
Vowels and Consonant for Class 7

Vowels and Consonant 

In English, there are 26 letters in the alphabet. These can be divided into two categories: – 1. vowels and Consonant. But what many people don’t know is that there are actually more than 26 sounds in the English language. In fact, there are 44 sounds! This is because English has more than one letter that makes the same sound.

Five of them are vowels. They are a, e, i,o,  u. Vowels can be spoken alone other letters or consonants are spoken with the help of these vowels.

For example, the letter “a” can make the sound /a/ as in “apple,” or the sound /ɑ/ as in “bath.” The letter “o” can make the sound /ɔ/ as in” ball,” or the sound /o/ as in “boat.” This is why it is important for students to learn how to read and spell phonetically.

The vowel is a sound that we make when the breath flows out through the mouth freely without being blocked. The word vowel ultimately comes from the Latin Vox, meaning “voice.”

Short and Long Vowels

In the English language, the sounds of the vowels are grouped into two parts: short vowels and long vowels. The short vowels are pronounced as follows:

  • “a” as in “bat”
  • “e” as in “bed”
  • “i” as in “bit”
  • “o” as in “bog”
  • “u” as in “but”

The long vowels are pronounced as follows:

  • “a” as in “haze”
  • “e” as in “he”
  • “i” as in “hi”
  • “o” as in “hope”
  • “u” as in “human”

Unfortunately, “u”  in those learning English, these vowel sounds can be created with lots of different spellings. It is even common for a single vowel to create the sound of a different vowel (e.g., the “a” in” any” creates a short “e” sound).


In the English language, there are 26 letters in the alphabet. Besides five vowels, all 21 letters are consonant. In this article, we will take a look at what consonants are, and some of the different sounds that they can make. So, what are consonants? Consonants are letters that are typically used to make sounds that are either voiced (vowels are voiced) or voiceless (vowels are voiceless).

In English, consonants are typically used to begin words, and they can be used to create different sounds by changing where they are placed in a word. For example, the letter “t” can be used to make the following sounds:

— At the beginning of a word, “t” can make the sound of a “t”.

— In the middle of a word, “t” can make the sound of a “d”.

— At the end of a word, “t” can make the sound of a “t” or a “p”.

Some of the other consonants that can be used to create different sounds in English include:

 “b”, “c”, “d”, “f”, “g” etc.

 Complete using the indefinite articles: A-AN.


A before noun starts with a consonant. A CAR

AN before nouns starting with a vowel. AN ORANGE CAR

Vowels and Consonants Worksheet

  • _______bank
  • _______yellow book
  • _______Lion
  • _______young Tiger
  • _______bike
  • _______old bike
  • _______hills
  • _______high mountain
  • _______ponds
  • _______English lake

Below are some multiple-choice questions on vowels and consonants.

  • How many vowels are there in the English alphabet?
  1.  4
  2. 5
  3. 9
  • How many vowels are there in the given word: Cheerful
  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 3
  • The consonants in the word “undo” are
  1. u, o
  2. n, o
  3. n, d

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