
How to Write a Complaint Letter/Application against mosquito menace

Welcome back to Performdigi, In this post, we are going to discuss a complaint letter/application against mosquito menace.

Question: Write a letter to the commissioner of Delhi Municipal Corporation, complaining about the mosquito menace in your locality. Suggest urgent measures to cope with the problem. you are Lalita/Lalit, F-131, Nirvana Complex, Delhi.


F-131, Nirvana Complex, Delhi,
5th July,20…,
The Commissioner,
Municipal Corporation,

Subject: Complaint against mosquito menace


May I have the honor to bring to your kind notice the mosquito menace in this colony? There has been a week-long heavy ain this year. There are many potholes in the streets and dirty water collects in them. Consequently, they in turn become the breeding places for the mosquitoes. The residents have been hit hard and there is every likelihood of the spread of an epidemic(malaria, dengue, chikungunya, etc).

I suggest the following urgent measures to cope with the problem.

  • D.D.T. should be sprayed immediately.
  • Mosquito repellent tubes and mosquito nets should be supplied to every house.
  • The pits containing water should be filled without delay.
  • The heaps of rubbish lying in the corners of the streets should be got removed.

Yours Faithfully,
Lalita/ Lalit

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Write a Complaint Letter against mosquito menace

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