
Expository Essay on Corruption 

Corruption is “the abuse of public power for personal gain.” Corruption affects the growth of all nations. Not only did it reduce the economy to a minimum, but rampant corruption also undermined the country’s healthy development.

India remains one of the most corrupt countries in the world. According to the Corruption Perception Index (CPI), it lists 180 countries. Globally, it shows India’s 81 most damaged areas. They also place developed countries like Ghana in high levels of corruption. But corruption is like an epidemic, and people are spreading it everywhere.

We can classify it as large and small depending on the amount of money lost and the sector in which it occurs. Serious corruption involves a high government perversion of policies, allowing fewer people to benefit from harming society. Minor corruption refers to the daily abuse of power by low- and middle-class government officials in their dealings with ordinary people who often try to obtain valuable goods or services in places such as hospitals, schools, licensing departments, and so on. Agencies.

Political corruption results from policies, institutions, and laws on allocating resources and funding by political decision-makers who abuse their position to consolidate their status, power, and wealth. It is a social evil where it loses the quality of service for the benefit of someone. Crime is rampant around the world in many lands. The level and level of this is the only difference.

However, as it relates to a social issue, the best way to classify it is its impact on society.

Types of Corruption

Below are some of the significant forms of corruption in our society –

1. Judge

2. Business

3. Politics

4. Government

5. Enforcement by law

6. Education

7. Health system

8. Management

1. Corruption of the Judiciary

The Judiciary is one of the complete protected programs of the national constitution and provides justice to citizens. However, because of their limitless power, the judges of the courts tend to be corrupt. They end the support of justice for the individual or the community. The most common corruption injustice is:

· Justice is delayed

· Selected Justice

· Voluntary abuse

· The level of misconduct.

2. Political Corruption

Political corruption is the result of the use of force by government officials to benefit the individual. Its forms are distinct but include bribery, robbery, discrimination, nepotism, support, commercial influence, fraud, and fraud.

It also includes kidnapping, murder, violence, injustice, etc. Political leaders used wine, women, wealth, and everything else to win the election. It is widespread in the public sector, politics, business, and elsewhere. India is known for its great democracy, but its democratic system distorts corruption. Politicians are the most affected by all forms of corruption in the country.

We have chosen our leaders, and we have always expected them to lead our country in the right way. At first, they made many promises to us, but soon after voting, they lost sight of their responsibility to the citizens and became involved in corruption. Undoubtedly, each country will be free from corruption one day when our political leaders will be free to withdraw and use their power, position, and position for the betterment of the country, not for their luxury and ambitions.

Political corruption is a serious crime of moral decay. Here, political parties do it in many ways.

· Mute people from free or grants

· Calm down the little ones

· Buy votes and tickets.

3. Administrative corruption

It includes people like high officials, officials, police, etc. For example, if we give money, we can do the job faster. Give money without visiting the office.

You will get a driver’s license. For bribery, the blind and the disabled can also get driver’s licenses. “Money makes the horse go.” Hospital, court, and other Govt. Offices everywhere you have to donate money to complete any work.

4. Government officials Corruption

Rulers have turned to corruption. They do this by resorting to scams, handing out contracts to their friends, and so on. They continued to do so until the end of the term. The media follows and informs public opinion quickly. However, because several media outlets are also corrupt, they try to cover up such issues and protect governments.

5. Law enforcement Corruption

Corruption concerns are in the police department. Corruption is widespread in almost every country. Police officers take bribes to help eliminate evidence.

6. Business Corruption

It is a common and long-term corruption. Entrepreneurs opt for corrupt practices to earn more money. They can do this by forcing the government to pass laws that favor them.

Another way is to produce cheap goods and save money. However, the same company will deliver quality products in other countries with strict quality control laws.

In business corruption, they also make repetitive drugs, recycle foreign products, impure health and hygiene products, mix inferior ingredients in food, spice mix, grainstones, animal fats in ghee, paraffin in petrol, etc.

Causes of Corruption

There are many reasons for corruption in India. The main reason is the lack of good governance in the organization.

Due to poor management, there is no effective management of the various departments and their functions. This unruly and unruly administration allows for the onset of corruption on a small scale, later leading to a larger scale. Also, the appointment of incompetent managers, managers, and managers at different unit levels leads to misconduct.

However, due to a lack of support and cooperation from community groups, skilled leaders are often overwhelmed and oppressed due to a lack of proper monitoring systems. Here, some officials are tempted to take money to get away with, leaving the corrupt people unpunished and unpunished.

Consequences of Corruption

Corruption leads to obstacles to national development, wealth loss, and prosperity. It is a great loss for the future of all the growing crime and other countries. Over the past decade, India has shown an increase in corruption, losing billions of dollars to various sources. That was taxpayers’ money. Many development projects worldwide are declining and are slowing down due to corruption. This leads to backlogs in all areas, such as sports, technology, medicine, research, economics, defense, and infrastructure.

These are the expected results –

1. Business barriers

It links corruption in the public service to profound business practices. Even using a business license has proved to be a significant obstacle to it. Companies get frustrated when they have to bribe, even to connect water or electricity.

2. Backwardness and Poverty

As a result, poverty is hard to eradicate. The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.

Despite the announcement of rehabilitation and fundraising, corrupt people in various government departments and contractors who exploit the fund in multiple ways leave little to no end users.

3. Loss of natural resources

India is rich in natural resources, but it is leading to the loss of vital resources in India. Common problems with illegal mining are disrupting water resources in the country. Bribery in mines is common, costing many government money due to a lack of transparency and openness. For example, it is estimated that almost half of the steel exported from the Goa region was smuggled out of the country.

Control measures

The first and most important solution is to change government operating styles. If government members and policies are transparent, it can eradicate corruption. In addition, the provision of national representation should be strengthened. It is therefore unfair to discriminate against a person.

Second, to provide direct communication between government and society. This can reduce corruption by increasing direct contact between the government and the elite. E-administration can help with this.

Third, everyone must behave as a responsible citizen. Every citizen must perform their duties honestly and to the best of their ability. Every citizen should want to end corruption. Citizens should report cases of this immediately to the Monitoring Department.

Fourthly, government and regulatory agencies must always look to the source of revenue and bank accounts of leaders and partners. If he finds a suspicious transaction, he must report it to the court system. If any leader does not do his job well, he should be fired. A senior government position should be filled based on their performance results. Government should regularly monitor the activities of leaders.


Finally, decisive, competent, and strong leadership is needed. All those who have been given election authority must fulfill the promises made to the people. They must strive to eradicate corruption in public administration. Remove unnecessary obstacles and even rules that help protect the wicked from punishment.

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