
Verbs for Class/Grade 8

Verbs for class 8 in English Grammar CBSE: (Definition, Examples, Types, Worksheet, PDF, and Quiz)

Definition: Verbs are “doing” words. The verb represents the action or the state of the thing. We cant have a sentence or a question without an action! That’s how valuable these action parts of speech are, which we call verbs.

Every sentence must have two elements:

  1. A subject describes what or who the sentence is concerning.
  2. A predicate shows what the point is or does. The verb is seen in the predicate.

The verbs in a sentence can be action words, helping words, linking verbs, or modals. Every complete sentence must have a minimum of one verb. The verb indicates an action, an incident, or a state of being. They mention the state of the unspecified nouns.

Examples For Verbs in Sentences

  1. Reema teaches maths.
  2. Dora is writing a novel about forest life.
  3. You go to the park every day.
  4. Uncle is selling soap to people.
  5. Andrew is riding his bike.

Class 8 Types of Verbs With Examples

3 types of verb for class 8:

  1. Action verbs
  2. Helping verbs
  3. Linking verbs

1. Action Verbs

Action verbs are one effortlessly noticeable type of verbs. To understand the action verb you just have to examine for the word in the sentence that acknowledges the question ‘What is the subject performing or doing.’?

Action verbs are two types.

  1. Transitive Verbs: Transitive verbs need objects. These verbs bear the action of a subject and follow it with any object. To recognize them, you can examine the issue – “What is the object being modified by ” for example- He speaks the truth.
  2. Intransitive Verbs: These verbs manifest action. There is no definite object on which the action performed. for example:- He danced.

Examples of Action Verbs:

  1.  Anita tasted the cake.
  2. My brother bought a new bicycle.
  3. Emma wrote a letter to her best friend.
  4. Sara is studying for the 12th exam.
  5. Ron watched a movie.

2. Helping Verbs

Helping verbs are verbs that support the main verb by transferring the meaning or sense of the verb. Helping verb include any form of to be, Here are some examples: is, am, are, do, does, did, have, has, had, shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might, must.  Helping verbs also called auxiliary verbs and they are of two kinds primary auxiliary verbs and modal auxiliary verbs.

1. Primary auxiliary verbs are operating both as helping and main verbs. These verbs further divided as

  1. Verbs to be: is, am, are, were, was
  2. Verbs to have: had, have, has
  3. Verbs to do: do, does, did

2. Modal auxiliary verbs are utilized to adjust the tone and condition of the main verb. Modal auxiliary verbs are: can, could, may, shall, will, etc.

Examples of Helping Verbs:

  1. I have my lunch at 1 p.m.
  2. He did hark work this year.
  3. She had a wonderful garden.
  4. We will wear a black dress to her birthday party.
  5. Does she like that place.

3. Linking Verbs

Linking verbs are always supported by nouns called predicate nouns or adjectives called predicate adjectives. They are nevermore accompanied by direct objects.

It is important to remember that sometimes, a verb managed as a linking verb in the individual sentence can be an action verb. when a verb is followed by an action direct object it is called an action verb. When it is supported by a predicate adjective or noun then it is a linking verb. The helping verb is utilized together with a new main verb to show the action. The basic linking verbs are:  Feel, remain, sound, become, grow, seem, stay, continue, look, smell, taste, appear, are, is, am, was, were, etc.

Examples of Linking Verbs:

  1. Dolly became an independent woman.
  2. I am tall.
  3. He is a doctor of bioethics.
  4. Peter felt hungry.
  5. She looks gorgeous.

What are Regular and Irregular Verbs?

1. Regular verbs

Regular verbs do not feel substantial changes while editing forms between tenses. These verbs form their past participle through edor d.

Examples of Regular Verbs:

  • share – shared
  • want – wanted
  • kill – killed

2. Irregular verbs

Irregular verbs experience valuable changes when changing forms between tenses. There is no way to settle what form an irregular verb is continuing to bring in a modified tense; the only opportunity for an English talker to perform the changes to memory. With practice, it will a matter of habit.

Examples of Irregular Verbs:

  • think– though
  • run – ran
  • go– went

What is Finite and Non Finite Verbs?

1. Finite verbs

Verbs that have a unique connection with the subject are called finite verbs. These verbs are the chief verb of a sentence and can be arranged according to the noun. Finite verbs are utilized in the present and Pasttenses. They can be indicative of numbers. 

Examples of Infinite Verbs:

  1. She goes to college daily.
  2. I love Manali rock climbing.
  3. The mother dairy opens sharply at 7:00 AM.
  4. Vihaan hit the ball.
  5. She was the school teacher.

2. Non-finite verbs

Non-finite verbs are not restricted through the number or person of the subject.  The three types of non-finite verbs are infinitive, gerund, and participle.

An infinitive is a non-finite verb that indicates an action. Infinitive often introduced by the preposition to. For example; to, do, to speak, to discuss, to select, to write.

Gerunds are verbs in-ing form. The gerund has the identical form as the present participle, but the gerund acts as a noun instead of a verb. For example; singing, writing, selecting.

A participle does the function part of a verb and partly of an adjective. A participle is of three types.

          1. Present Participle (verb + ing)
          2. Past Participle (verb + ed)
          3. Perfect Participle (verb + ed/-en)

Examples of Non-Infinite Verbs:

  1. All the boys started shouting.
  2. It is difficult to play without shoes.
  3. They burst out laughing.
  4. I want to go home early.
  5. Covered with blankets, they ventured out in the cold.

Exercise of Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Class 8

Write the correct answer whether the sentence is transitive or intransitive verbs.

  1. He raised his hands.
  2. My mother washes clothes every Monday.
  3. We talked about the movie at night.
  4. I raked the yard on Sunday.
  5. James ran in the park every afternoon.


  1. Transitive Verb
  2. Transitive Verb
  3. Intransitive Verb
  4. Transitive Verb
  5. Intransitive Verb

Regular and Irregular verbs exercise Class 8

Write the correct form of the verb in a given space to make a sensible sentence.

(Regular and Irregular Verb)

  1. Mr.Sharma _____ (buy) a new bike last month.
  2. Sam _____ (tell) me a horror story yesterday.
  3. I _____ (want) to become an Athleat when I was a kid.
  4. Last week I ____ (go) to the mall.
  5. I ____ (raise) my hand to answer in the classroom.


  1. Bought
  2. Told
  3. Wanted
  4. Went
  5. Raised

Verbs For Class 8 Quiz

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Verbs for class 8 in English Grammar CBSE, Types of verb: Action, helping linking for class 8, with examples and solved

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