
Essay on My School in 1000 words for Students

Essay on my school 1000 Words

School plays a very important role in our lives. School is a place where we gain knowledge, where we learn to write, read and also get information about many things in the world. Without knowledge we are nothing. Knowledge is the only thing that makes us different from others. It is an Institute where along with knowledge we also learn how to solve the problems that come in life.

There we make many friends and many memories are formed in life. On this page, I am going to tell you further why my school is so important to me through this Essay on my school

Why I love my school

There are many reasons why I like my school so much. My school was not just an educational institute, but it was also a second home for me. A home where I had wonderful friends and very good teachers who supported me a lot, due to which today I am a good citizen and I learnt from here how to achieve my goal. School is the only place where we make friends without any judgement.

I liked my school a lot because there every child was given a full opportunity to show what talent he or she has. I would always like to give my school a 10 out of 10, be it in the matter of teachers or friends or activities or learning methods, how the teachers taught the overall environment or community service or whatever camps were organised in our school.

The campus design of my school was very good, I remember it was not very big the design of my school was a mix of both modern and vintage, which looked very good when viewed from the outside. The classrooms were also very well designed keeping the students in mind as to what they liked. I used to think the best was the playground, where we used to play in the evening.

The library of my school was very good, there was a collection of very good books. Whenever we got free lectures, we used to visit the library during that time. There was also an auditorium in my school where every day there used to be some or other extracurricular activity. We used to perform there on the stage. There was also a science lab in our school, where we used to do science-related practicals.

In any school, the teacher has a very big role, he can break the school or even keep it going. There were very good teachers in my school, their way of teaching was unique, children felt very connected and they did not find studying a burden, in fact it was interesting to study there. The teachers in my school did not show partiality among the children, for them all the children were the same.

They taught me not only about studies but also how to solve small problems in life and how to face them, which also helped me in my life. I feel very grateful for whatever knowledge I have gained from them.

In my school learning was fun. The academic life was very unique and good. Teachers used to explain the topic very well. The final tests which were conducted were very interesting. To make our academy good, surprising tests were held before the exam time, due to which our academic preparation was done earlier. And we used to score well in the exams. In this way, we were not afraid of examinations. All the children have to complete the given projects which require art and craft skills. We got to learn a lot from that.

The best thing about my school was extracurricular activities. Along with studies, attention was also given to extra activities, as if every child has some hidden talent as someone sings well, someone dances well, someone is very good at drawing, someone is good at crafting, we all got the chance to do that. Because of this, our personality grew even more. Because nowadays there is no time for only traditional jobs if you have some extra talent, be it drawing or singing, music, dance, anything, you can do better in your life.

In our school, we used to participate in drama, dance and music at the annual function. By participating in the annual function, we got rid of stage fear which is very important in our life.

Personal experience

My best memory from school is participating in the school debate competition. It was such a great experience in my life. I became good at public speaking, in fact now I am doing better because of participating in debate. I still remember that in our school, selection was being held for debate competition and I was very hesitant to talk in front of people. but still, somehow I tried to push myself and went there to participate.

I had given the interview and got very good marks, and I could not even believe that I did so well my confidence increased a lot. After that experience, I participated in many debate competitions and spoke on many topics due to which my knowledge increased a lot. That was a special kind of personal experience of my school which I can never forget.


My school was not just a place to study but a community where students were encouraged to grow and develop whatever talents they may have.

Now when I look back at my days at school, I feel extremely grateful for the supportive environment and opportunities I had there. As I move forward, I will always keep with me whatever lessons I learnt in school and the memories I made there. Truly, for anyone, school is not just about classes and books; it is a place where we grow, make friendships and learn important relationships of life.

I hope you all have understood how my school experience was for me through this Essay on my school. I have explained everything in great detail this essay. You must tell me in the comments below how your school experience was for you. What was your school like? If you want information on other topics related to essays, there are many links below, you can go and read.

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