
CBSE, Adverb for Class 8, Definition, Types, Exercise/Worksheet, Examples

Hello kids, We are going to learn Adverb for class 8. What is an adverb Definition, Example, and Exercise For class 8? Here we have given CBSE English Grammar adverb for class 8.

Adverbs for class 8 Cbse with Definition, Example, and Exercise/Worksheet.

What is Adverb?

Definition: An adverb is a word in a sentence that modifies the meaning of the verb or another adverb, or adjective or phrase or a clause, telling us how, how often, when, or where something is prepared.

Examples of adverbs for class 8

⇓ (modifies the verb ate)

  • Gautam ate his mango quickly when no one was watching.

⇓ (modifies the adjective delicious )

  • These are very delicious cakes.

⇓ (modifies the adverb loudly)

  • Aarti speaks very loudly

Kinds of Adverbs for Class 8

  1. Adverbs of place
  2. Adverbs of time
  3. Adverbs of manner
  4. Adverbs of degree 
  5. Adverbs of frequency
  6. Relative adverbs
  7. Interrogative adverbs

1. Adverbs of Place

Adverbs of place determine where something occurs or where an action takes place. They are usually put after the clause that they adjust or after the verb. This does not edit other adverbs or adjectives. These are normally arranged at the end of the sentence and adverbs of time are similarly placed at the end of the sentence. The most commonly used adverbs of place are everywhere, upstairs, where, outwards, inwards, outside, within, out, above, below, near, far, somewhere. Adverbs of place answer the question~ Where?

Examples of Adverbs of Place for class 8

  1. The old man is sitting outside the house.
  2. Abhinav sent his son away.
  3. Does Riya stay here?
  4. Rajni went upstairs for some work.
  5. Ruhi is studying inside.

2. Adverbs of Time

The word that expresses time and shows us when an activity occurred, including for how long and how frequently/often is called adverbs of time. Adverb expressions of time at once, since they are ordinarily fixed at the right start or the right end of the sentence. Adverb of time such as eventually, later, now, recently, soon, then. today, tomorrow, afterward, immediately, yesterday, last week, ago, next year, etc. It answers the question- when?

Examples of Adverbs of Time for class 8

  1. They will visit our company tomorrow.
  2. I have played this game before.
  3. Sonam recently got a job.
  4. I have to go immediately to the hospital.
  5. I often eat eggs.

3. Adverbs of Manner

Adverbs of manner show us how, or in what way, or in what manner an action is taking place. It helps to solve the question- how? Generally, adverbs of manner are set next to the verb or next to the object. Adverbs of manner are usually created by joining-ly to an adjective. If the formation of the sentence is verb + preposition + object the adverb can be arranged next to the object or before the preposition. The most common adverbs of manner are; safely, regularly, hard, hungrily, quickly, brightly, agreeably, slowly, happily, quietly, rapidly, honestly, blindly, successfully, etc.

Examples of Adverbs of Manner for Class 8

  1. Rishu sings beautifully.
  2. Kelly replied to all the questions correctly.
  3.  He asked politely for food.
  4. Rahul ate his breakfast hungrily.
  5. Alex quickly completed his homework.

4. Adverbs of Degree 

Adverbs of degree show us the degree or intensity of an action, an adjective, or another adverb. The adverb simply modifies verbs. Usually, it is fixed after the word to which it qualifies. It is arranged before the adjective, verb, or adverb. Adverb of degree is also put before or after nouns and pronouns. The most commonly used adverbs of degree are much, extremely, just, almost, quite, very, fairly, completely, far, rather, scarcely, so, too, absolutely, barely, hardly, nearly, only, etc. The Adverb only modifies verbs.

Example of Adverbs of Degree for Class 8 

  1. The burger was too salty.
  2. This novel is quite impressive.
  3. It’s extremely tough to learn Sanskrit.
  4. Jenny only likes painting.
  5. I completely agree with Jenny.

5. Adverbs of Frequency

Adverbs of frequency show us how frequently an action follows. It acknowledges the question- how often. These are normally determined before the leading verb and after any auxiliary verb. It is arranged at the start and the end of the sentence. The most common adverbs of frequency are twice a week, even, frequently, occasionally, annually, always, rarely, often, yearly, once, again, never, seldom, periodically, repeatedly, usually, continually, etc.

Example of Adverbs of frequency for class 8

  1. Vishal always drinks hot water.
  2. I never eat non-veg food.
  3. Tina washes her hair twice a week.
  4. I sometimes dance with my child.
  5. I usually go to the park for a walk with my friends.

6. Relative Adverbs 

Relative adverbs act like relative pronouns. Relative adverbs help to join clauses or sentences by using where, when, and why. They substitute the more precise formation of prepositions, which is utilized to add a relative clause.

Examples of Relative Adverbs for class 8

  1. This is the building where I used to play with puppies.
  2. I recognize it when I purchase this yellow dress.
  3. This is her purpose why she came to the USA.
  4. I visited Jim Corbett where I saw deer and tigers.
  5. I don’t know why her brother left home.

7. Interrogative Adverbs

Adverbs that are applied to frame questions are called Interrogative adverbs. The words like where, when, how, why how long, how far, and how often are utilized to ask questions and it is set at the beginning of a question. Interrogative adverbs include a noun clause.

Example of Interrogative Adverbs for Class 8

  1. I am not sure when he got married.
  2. Where did you go on winter’s vacation last year?
  3. Why are you presenting this again?
  4. many chocolates have you distributed?
  5. Where is your goat?
































In most maximum cases, an adverb is formed by attaching -ly, -ally, i+ly to an adjective.

Worksheet on adverbs for class 8

Fill in the blanks with suitable words:
1. My sister is feeling ____ low today. (many, really)
2. Keep this dustbin ____. (everywhere, outside)
3. Rishu was _____ annoyed with his behavior. (much, many)
4. Meenu spoke _____ slowly. (very, much)
5. Kapil complete his homework _____. (quiet, quietly)
6. They could not find him ____. (anywhere, nowhere)
7. Sonu runs ____ than harsh. (fastly, faster)
8. It was ___ cold to drink cold drink. (very, too)
9. I seldom or ___ refused the offer. (ever, never)
10. Geeta gave up her marketing job four years ____ (ago, since)

  1. really
  2. outside
  3. much
  4. very
  5. quietly
  6. anywhere
  7. faster
  8. too
  9. never
  10. ago

Form Adverbs From Given Adjectives

  1. Annual ⇒ _____
  2. Jubilant ⇒ ____
  3. Almost ⇒ _____
  4. Idiotic ⇒ _____
  5. kind ⇒ ______
  6. bitter ⇒ ______
  7. Anxious ⇒ ______
  8. Intent ⇒ ______
  9. Merry ⇒ ______
  10. Terrible ⇒ _____


  1. Annually
  2. Jubilant
  3. Almost
  4. Idiotically
  5. Kindly
  6. Bitterly
  7. Anxiously
  8. Intently
  9. Merrily
  10. Terribly

Adverb Quiz for Class 8

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