
Letter/Application about Vanishing Play Grounds in Cities

Welcome friends on performdigi, Here we will describe to you how to write a letter/application about vanishing playgrounds. Because of that most of the cities have no Play Grounds for Playing children. They face many problems regarding their practice such as running, playing games, and many more for sports and their tournaments.

Question: People are migrating from rural areas to the cities in search of jobs. Consequently, in the fast-expanding cities, children find that their playing fields are shrinking or simply vanishing. Write a letter to the Sports Minister of your state drawing his attention to this issue. Make suggestions to cope with this situation. You are Amit/Amita Jain, 15 Mall Road, Delhi.


15 Mall Road, Delhi,
26th November, 20…,
The Sports Minister,
Parliament Street, New Delhi,

Subject: Vanishing of playgrounds in cities.


The people of rural areas fail to find healthy ways of earning bread in their active villages because the land for cultivation has been acquired by the government. The people in large number migrate expanding. Every inch of vacant land is being constructed. The playing fields are not only shrinking but virtually vanishing. Take the example of Nai Sarak and Chandni Chowk, there is no playing field for the children worth the name.

The physical growth of the children gets retarded in the absence of fresh air. Green parks and playing fields.

Kindly devote your attention to this vital issue. Please see that every school must have a playground and there should be a park in every locality.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Amit/Amita Jain

Also read:

Download PDF about Vanishing playgrounds in cities

Hi, If you are facing these types of problems in your life so this letter will help you, and If you want to download Pdf just simply click on the link given below.

Write a Letter to the editor about Vanishing Play Grounds in Cities

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