
Verbs for Class 3, Definition, Examples, Worksheets and Free PDF

Definition of Verb for Class 3: Verbs are words that indicate any action in a sentence.

There are three types of verbs in a sentence that help to frame a sentence.

Types of verbs

  1. Action Verbs
  2. Linking verb
  3. Helping verb

1. Action Verb

Action verbs are words that express action in a sentence such as (give, eat, play, etc.) Action verbs can be both transitive and intransitive.

Transitive verbs

A transitive verb always has a noun that receives the action of a verb in a sentence.  it requires a direct object in a sentence.

Example of Transitive Verb
  1. I give him a chance
  2. You play cricket daily.
  3. We received a letter today.
  4. I understand this very well.
  5. He is telling you about this very well.

Intransitive verb

Intransitive verbs do not require a direct or indirect object in a sentence.

Example of an Intransitive verb
  1. He walks on the road.
  2. I play in the park.
  3. She is swimming.
  4. I am sitting on the chair.
  5. She is smiling.

2. Linking verbs 

linking verbs are words that connect a subject with an adjective or noun such as (to be, to become, to seem, etc.) it also describes or identifies the subject in a sentence.

There are some examples of linking verbs given below. 

Example of linking verbs

  1. It sounds great.
  2. You look tired so much. 
  3. The work proved so hard.
  4. He seems very happy.
  5. I feel bad about forgetting her anniversary.

3. Helping verbs

helping verbs are used with another verb and express such things as person, number, or tense. It includes (is, am, are, was, were, has, have, etc.)

  1. He is going to market now.
  2. I am doing a job in the office. 
  3. She had pass her test yesterday. 
  4. He was talking to him.
  5. we had finished this work.

the following words, called modals always used as helping verbs in a sentence such as (Can, Could, May, might, should, must, etc.)

Examples of Helping Verbs

Uses of Can

  1. I can work here to understand the work.
  2. You can do it in a different manner.
  3. We can make him smile easily.
  4. I can make you understand it.
  5. She can achieve the highest marks.

Uses of could

  1. I could do this work myself.
  2. You could see him there.
  3. We could tell him about this.
  4. He could inform you as soon as possible.
  5. I could not make it better without you.

Uses of may

  1. I may assist you daily.
  2. She may leave the office today.
  3. I may feel better with you.
  4. Ravi may hit you with his stick.
  5. The doctor may give you medicines.

Uses of might

  1. I might be there very soon.
  2. She might be busy with other work.
  3. You might be right this time.
  4. He might be a good student.
  5. Ram might be on the way at that time.

Uses of should

  1. I should help you now.
  2. He should do this right now.
  3. You should understand everything.
  4. He should make him feel happy.
  5. I should always respect my elders.  

Uses of must

  1. I must do this myself.
  2. You must read this book once. 
  3. She must be there now.
  4. They must focus on the project.
  5. I must be proud of you.

Worksheets on Verbs for Class 3

Worksheet 1: Fill in the blanks with correct helping verbs (Is, am, are, was, were )

  1. I______ working here now.
  2. She_____ calling you there.
  3. You______ waiting for your result.
  4. we______ talking to him now.
  5. She______ Feeling sad yesterday.
  6. He______ not working on a new project now.
  7. I______ thinking about you last night
  8. We_____ doing the job at Xprezto last year.
  9. Ram______ learning new things these days.
  10. He______ making good decisions now.


  1. am
  2. is
  3. are
  4. are
  5. was
  6. is
  7. was
  8. were
  9. is
  10. is

Worksheet 2: Fill in the blanks with appropriate Modals verbs such as ( Can, Should, May, Might, and would )

  1. I_____ like to order something delicious.
  2. You______ lift heavy luggage.
  3. we______ respect our elders.
  4. You______ obey your parents.
  5. it______ rain today in the evening.
  6. He______ be a thief.
  7. I ran fast so that I______ win the race.
  8. I______like to say one thing on this topic.
  9. I studied so that I______ pass with good marks.
  10. You______ study for long time continuously.


  1. would
  2. can
  3. should
  4. should
  5. may
  6. may
  7. might
  8. would
  9. might
  10. can
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Verbs for Class 3

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