
Preposition Worksheet for Class 6 with Example, Answere Key

Preposition Worksheet for Class 6

Correct use of prepositions not only strengthens sentences but also boosts communication abilities in general. Here are some imaginative and fun Preposition worksheets for Class 6.

A simple definition of Preposition?

Preposition is a word used to link a noun or pronoun with another word in the sentence.

Examples: In,  On,  At, Before, After, Under, above, To, Into, Of, From.. etc

Types of Prepositions

 1. Prepositions of Time: The prepositions that connect a noun or a pronoun with another word in the context of time, are called prepositions of time.


  1. She will go to London in January.
  2. Priya reached the station at 9 am.
  3. The school will resume after vacations.

 2. Prepositions of Place: Prepositions of place are the most commonly used prepositions in the English language. These prepositions are also known as prepositions of location because they tell us where a subject is placed. Some widely used prepositions of place are: above, behind, below, between, among, behind, over, in, on and under.


  1. She is performing on the stage. 
  2. Mom keeps her clothes in the almirah.
  3. The cat is sleeping under the bed.

 3. Prepositions of Direction: Words that tell you about a direction or inform you about the space in which the noun is connected to another word, are called prepositions of direction. Prepositions of direction are also sometimes called prepositions of movement.


  1. He was running toward us.
  2. Meena jumped into the sea.

Preposition Worksheet for Class 6

Worksheet 1. Identifying Prepositions

Underline the prepositions in the following sentences.

  1. The cat is hiding under the table.
  2. He arrived after the meeting started.
  3. We went to the beach during the summer vacation.
  4. There is a small park between the two buildings.
  5. She placed the book on the shelf.
  6. The keys are in the drawer.
  7. We will travel through the tunnel.
  8. I found the letter beneath the pile of papers

Worksheet 2.  Fill in the Blanks with Prepositions

Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition from the options given in parentheses.

  1. She looked ____ (on/in/at) the mirror and smiled.
  2. We will meet ____ (by/in/at) the coffee shop at 5 PM.
  3. The ball rolled ____ (over/under/in) the couch.
  4. He lives ____ (by/on/in) the corner of the street.
  5. The boy ran ____ (towards/with/beyond) his friend.
  6. The bird flew ____ (beneath/beyond/in) the clouds.
  7. My father sits ____ (beside/on/in) the couch.
  8. I’m leaving ____ (on/by/in) this afternoon.

Worksheet 3.  Choose the Correct Preposition

Circle the correct preposition in each sentence.

  1. The book is (on/at/in) the desk.
  2. She is hiding (in/below/above) the bed.
  3. They sat (by/around/through) the campfire.
  4. We will go to the party (in/on/at) Saturday evening.
  5. I have been living here (since/during/for) five years.
  6. The flight will depart (at/in/by) noon.
  7. The dog ran (with/across/between) the street.
  8. He drove the car (over/across/between) the bridge.

Worksheet 4: Matching Prepositions to Sentences

Match the sentences in Column A with the correct prepositions in Column B.

Column AColumn B
1. The cat jumped ____ the fence.a) across
2. She walked ____ the street.b) at
3. They sat ____ the tree.c) under
4. I have been waiting ____ 8 AM.e) since
5. We arrived ____ the station early.d) in
6. The dog is hiding ____ on the bed.g) on
7. The keys are ____ the drawer.h) beside
8. The shop is located ____ the corner.f) over

Worksheet 5: Writing Sentences Using Prepositions

Write one sentence for each of the following prepositions.

  1. Above
  2. Behind
  3. Near
  4. After
  5. Between
  6. Through
  7. Across
  8. During

Answer Key

Worksheet 1: Identifying Prepositions

  1. under
  2. after
  3. during
  4. between
  5. on
  6. in
  7. through
  8. beneath

Worksheet 2: Fill in the Blanks with Prepositions

  1. in
  2. at
  3. under
  4. on
  5. towards
  6. beyond
  7. beside
  8. in

Worksheet 3: Choose the Correct Preposition

  1. on
  2. under
  3. around
  4. on
  5. for
  6. at
  7. cross
  8. cross

Worksheet 4: Matching Prepositions to Sentences

  1. f) over
  2. a) across
  3. h) beside
  4. e) since
  5. d) in
  6. c) under
  7. g) in
  8. b) at

Worksheet 5:

  1. Above- The picture hangs above the fireplace.
  2. Behind – The children hid behind the large tree.
  3. Near– The school is near the park.
  4. After- We went shopping after lunch.
  5. Between -The cat sat between the two pillows.
  6. Through- The river flows through the valley.
  7. Across -She walked across the bridge to get to the other side.
  8. During -She read a book during the long train ride.

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