
Essay on Saddest Day in My Life

July 15 always remain etched in my memory as the most unfortunate day of my life. It was the saddest day of my life as I lost my younger brother on this black day. It was very hot that day. So, my younger brother went to bathe in the canal in the morning.

We reached there and jumped into the river. We were enjoying in bathing. After some time I came out. I called my brother to come out but being a good swimmer he wanted to enjoy some more. A few minutes later, the level of canal water rose suddenly. At that time I was changing my clothes. My eyes fell on a snake proceeding towards my brother in the water. Seeing the snakes my brother became nervous and lost control over his body. His limbs stopped functioning and he began going down underwater. I jumped into the water to save my younger brother from drowning. But it was too late. My brother had already disappeared underwater.

My father and mother were informed and they came running and crying. A net was thrown into the water of the canal. The dead body was recovered. I lost my younger brother. I cursed the day when I came with him to the canal. Father scolded me and my mother abused me but I knew that it was the loss of their son which had obliged them to do so. In this way, 15th July was the saddest day of my life.

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Essay on Saddest Day in My Life PDF




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