
Pronoun Worksheet for Class 5 with Answers

The Pronoun Worksheet for Class 5 has been prepared to help get better at grammar. Here are exercises about personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, and more. The worksheet is made to be fun and useful, which helps you practice pronouns. you can also check how well you’re doing on your own.

Our worksheet includes a range of exercises with answers. Go through them and complete the worksheets. Thank You!

Exercise 1 Fill in the blanks with suitable personal pronouns

  1. The boys are going to the playground. ________ will play there.
  2. Peter’s father asked ________ to buy a newspaper.
  3. The books are lying on the table ________ are interesting.
  4. The girls are standing there. ________ are talking loudly.
  5. Sophia liked the dress. ________ paid $ 60 for it.
  6. Henry’s mother asked ________ to buy some sugar.
  7. I have not bought my pen, Carol. Can u lend ________ yours?
  8. John came to my house. ________ went for a swim together.
  9. The twins often quarrel. Sometimes ________ even fight.
  10. George has seen the movie twice and says ________ is interesting.


  1. Where they
  2. him 
  3. which
  4. They
  5. She
  6. him
  7. me
  8. We
  9. they 
  10. it

Exercise 2Fill in the blanks with the interrogative pronouns

  1. ________ shall we go now?.
  2. ________is your kite?
  3. ________do you want?
  4. ________ is your favourite bowler?
  5. ________ did you give my message to?
  6. ________ is the news today?
  7. ________ is that little girl?
  8. ________ is your purpose?
  9. ________ are you looking for?
  10. ________ is your best friend?


  1. Where
  2. Whose
  3. What
  4. Who
  5. Whom
  6. What
  7. Who
  8. What
  9. What
  10. Who

Exercise 3Use the indefinite pronouns to complete the sentences

  1. ________ left the door of the cage open and the bird flew out.
  2. I don’t have ________ blue shirt.
  3. ________ of my friends are going out of town for summer holidays.
  4. I put my bag on the bench but ________ moved it.
  5. The teacher brought sandwiches for ________ in the class.
  6. ________ people like to watch the FIFA World Cup.
  7. The maths sum was so easy ________ could have solved it.
  8. Has ________ seen my yellow pen? I can’t find it in my bag.
  9. ________ seems to be happy.
  10. I would like to go ________ this summer.


  1. Someone
  2. any
  3. Some
  4. nobody
  5. everyone
  6. Many
  7. anyone
  8. anyone
  9. Everyone
  10. somewhere

Exercise 4Combine the pair of sentences using an appropriate relative pronoun and rewrite them

  1. He is Jacob. I sold my bike to him.
  2. This is the bag. I have been looking for it.
  3. I have many friends. All my friends are engineers.
  4. This is my grandfather. You helped him.
  5. Sarah fell down. Sarah is still hurt.
  6. The boy was missing. He has been found.
  7. This is the tiger. The tiger died in the Zoo recently.
  8. The girl is intelligent. Her father is a famous doctor.
  9. This is Kiara. She plays the piano well.
  10. The snake bit John. The snake has been caught.


  1. He is Jacob to whom I sold my bike.
  2. This is the bag that I have been looking for.
  3. I have many friends all of whom are engineers.
  4. This is my grandfather, whom you helped.
  5. Sarah who fell down is still hurt.
  6. The boy who was missing has been found.
  7. This is the tiger that died in the Zoo recently.
  8. The girl whose father is a famous doctor is intelligent.
  9. This is Kiara who plays the piano well.
  10. The snake that bit John has been caught.

Exercise 5Rewrite the following paragraph using the appropriate pronouns

Jack and Sophia were siblings. One day Jack and Sophia returned from school. Jack and Sophia were very hungry and went straight to the kitchen. Jack and Sophia wanted to eat something. In the kitchen, Jack and Sophia saw a cat. The cat was drinking the milk that mother had kept for Jack and Sophia. Jack ran out screaming. Jack was scared. Jack was always afraid of cats. Sophia was a brave girl. Sophia was not afraid of anything.


Jack and Sophia were siblings. One day they returned from school, feeling very hungry. They went straight to the kitchen because they wanted to eat something. In the kitchen, they saw a cat drinking the milk that their mother had kept for them. Jack ran out screaming, as he was scared and always afraid of cats. However, Sophia, who was a brave girl, she was not afraid of anything.

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