
Story writing for class 9, 10

Hello my friends, welcome my other post ‘Story writing for class 9, 10 in english’ CBSE, for students/teachers both. In this article, we discuss all types of story writing asked in the exam of CBSE board. All Examples, Questions, Questions with answer, Topics, worksheet, Pdf Story writing 80 words 100 words, we read in this article so read the full article. are selected and most important for the exam point of view. I hope helpful for you!

Let’s start learning

Story writing is done to evaluate the creativity, imagination, and self-expression of students. While writing a story one must try and use original ideas, explore imagination and fit these thoughts into grammatically correct language. Story writing is done in the following ways:

Also, read:

What is Story writing?

“Story writing is an art, which can be perfected only with practice.”

If you want to write a good story, one must have the whole plot clear in one’s mind. Or else, one is likely to repeat or omit items, or for that matter, dwell on unimportant details and fail to emphasise the important ones.

How to write a story in English

  1. The beginning or middle of the story is given. The student is required to complete it on his own using his imagination and supply a suitable heading to it.
  2. Hints of the story are given and the student is required to elaborate the hints and shape them up into a complete story, providing connectivity.
  3. Some words and phrases are provided and the student is required to develop a story using those words.
  4. Sometimes the end of the story is given. The student is required to provide a suitable beginning as well as complete it.
  5. Sometimes the end of the story is given. The student is required to write a story based on the visual.
  6. One can make use of graphic organisers to construct a story.
  7. Even the most popular stories can be twisted to have a surprising end.
  8. Try building a story in the form of a flow-chart, events-chart or story-map. You’ll find it enjoyable.

Tips for writing a good story

  1. Before beginning to write, form a clear idea about the plot. You must know how the story is going to unfold and ultimately end. If you can start well and end well, your story will certainly be a good one.
  2. Adhere to the outline given, i.e., neither omit any point nor distort the order of the points given in the outline.
  3. Connect the points in such a manner as to come up with a coherent composition. Or else, the unity in the story as one whole will be lost.
  4. You may insert dialogues wherever possible. certainly, make the story interesting.
  5. These dialogues should be short, lively and interesting.
  6. Given names to characters. Even animals can have names. These names should be short and interesting.
  7. Let your story not be unduly long. Adhere to the word limit, if prescribed.
  8. The importance of the conclusion cannot be overlooked. It leaves a lasting impact on the reader.
  9. Give a suitable title to the story. You may name it after the main character, object incident or proverb/quotation.
  10. Write the story in the past tense.
  11. Use short sentences to write your story. Remember, If you write long winding sentences, the meaning of what you want to convey, might be lost.
  12. Do not use slang. We do not write the way we speak.
  13. Go through your story. This will help you to refine it. Omit all unnecessary details.
  14. Edit the mistakes in punctuation, grammar, and spelling. 

Stories are written either in the first person; or, as a third-person account with or without dialogues.

Story writing topics for class 10

Important story writing topics asked in the exam.

Group of friends who win a trip to Sri Lanka
Traveling back in time to see the Monsters
Teacher who becomes a Actor.
Family vacation
Honest man
Rich friend and poor friend
Small kid want to become actor
Dog with magic powers
Boy who dreams of becoming a Teacher.
Game that comes down to the last point.
Class that comes together for a special project
Summer camp for kids of superheroes.
Family who wins the lottery.
Finding a chest of buried treasure in the backyard.
The Sunrise
The Calculator
The Basketball.


  • Beginning: Use interesting phrases
  • Character Introduction: Use Dialogues to revealing the character. Spell out the strengths and weaknesses of your main character. Such details make a character come alive. You may insert dialogues wherever possible. Certainly, make the story interesting.
  • Plot: The plot is the sequence of events around which the pursuits of the main, as well as the other characters in your story, revolves.
  • Conclusion: End of the story. The ending of any story, however short, is very crucial. Sometimes, you may need to write the ending of the story more than once to get it right.

Marking scheme for story writing for class 9, 10 as per CBSE board

Title 1 Marks
Fluency 2 Marks
Accuracy2 Marks
Content7 Marks

Story writing for class 9, 10 marking scheme

Solved example

Write an interesting story justifying the proverb, ‘Slow and steady wins the Race‘.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Once, a hare who was very proud of his speed was challenged, to a long race, by a tortoise. The hare had been mocking the slow tortoise for days before it became intolerable for the tortoise to bear the end of the forest to the other.

