
Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Short Paragraph on Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Short paragraph on Raja Ram Mohan Roy for students, for kids, for class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, for competitive exam, in english, with image.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born in Radhanagar village in Bengal’s Hooghly district on May 22, 1772, to conservative Bengali Brahmin parents. Ram Mohan’s’ parents, Ramakant Roy and Tarikh Mukharji were devote Hindus. His father was a worshipper of Lord Vishnu. Ram Mohan religious disposition from an early age.

At the age of 14, he wanted to be a “Sanyasi” hermit, but his mother persuaded him otherwise. Another example of his devoutness was his habit of not even having water each morning until he had recited a chapter from the bagavat Purana. Ram Mohan was reputed to have a “tensions memory”, and showed signs of Intelligence at an early age.

short paragraph on raja ram mohan roy

He learnt Bengali at school first. He also went to Tibet to learn about Buddhism. He learnt Persian, which was the court language. This give him the ability to read the mystic poetry and philosophy of the Persian Sufis. He also learned Arabic. During this period he came across the translations of Aristotle and Euclid, and of the Kuran. On his mother’s prompting, he went to Banaras to learn Sanskrit. He started to learn English when he was 24 year old. In 1803, he secured a job with the East India company and in 1809 he was posted to Rangpur.

He learnt about Jainism and studied the Jain texts. Roy was drawn to certain aspects of Christianity that led some of the followers of the Christianity to suggest that he should convert, but the politely decline. Roy’s understanding of the different religions of the world helped him to compare them with Vedantic philosophy and glean the best from each religion. Sufi mysticism had a great influence on Roy.

He loved to repeat three of their maxims: “Man is the slave of benefits”; “The enjoyment of the world’s rest on these two points-kindness to friends and civility to enemies”; and ‘The way of the serving God is to do go good to man”. Road resigned from the East India Company a few years later and came to Calcutta in 1815.

He was a humanist and religious reformer, he left a Company to devote his time to the service of the people. Profoundly influenced by European liberalism Ram Mohan came to the conclusion that radical reform was necessary in Hinduism and in the social practices of the Hindus.

He founded the Brahmo Samaj at Kolkata in 1828 which was initially known as the “Brahmo Sabha”. Raja Ram Mohan and his organization ‘Brahmo Samaj’ tried to change the social order in India. He established newspapers and schools all around India. He convinced the British in 1829 to outlaw Sati. But during that Period there wasn’t yet an Indian ethos among the Indians. Indians were never one nation but always a collection of different entities. They were under different rulers including non-Indians.

From their point of view, the British were just another ruler over them. But the main contribution of the Brahmo Samaj to the Indians society was that it Evoke issues that were common to people all around the Indian subcontinent. The notions of the organization were the inspiration for other organizations and various secular political parties, like the Indian National Congress, which were letter on created in India. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was one of the famous and main social reformer of that time he was very much frustrated from the Sati Pratha (this was an old Hindu tradition in which when the husband of any woman was died and his wife must be burnt with the dead body of her husband, in earlier days it was done by the will of wife but later on the family members of husband pressurised wife to burn with the dead body of her husband). Raja Ram Mohan Roy was decided to finish this bed tradition from the society, he wanted to aware the people against this. But the old fundamentalist hindus critized him a lot and some of them were trying to kill him but all these incidents could not demoralize him.

In 1828 Lord William Bentink become the Governor-General of India, Ram Mohan Roy meet William bentink and told him harmless and bad effect of this “Sati Pratha” and request him to ban Sati Pratha by law and then on 1829 by the brilliant effort of Ram Mohan Roy Governor-General William bentink completely banned Sati Pratha by Lord William bentick declared that “If anyone pressurised any woman to burn with the dead body of her husband then the government consider it as a murder and then the punishment of a murderer is declared for this man”. So with the law, Sati Pratha slowly-slowly eliminate from society. This is the greatest achievement from Raja Ram Mohan Roy. Among Roy’s other efforts was the publishing of a newspaper in an Indian language.

The Atmiya Sabha brought out a weekly called the ‘Bengal Gazette’. He also published a newspaper in Persian called ‘Miratul-Akhbar’ and a Bengali weekly called ‘Sambad Kaumudi. Roy placed a great deal of importance on the development of his mother tongue. His ‘Gudiya Vyakaran’ in Bengali is rated highly among his writings in prose. The founding of the Brahmo Samaj was among Roy’s most important contributions for performing the society. Beginning in 1828 as a small group, the Samaj played a major role in the Renaissance of Bengal of the 19th Century by attracting luminaries like Keshub Chandra Sen and Rabindranath Tagore and other members of the Tagore family.

The objective of the Samaj word to follow theism of Hinduism combining the best of what Roy inculcated throw his exposure to other religions. Even today, in Brahmo prayer halls all over the country, people meet once a week, most often on Sunday and worship the one God or Brahma. At these gathering, discourse and offered, Vedic text recited and hymns sung. Present-day followers try to inculcate his word: “Testing questions, never resting, with an open mind and an open heart”. Roy felt strongly for the down throdden and his Belief in the universal brotherhood of man led him to support many causes and Reform movements. A 100 year before the establishment of the League of nations, Roy Expressed the need for a similar institution.

He said that just as two individuals resorted to a court to law to settle major disputes, there should be an organisation that could help to settle difference between two countries. However ten days after arriving in Bristol (U.K.) he fell ill and Meningitis and died on September 27, 1833. He was initially buried in the ground of the Beech House, butten years later his friend Dwarkanath Tagore had him reinterred at Aron’s vale. A Chattri was designed by William Prinsep and built with sponsorship from Dwarkanath Tagore. In 1997 a statue of Raja Ram Mohan Roy was also built at Bristol.

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