such as child labour, underage marriage, and dowry, exacerbate the situation.

Why should women be treated equally with men?

In terms of physical strength and physiological features, women may not be comparable to men. Both are biologically different, although they share the same brain and organs. Women are now establishing milestones that are altering society.

They’ve gone to space, run businesses, made history, and made everyone proud. Women are demonstrating their talents at every stage, and as a result, they should be treated equally with men in all aspects.

Once all of these dangers are removed, every family will understand the value of a woman, and our society will achieve true gender equality. Women are setting examples everywhere, and we should all spotlight them to improve the situation and offer them equal rights.

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