
Draft a Letter to Editor Allotment or Booking of Upper Berths to the Senior Citizens

Hello Friends, we are going to describe How to Draft a Letter to Editor Allotment or Booking of Upper Berths to Senior Citizens.

Question: Of late, you have been observing that the senior citizen is also being allotted the upper berths in the trains, which causes a lot of inconvenience to them. Draft a letter to the Editor of “The Hindu”, Chennai, drawing the attention of railway authorities to look into the matter and redress the grievance of senior citizens. You are Rajan/ Parvati of 16, Avadi, Chennai.

16, Avadi,
April 2,20xx

The Editor,
The Hindu,
12, Rajaji Salai,
Subject: Allotment of Upper Berths to the Senior Citizens.

Through the esteemed columns of your newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of railway authorities towards the allotment of upper berths in trains to senior citizens.

It is a matter of grave concern that our elderly people or senior citizens are allotted upper berths. It causes a lot of inconvenience to them to climb onto the upper berths. In the evenings of their life, when they are not so active and agile, it is very difficult for them to climb on. With so many ailments it is not feasible for them to climb.

When a person gets his/her reservation done, he/she has to fill up his/her age in one of the columns then why are they not allotted the berths accordingly?

It is our duty to provide security, care, and support to our elderly people and not to put them into trouble.

Yours truly,

Also, read:

  1. How to Write a Letter to Make a Hotel Reservation
  2. Letter on Requesting for Reservation of a Bogie
  3. Write a Letter of Complaint Against Bus Conductor/employees

Draft a Letter to Editor Allotment or Booking of Upper Berth’s to the Senior Citizens – Download PDF

Draft a Letter to Editor Allotment or Booking of Upper Berths to the Senior Citizens

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