
Expository Essay on Consequences of Dressing Indecently

Indecent dressing, also known as improper dress, was not uncommon in Africa. Still, today, it is increasingly becoming part of us and, simultaneously, leading to an increase in the level of immorality in our society. This practice, also known as a dress to kill, is most common in academic colleges, polytechnics, and university students, especially women.

They dress this way, all to look attractive, attractive, and attractive instead of the proper attire. Casual dresses, shorts, short blouses, miniskirts/gowns, torn shirts, loose-fitting trousers for boys and girls are significant issues associated with the dignity of dress today. As if this evil act was not enough, some students wore plain clothes, thus exposing their bodies that should not be seen in public. These dress patterns are very numerous and will still appear due to the advancement of fashion.

However, I sometimes wonder why they wear these outfits and find that it may result from what they see in the media, poor parenting / moral upbringing, peer pressure, and a sense of belonging. Of people. They do not remember that in every action, there is a reaction. This provocative act can lead to rape. Because of what they wear, they may be tempted by their peers to commit adultery.

They may also be tempted to join a cult or another. Also, a young woman dressed immodestly may look like a prostitute even though she may not be a prostitute. This gave him a terrible image. I firmly believe that improper dress can degrade a woman because it exposes what constitutes her wealth. For men, it gives them this image of irresponsibility.

To some extent, immodest dress in the church may portray a clergyman as weak and spiritually dead. What amazes me is that some of these clothes bring discomfort. For example, a woman wearing a miniskirt will not have much freedom to sit comfortably or get into a car or motorcycle.

To put an end to this misconduct, in 2008, the former Chairperson of the Senate Women and Youth Committee, Senator Eme Ufot Ekaete, introduced a dress code bill entitled, “Law on Prohibition and Punishment.

Public Nudity, Sexual Harassment, and Related Offenses.” Anita Kyaagba, a graduate student who responded to the bill, said: “We live in a world where we are free to do whatever we want. Besides, since you don’t buy me clothes, who will tell me what to wear? “I follow fashion, I wear the best, and if it highlights certain parts of my body and my boyfriend loves it, I don’t see anything wrong with it.” Adefunke Olutoye, another student who spoke to Leadership Sunday, said he stopped going to church where he grew up because the pastor stopped him from going to church because of the clothes he was wearing. According to him, “I was wearing a mini gown, which featured hips and Boers, and an old usher refused to let me go to church. From then on, I decided to join another church that would not judge me based on my dress but my heart. After all, the Lord sees the heart, not the body, so why should anyone judge”? You can see from this that although some people try to stop this terrible deed, others still want to stay in it.

However, this can be significantly reduced if we do what is correct at the right time. Therefore, strict enforcement of dress codes should be introduced in educational colleges, polytechnics, and universities to eliminate improper dress.

This can be achieved through the concerted efforts of the department of security, personnel, and the administration of higher education institutions. Also, to support such efforts, parents must teach their children to dress modestly and parents to dress modestly, as this will set an example for their children. According to the Holy Bible, at 1 Timothy chapter 2, verses 9 to 10 (New King James Version), it says: “Even so must their women also be grave, not arrayed in gold, expensive clothes, but suitable for women who profess to fear God and do good works.” From this verse of the Bible, it is clear that God wants us to dress modestly.

The media, as a social media agent, should promote good morals. Therefore, immodestly portrayed people on television through music videos, commercials, and films should be encouraged. Religious leaders should also preach against such an act. Finally, students should be taught the consequences of improper dress.

In conclusion, your image sometimes saves you from being protected from bad people and false accusations. Still, if it is the other way around, no matter what you do to show that you have changed, people will never believe you because, at first, you give them a wrong impression of who you are. Therefore, I advise my classmates to avoid dirty clothes to look responsible and at the same time prevent the consequences. Our destiny is in our hands.

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