
Simple Future Tense✅ Worksheet for Class 5 with Answers

We are providing simple Future Tense worksheet for class 5 for practice. Doing these kinds of worksheets helps students understand the tenses concept more easily. This regular practice makes it easier for students to learn and feel more confident.  Here are the different types of practice exercises like fill in the blanks, underline the verb, find the error, write a paragraph and rewrite the sentences.

These are an important tool for students to prepare for exams. Practice these worksheets and check your answers. Our goal is to make learning fun and effective. Thank you!

Worksheet 1 – Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct verb:

  1. Shreya________ (buy) a car.
  2. One student________ (did not appear) in the exam this year.
  3. I________ (attend) the party.
  4. We________ (work) in this company.
  5. It________ (snow) in the mountains during the winter season.
  6. Hot winds________ (blow) in the summer season.
  7. You________ (complete) this work by Monday.
  8. We________ (defend) our country at any cost.
  9. If you work hard, you________ (get) through the exam.
  10. ________ you________ (help) me?


  1. will buy
  2. will not appear
  3. shall attend
  4. shall work
  5. will snow
  6. will blow
  7. will complete
  8. shall defend
  9. will get
  10. Will, help

Worksheet 2 – Underline the Verb

Underline all the verbs in the simple future tense in the following story

I am eagerly looking forward to celebrating Holi this year with great excitement and joy. Tomorrow, I will wake up early and wear my colourful clothes. My friends and I will gather at the community park, where we will start the celebration by throwing bright and vibrant colours at each other. We will dance to lively music and enjoy delicious sweets. In the evening, my family and I will come together for a special dinner, sharing laughter and happiness. Before going to bed, I will reflect on the day’s festivities, grateful for the wonderful moments and colourful memories created during the Holi celebration


I am eagerly looking forward to celebrating Holi this year with great excitement and joy. Tomorrow, I will wake up early and wear my colourful clothes. My friends and I  will gather at the community park, where we will start the celebration by throwing bright and vibrant colours at each other. We will dance to lively music and enjoy delicious sweets. In the evening, my family and I will come together for a special dinner, sharing laughter and happiness. Before going to bed, I will reflect on the day’s festivities, grateful for the wonderful moments and colourful memories created during the Holi celebration

Worksheet 3 – Find the error

Rewrite the sentences in the simple future tense:

  1. What are you drinking?
  2. Shiv and his friends are practising judo.
  3. What game are those children playing?
  4. I am not working.
  5. I saw some interesting advertisements.
  6. Jayant has to work in a bank.
  7. Mohan has applied for several jobs.
  8. Ankita has completed her Class XII exams.
  9. Why are all those people laughing?
  10. Rohit has enrolled in a college.


  1. What will you drink?
  2. Shiv and his friends will practise judo.
  3. What game will those children play?
  4. I shall not work.
  5. I shall see some interesting advertisements.
  6. Jayant will work in a bank.
  7. Mohan will apply for several jobs.
  8. Ankita will complete her Class XII exams.
  9. Why will all those people laugh?
  10. Rohit will enroll in a college.

Worksheet 4 – Write a paragraph

Write a short paragraph (6-7 sentences) about how you will celebrate the Republic Day. Use simple future tense to describe your Republic Day celebration


I shall eagerly look forward to celebrating Republic Day with great enthusiasm and pride. Tomorrow, I will wake up early, excited about the day’s festivities. My family and I will plan to attend the local flag-hoisting ceremony in our community park. After that, we will enjoy a patriotic parade showcasing the diversity and unity of our country. In the afternoon, we will decide to have a small picnic with traditional Indian snacks, like samosas and sweets. I will also prepare a little speech about the significance of Republic Day to share with my classmates. In the evening, we will plan to light up our home with tricolour decorations and watch the Republic Day parade on television.

Worksheet 5 – Rewrite the sentences

Rewrite the sentences in Negative and Interrogative forms:

  1. Chitra will study fine arts in the future.
  2. The hard wind will break the window panes.
  3. The school will declare the results on Saturday.
  4. This year summer will be intolerable.
  5. The shopkeeper will give you a bill for whatever you purchase.
  6. It will rain heavily.
  7. Maya will apply to some colleges in London.
  8. We will field first if we win the toss.
  9. Communication will be much faster in the future.
  10. Global warming will impact the climate adversely.


  1. Negative: Chitra will not study fine arts in the future.
    Interrogative: Will Chitra study fine arts in the future?
  2. Negative: The hard wind will not break the window panes.
    Interrogative: Will the hard wind break the window panes?
  3. Negative: The school will not declare the results on Saturday.
    Interrogative: Will the school declare the results on Saturday?
  4. Negative: This year, summer will not be intolerable.
    Interrogative: Will this year’s summer be intolerable?
  5. Negative: The shopkeeper will not give you a bill for whatever you purchase.
    Interrogative: Will the shopkeeper give you a bill for whatever you purchase?
  6. Negative: It will not rain heavily.
    Interrogative: Will it rain heavily?
  7. Negative: Maya will not apply to some colleges in London.
    Interrogative: Will Maya apply to some colleges in London?
  8. Negative: We will not field first if we win the toss.
    Interrogative: Will we field first if we win the toss?
  9. Negative: Communication will not be much faster in the future.
    Interrogative: Will communication be much faster in the future?
  10. Negative: Global warming will not impact the climate adversely.
    Interrogative: Will global warming impact the climate adversely?

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