
Descriptive Essay on My Favourite place


In most cases, Grandma’s house has always been one of my favourite places. Grandmother’s house has always had a particular place in everyone’s heart. When we were younger, through our early adolescence, we spent several summers with our grandma. Her house seemed to have something unique about it that distinguished it from the others. It’s the small details that make Grandma’s house so dear to everyone.

We play in the backyard, climb the trees to pick fresh fruits and veggies and eat fresh vegetables. We often assist our grandmother in planting seedlings in the garden. There are numerous reasons why this location is so important to me. That house has something really special about it. There, we feel at ease and relaxed. We also forget about our troubles when we are there.

To begin with, this property has a significantly different ambience; we feel completely at ease there. Because it is in a village, there is no noise or pollution. It is also devoid of traffic congestion.

We used to get up early in the morning to take a stroll and breathe in some fresh air. The fresh air revitalizes both our body and mind. Our grandmother prepares a vitamin-rich breakfast for us. Evenings are the best time to go. Our grandfather prepares tea, and we sit together to exchange our life tales. It’s a popular location for family gatherings.

It is always full of laughing and shouts over the holidays. Uncle booming, distinctive chuckle can be heard for miles around. Aunt never misses a chance to remark his laughing. Everyone at the holiday dinners may be observed making jokes about one another or sharing the most recent joke that they heard.

Our grandmother is frequently observed sitting in her living room, adjacent to the front door, staring out the window. This is where she reads her daily newspaper and enjoys her steaming black coffee the old-fashioned way, with no sugar or cream.

She can spend hours in her living room watching the birds swoop down to the bird feeder next to the window. Our grandmother recognizes the same birds and knows the names of the majority of them. She never misses an opportunity to look at the squirrels. She consistently refers to them as individuals with distinct personalities. It’s always amusing to hear her stories about what the bird or squirrel did that day.

On weekends, a large dinner is cooked, and everyone is expected to attend. Our entire family gathers there to spend time together. Our discussion sessions are always entertaining and full of humour.

During the summer, everything blooms and there are fresh flowers everywhere. Nature’s beauty is at an all-time high in our village, and one cannot take his gaze away from the breathtaking scenery. Behind the house lies a pond. We go to the pond to fish and hang out with our cousins. On the left side of our grandparents’ house, there is also a tiny garden with lush green grass.

There are also swings in the garden. There, we also play a lot of fun games with our cousins, such as water wars and water balloon fights. We frequently sit on the roof at night, gazing up at the sky and the stars. We are so relieved to feel the nice wind and moonlight shining down on me.

Life in the village is basic and wholesome. People are constantly available, and they care about one another. They are concerned about the cleanliness of the facility and work hard to keep it that way. We always eagerly await our summer vacation so that we can see our grandparents, Grandma and Grandpa. They are the most humble folks anyone has ever met.


It’s nice to have a favourite place where you may create great memories. Our grandparent’s house is a wonderful spot to spend the holidays. It is our favourite destination in the entire world, and we can’t wait to return there for our next summer vacation. Because it holds a special place in our hearts, this house will always be our favourite place.

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