
Synonyms and Antonyms For Class 3

Today we will learn about Synonyms and Antonyms which increase vocabulary and develop writing skills in children.


Synonyms are words that have similar meanings or same as another word. It is used when the same words appear again and again, and overlaps with each other.


The synonyms of abolish are:

  • Cancel
  • Nullify
  • Invalidate

When the word ‘abolish’ in the sentence appears again and again, we can use any of its synonyms.

Learn more synonyms in the table below.

Awkwardclumsy, ungainly, ponderous, rough
GiftPresent, donation, contribution
IdealModel, perfect, example
JunkRubbish, waste, refuse
CleverAble, skillful, intelligent
CourageBoldness, valour, bravery
DeliverRelieve, rescue, discharge
DestroyDemolish, ruin, raze
DullStupid, blunt, boring
BraveCourageous, intrepid, impudent
Blamereprove, upbraid, censure, reproach
BarrierBarricade, Obstacle
BaffleAstound, Faze
BustleCommotion, Tumult
BusyActive, Engaged
BleakAustere, Blank
CalmHarmonious, unruffled
CandidBlunt, bluff
CamouflageCloak, disguise
DenseOpaque, piled
DenounceBlame, boycott
DespairDepression, misery
Gloomobscurity, darkness
GatherConverge, huddle
Gorgeousmagnificent, dazzling
GenuineAbsolute, Factual
GenerosityAltruism, bounty
GloryDignity, renown
HumilityResignation, Fawning
ObviousEvident, apparent
ObtainAccess, Inherit
OffensiveAbhorrent, obnoxious
OdiousMalevolent, obnoxious
Outbreakeruption, insurrection
PersuadeCajole, Impress
PacifyAppease, Chasten
PropagateInseminate, fecundate
ReasonAcumen, Bounds


Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings.


The Opposite of  abolish is

  • establish
  • set up
  • found
AbashUphold, Discompose
AbsolveCompel, Accuse
AbjureApprove, Sanction
AbjectCommendable, Praiseworthy
AudacityMildness, Cowardice
AuthenticFictitious, unreal
AwkwardAdroit, clever
BleakBright, Pleasant
BewitchingRepulsive, Repugnant
BarrierLink, Assistance
BaffleFacilitate, Clarify
BustleSlowness, Quiet
BaseSummit, Noble
BenignMalignant, Cruel
BusyIdle, Lazy
BleakBright, Cheerful
CalculatingArtless, honest
CalumnyCommendation, Praise
CaptivityFreedom, Liberty
CaptivateDisillusion offend
CheapDear, unreasonable
CoarseFine, Chaste
ClassicRomantic, Unusual
CompactLoose, Diffuse
ComicTragic, tragedian
DestructiveCreative, Constructive
DwarfHuge, Giant
EclipseShine, eclipse
EagerIndifferent, apathetic
GloryShame, Disgrace
GloomyGay, Bright
HarassAssist, comfort
HamperPromote, facilitate
HazardConviction, security
MolestConsole, soothe
ModestArrogant, pompous
ReasonFolly, Speculation
Reluctantanxious, Eager
SystemChaos, Disorder
VirtueVice, dishonesty

Synonyms and Antonyms Worksheet For Class 3

Exercise: 1

Choose the correct synonyms of the given words.

  1. Gift
    a) Marvellous
    b) Present
    c) Spicy
    d) Timid
  2. Ideal
    a) Example
    b) Rare
    c) Sorrow
    d) Lazy
  3. Junk
    a) Refuse
    b) Coal
    c)  Admire
    d) Consist
  4. Brave
    a) Timid
    b) Shy
    c) Narrow
    d) Courageous
  5. Blame
    a) Obstacle
    b) Beautiful
    c) Better
    d) Most
  6. Busy
    a)  Marvellous
    b) Active
    c) Spicy
    d) Real
  7. Genuine
    a) Example
    b) Active
    c) Sorrow
    d) Absolute
  8. Obtain
    a) Obstacle
    b) Beautiful
    c) Access
    d) Most
  9. Reason
    a) Justify
    b) Acumen
    c) Admire
    d) Consist
  10. Outbreak
    a) Timid
    b) Eruption
    c) Narrow
    d) Courageous


  1. Present
  2. Example
  3. Refuse
  4. Courageous
  5. Obstacle
  6. Active
  7. Absolute
  8. Access
  9. Acumen
  10. Eruption

Exercise: 2

Write one synonym for each of the following.

  1. Clever
  2. Courage
  3. Deliver
  4. Destroy
  5. Barrier
  6. Dense
  7. Gloom
  8. Gorgeous
  9. Humility
  10. Pacify


  1. Able
  2. Boldness
  3. Rescue
  4. Demolished
  5. Obstacle
  6. Opaque
  7. Darkness
  8. Dazzling
  9. Resignation
  10. Appease

Exercise: 3

Choose the correct Antonyms of the given words.

  1. Abash
    a) Obstacle
    b) Beautiful
    c) Uphold
    d) Most
  2. Absolve
    a) Justify
    b) Accuse
    c) Admire
    d) Consist
  3. Awkward
    a) Justify
    b) Assist
    c) Clever
    d) Consist
  4. Barrier
    a) Marvellous
    b) Link
    c) Revoke
    d) Real
  5. Baffle
    a) Timid
    b) Eruption
    c) Narrow
    d) Clarify
  6. Base
    a) Rare
    b) Noble
    c) Sorrow
    d) Absolute
  7. Calumny
    a) Praise
    b) Beautiful
    c) Access
    d) Most
  8. Classic
    a) Tried
    b) Unusual
    c) Different
    d) Attractive
  9. Eager
    a)  Marine
    b) Indifferent
    c) Sail
    d) Timid
  10. Eclipse
    a) Pannic
    b) Shine
    c) Rope
    d) Shake


  1. Uphold
  2. Accuse
  3. Clever
  4. Link
  5. Clarify
  6. Noble
  7. Praise
  8. Unusual
  9. Indifferent
  10. Shine

Exercise: 4

Write one synonym for each of the following.

  1. Abject
  2. Authentic
  3. Bleak
  4. Bustle
  5. Busy
  6. Captivity
  7. Cheap
  8. Glory
  9. Hazard
  10. Hamper


  1.  Praiseworthy
  2. Unreal
  3. Bright
  4. Quiet
  5. Lazy
  6. Liberty
  7. Unreasonable
  8. Grace
  9. Conviction
  10. Promote

Also read: Countable and Uncountable Nouns for class 3

Synonyms and Antonyms for Class 3 PDF

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