Top 5 Great Meusems In the World



Louvre, Paris

Long a favourite of people everywhere, the Louvre (it reported 9.6 million visitors in 2019 and 2.7 million in 2020). 


National Museum of China, Beijing

The National Museum of China is the best location for tourists interested in Chinese history and art. Beijing's building, which houses a sizable collection of Chinese art and antiques.


Tate Modern, London

A number of art galleries can be found in London, Liverpool, and Cornwall, including Tate Modern. In addition to the museum's collection of modern art, the Tate also features interactive displays.


Vatican Museums, Vatican City

The Vatican Museums, which are located inside Vatican City, are a collection of chapels, galleries, and conventional museums devoted to displaying works gathered by the Catholic church.


The British Museum, London

The British Museum is a well-liked attraction for tourists to London due to its commitment to exhibiting and conserving human history and its free admission policy (except from for some special exhibitions).