
Essay on Environmental Pollution

In this blog you will learn about the essay writing on Environmental Pollution let’s understand the topic by introduction.


Environmental Pollution as defined in the dictionary is the introduction or presence of a hazardous or toxic substance in the environment. To put it simply, pollution causes harm to the environment which in turn causes harm to humans in the environment.

Emergence of Pollution:

The emergence of environmental pollution brings about a change that negatively affects our normal way of life. Essential materials or pollutants are pollutants and are primarily waste disposal materials of very different types. Pollution contributes to the disruption of the environment and to the ecosystem. The development and modernization of the human race has brought about a dramatic increase in pollution and this has created various human illnesses and most importantly global warming.

Causes and Sources of Environmental Pollution:

1. Industrial Services

Industries from around the world even though they have brought prosperity and prosperity have continued to disrupt ecological standards and explore the biosphere. Exhaust emissions, smoke explosions, industrial pollution and circulating gases are a constant threat to health, polluting and polluting water and air. Improper disposal of industrial waste has become a source of water and soil pollution. Chemical waste from various industries can pollute rivers, lakes, oceans, and soils and air through the emissions of smoke.

2. Vehicles

Diesel and petrol cars emit smoke and the smoke from cooking coals pollutes our environment. The massive increase in the number of vehicles on the roads has only helped the smoke to escape, which, in turn, spreads and eventually comes in contact with the air we breathe. The smoke from these various vehicles is very dangerous and is a major cause of air pollution. There is also the risk of noise from these vehicles producing noise pollution.

3. Rapid Industrial Distribution and Urban development

Rapid urban and industrial migration are major causes of environmental pollution due to injuries and deaths that they bring to crops that cause damage to animals, humans and the environment.

4. Population Growth:

Rapid population growth, especially in developing countries, demand for work, basic food and shelter has increased. Because of the great need, deforestation has become commonplace to help meet the growing human need.

5. Mining Oil Extraction:

Continued combustion of fossil fuels is a source of pollution in the soil, air and water through toxic gases such as Carbon monoxide.

6. Agricultural Management:

Pesticides and fertilizers used during agriculture are major sources of pollution.

Types of Environmental Pollution:

There are many types of environmental pollution including water, air, radiation, soil, heat, noise and light. In all types of pollution, there are two sources of pollution; which is not the point and sources of points. It is much easier to monitor, consolidate and control environmental waste sources while non-point source resources are more complex and difficult to control.

Air pollution

This is perhaps the most dangerous and common form of pollution and appears to be similar to urban migration. The main reason for this is the high temperature of the fire. Fuel heating is now a basic requirement for transportation, cooking and other domestic and domestic activities. All of these activities release large amounts of toxic chemicals into the atmosphere.

Sulphur oxide is emitted into the air and this makes the air very toxic. The main cause is smoke from factory warehouses, chimneys, cars, or even something as simple as burning a log. The release of sulphur oxide and many other gases into the atmosphere leads to intense global warming leading to acid rain. The emissions of these greenhouse gases and global warming have resulted in droughts, incessant rains, and global warming. Conditions and illnesses such as Bronchitis, Asthma and a very serious case of lung cancer and this is very common in cities.

An example of one of the many tragic examples of disasters that may arise as a result of air pollution is the 1984 Bhopal Gas disaster. This gas disaster was caused by the release of methyl isocyanate from a gas plant. An estimated 2,000 people lost their lives in the tragedy and more than 200,000 people suffered from severe respiratory problems. Respiratory diseases, increase asthma and heart disease by irritant (for example, particles less than 10 micrometres in size). To date, there are still birth defects in new-borns and this has been caused by the Bhopal Disaster.

Water pollution

Water is essential to life; every living creature or creature depends on water for survival. About 60% of all species live in water; this means that water pollution is the most important form of pollution to be managed. There are many factors that contribute to water pollution, another major contributing factor to industrial pollution dumped into rivers and seas and creating significant imbalances in water resources and this makes water bodies unsuitable for life. There are also many diseases caused by water pollution and these diseases affect non-aquatic and aquatic species.

Pesticides and insecticides on various plants are a source of contamination in groundwater and, spillage of seawater has led to serious irreversible damage to the aquatic environment. Another source of water pollution is water pollution and occurs as a result of activities such as washing dishes, clothes near rivers, ponds or ponds; laundry soap gets into the water and prevents the ingress of sunlight and this reduces the oxygen content of the water and makes it more resilient.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has indicated that about 80% of marine pollution comes from sources such as rivers. Water pollution can have a detrimental effect on marine life. To cite an example, bacteria thrive in feces, while inorganic and aquatic compounds can change water composition. When the level of dissolved oxygen is low, water is considered polluted; Melted oxygen comes from decomposition produced by living organisms such as sewage in water.

By harming aquatic life, water pollution pollutes the entire food chain by harming people who rely on aquatic creatures. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of Diarrhea and cholera everywhere.

Soil Pollution

Soil pollution occurs due to the addition of unwanted chemicals in the soil created by human activities. The use of pesticides and pesticides removes all the nitrogen compounds in the soil making it less suitable for plants to get nutrients. Deforestation, mining and industrial waste removal also reduce soil erosion and this will prevent crop growth and the soil will eventually erode.

Industrial and commercial trash make up a significant portion of solid waste. Hazardous waste is any type of solid, liquid or muddy waste that has hazardous or potentially harmful structures in the environment or human health. Harmful wastes are manufactured in industries ranging from the production of pesticides, the refining of petroleum, mines and many other products including chemicals. This waste is not limited to industry; Families also produce hazardous waste such as fluorescent lamps, paint and liquid chemicals, aerosol cans, motor oil and ammunition.

Noise Contamination

When there is a noise greater than 85db and reaches the bare ears. Noise pollution causes a variety of psychological problems (e.g. high blood pressure and hypertension). Sometimes it also causes permanent hearing loss which is very destructive. Noise pollution is caused mainly by large compressors and industrial pumps.

Radiation Pollution

This is one of the most dangerous forms of pollution because the effects are permanent. Nuclear waste is carelessly disposed of, hazards to nuclear plants, etc. Radiation pollution can cause infertility due to exposure, cancer (blood and skin), blindness and various birth defects. It can permanently change the air, soil and water – which are major sources of life.


One cannot deny that the polluted environment in Indian cities is a time bomb. Industrial development and national economic growth have obviously threatened even the fresh air in Indian cities. Lack of public participation in the implementation of strict anti-pollution laws is another major concern. Public health in India is at stake. The Indian government is working to implement solutions to a larger fabric, for example, to switch to clean energy, regulations to reduce emissions, and to campaign for the dissemination of information on the harmful effects of environmental pollution. The most important factor is to encourage the people of India to give up their ancient practices which are very harmful to the environment. The Sanskrit phrase “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” meaning ‘the world is like a family’, must live in the minds and hearts of each of us in order to save this beautiful and quiet cultural world.

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