
Letter on Conversion of the public park into a shopping complex

Hello friends, Welcome to my blog performdigi.com which will describe to you that how to write a letter/application on Conversion of the public park into a shopping complex.

Question: You are Rama residing at 75A, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal. An open and well-maintained park meant for the residents and children of our area will soon be converted into a shopping complex. Write a letter to the Commissioner of Municipal Corporation, Bhopal requesting him not to disturb the park which is the only open space in your area, giving suitable reasons.


75 – A, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal
10th August, 200…
The Commissioner
Municipal Corporation of Bhopal, Bhopal

Subject: Conversion of the public park into a shopping complex.


I only on the behalf of the residents of Nehru Nagar, want to bring the core resentment of the public about the decision taken by the Municipal Corporation to convert the well-maintained and sanctioned park into a shopping complex. You know that this is the only open space for the children to 9 play, joggers, morning walkers, and old people to pass their time in the morning and evening hours. It serves as a safe playfield for small children during their free time and they enjoy a pollution-free area. The parks are the lungs for the residents and provide solace amidst sky scrappers and cramped slopes.

Moreover, there is a vacant plot with the Corporation, just hardly ten furlongs from their well-developed park. The same can be converted into a shopping complex. At present, the place needs some improvement and attention. It will also save us from encroachment by the anti-social elements. This site can be well utilized for the purpose under consideration.

I hope that the decision will be revoked in the best interest of the residents.

Yours faithfully
Secretary, R.W.A.

Check Related Letters: 

Letter on Conversion of the public park – PDF Download

performdigi.com provides you a PDF for this letter. The other referenced sample business letters to help you with ideas for wording for specific situations. If you want to download PDF, just simply click on the link given below.

Conversion of the public park into a shopping complex Conversion of the public park into a shopping complex (407 downloads )

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