The race began the next day with the first ray of the sun. The hare was halfway through within no time. The tortoise was nowhere to be seen. Laughing away arrogantly, the hare lay down under a tree to rest for a while and then he fell asleep. While he slept, the tortoise continued on, but steadily, towards the destination.

The hare woke up with a start to find that evening was drawing to a close. He leaped fast and reached the finishing line to see that the tortoise had already reached there.

He hung his head in shame.

Story writing for class 9, 10Story writing questions for class 10

Questions are based on the following point. 

  1. Continue a story after the dots
  2. End stories with the following lines
  3. Write stories with the titles
  4. Complete the following story with the following words.
  5. Dialogue based story.
  6. Followed by struggled for survival.
  7. Hints for story writing.

Questions 1

  1. Your character notices that a stranger is following her. She pretends not to notice. The stranger follows her home and watches her go inside. Then when he leaves, your character turns the table and starts to follow him.

Question 2

Related a story with the ending as suggested below. (80-100 words)

… And they became the best of friends from that day on.

Question 3

Write a first-person account in not less than 80 words, of an incident where a fire broke out. Incorporate the given words and phrases into your narrative.

A car, scorching heat of the sun; traffic snarl; charred; cell phone; hospital; ambulance

More Questions…

Story writing outline

Write a story, in about 80-100 words, using the following outline.

An old farmer had four sons ____________ the sons were lazy __________ the farmer got worried about them __________ on his death-bed, summons his sons __________ tells them a treasure lies buried in the long-neglected fields __________ the old man dies __________ the sons go to the fields looking for the treasure __________ dig hard __________ rains fall __________ they sow the seeds __________ reap a good harvest __________ the discover the real treasure.

More Questions…

How to come up with ideas?

You can combine several ideas and use them to form the foundation or the skeletal structure for a completely original story! Amazing things are happening all around you.

How to come up with idea story writing for class 9, 10

l Cultivate a habit of jotting down interesting, remarkable or intriguing occurrences. If you want to improve your vocabulary and writing skills Read more. Reading a storybook is one of the most pleasurable and enriching activities.

Solved example

Write an interesting story justifying the proverb, ‘Slow and steady wins the Race‘.

How to Create characters in story writing?

Your main character may be commonplace – a school student, a bellboy, or a wrestler. It may also be a dog, a tiger or an alien from outer space. Spell out the strengths and weaknesses of your main character. Such details make a character come alive.

How to create characters story writing

You may include secondary characters such as mentors that help the main character; a good friend or ally who assists him or her in solving the problem at hand; jokers who will lighten things up; and villains who constrain the main character from reaching his or her goal or resolving the problem.

How to Planning the plot for the story?

The plot is the sequence of events around which the pursuits of the main as well as the other characters in your story revolves.

How to planning the plot for a story for class 9, 10

Plan the setting of your story well. Start by mentioning the day and time, and gradually unfolds the sequence of events. This would set the tone of your story.

Introduce your main character and hint at the problem it is slated to encounter. And then, get the action rolling to build the climax of the story. Tie up the loose ends in addition to giving an interesting twist to the story without losing continuity. The ending of any story, however short, is very crucial. Sometimes, you may need to write the ending of the story more than once to get it right.

Conflict or problem in the story

How to planning the plot for a story for class 9, 10

Characterisation and conflict make up the foundation of a story. There are different kinds of conflicts that the main character of your story can be made to contend with. It may be ‘person versus person’ or ‘good versus evil’. Conflict can also be an internal and personal fight of the main character to overcome his own weaknesses.

Story writing PDF for class 9, 10

Story writing for class 9, 10 Download PDF (1861 downloads )
1.Article Writing
2.Biographical Sketch
3.Classified Advertisement
4.Data Interpretation
5.Dialogue Writing
6.Diary Writing
7.Email writing
8.Essay writing
9.Invitation replies
10.Message writing
11.Notice writing
12.Paragraph writing
13.Process writing
14.Report writing
15.Story writing

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