
Prefix and Suffix For Class 5

Prefixes and suffixes help us to learn enhanced language skills in vocabulary easily.

1. Prefix

Prefix are the letters or a set of words that are added before a word to make a new word. Therefore, it always have same meanings whatever the base is added.

For example:-

Prefix is ‘-re’

  • Reappear means “to appear again”
  • Reconstruction means “to reconstruct again”
  • Rebuild means “to build again”

Study the prefix in the table below.

ante-before, prior to, frontantebellum, antechamber, anterior
auto-self, one's self, yourselfautobiography, autograph, autonomy
circum -around, go aroundcircumnavigate, circumscribe, circumvent
co-jointly, with, togethercoexist, copilot, coworker
com-together, withcommiserate, compartment, community
con-with, togetherconfound, confluence, conversation
en-put into, surroundencase, endow, envelope
exo-out, outerexhale, extend, exoskeleton
extra-beyond, moreextracurricular, extraterrestrial, extravert
hetero-different, not the sameheterogeneous, heterosexual, heterocyst
homo-same, not differenthomogenize, homophone, homosexual
a-lacking, without, notamoral, atheist, abiotic
ab-away, removed, notabnormal, abstract, absent
an-without, not, lackinganaerobic, anacoustic, anhydrous
anti-against, opposing, contrary toantibiotic, antifreeze, antisocial
counter-opposing, contrary to, againstcounterproposal, counteroffer, counter-attack
de-reverse, undo, removedeactivate, de-ice, deplane
dis-remove, separate, apart fromdisagree, disapprove, disconnect
ex-away from, former, lackingex-husband, ex-wife, ex-boss
il-not, lacking, withoutillegal, illegible, illogical
im-without, not, lackingimpossible, improper, impermeable
in-no, without, lackinginjustice, incomplete, invisible
ir-not, non, oppositeirreversible, irreplaceable, irregular
non-not, lacking, withoutnonexistent, nonfiction, nonnegotiable
un-opposite, not, lackingunkind, unresponsive, unruly
hyper-extreme, beyondhyperactive, hyperspace, hypertension,
inter-between, in the midst of, amongintermittent, intersect, interstate
mega -large, massivemegaphone, megadose, megabyte
micro-small, tinymicrocosm, microphone, microscope
mid-middle. midpointmidnight, midseason, midterm
mis-incorrect, bad, wrongfulmisappropriate, misunderstand, misuse
mono-one, singularmonogamous, monotone, monochrome
over-too much, excessiveovercook, overdone, overwrought
post-afterpostdate, postscript, post-war
pre-before, prior toprefix, preliminary, preschool
re-again, do overreconsider, re-evaluate, rewrite
semi-partial, somewhat, less than fullysemiconductor, semester, semi-retired
sub-below, beneathsubjugate, submarine, sub-par
trans-across, changetransferrence, transgender, translate
interbetween, connectedinterrelated, interact
intrawithinintra-generational, intramuscular
kilothousandkilogram, kilometer, kilowatt
macrolargemacroeconomics, macro-scale
malbad, badlymalfunction, malpractice
microsmallmicro-economics, micro-scale
midmiddlemidway, midsummer
miswrongly, incorrectmistake, mistranslate, misunderstanding
semipartly, halfsemicircle, semi-organic, semi-precious, semifinals
subpart of something, under, beneath,subway, submarine, subsection
superabove or biggersuperpower, supersonic, superstar

2. Suffix

A suffix is a letter or group of letters that are added after a word to form a new word and change its meaning.

For example:-

Suffix is ‘-en’

  • Sharpen
  • Strengthen
  • Loosen

Study suffixes from the table below.

-atedocaptivate, annihilate, exterminate
-endobroaden, awaken, strengthen
-erdochatter, glitter, glimmer
-ishdopublish, nourish, punish, banish
-fymakerectify, simplify, amplify
-izebecomehumanize, organize, socialize, legalize
-ablecapable of beingpresentable, readable, believable
-albelonging tolegal, local, mental, mortal, fatal, musical
-arqualityfamiliar, regular, circular
-edqualitygifted, talented, learned, cultured
-enmade ofgolden, wooden, woolen, leaden
-fulnotable forbeautiful, wonderful, doubtful
-iblecapable ofadmissible, divisible, sensible
-icpertaining toallergic, mythic, domestic, historic
-ishbelonging toselfish, Turkish, Irish, Polish, childish
-isticcharacterized by an attributefantastic, pessimistic, optimistic, sarcastic
-ilehaving the nature offragile, juvenile, servile
-ian/anbelonging toIndian, American, Russian, Victorian
-ivehaving the nature ofcreative, punitive, divisive, decisive
-lesswithoutfearless, helpless, endless, tireless
-ouscharacterized by an attributestudious, pious, religious, joyous
-ycharacterized bysmelly, healthy, greedy, wealthy
acystate or qualityprivacy, fallacy, delicacy
-alact or process ofrefusal, recital, rebuttal
-ance, -encestate or quality ofmaintenance, eminence, assurance
-domplace or state of beingfreedom, kingdom, boredom
-er, -orone whotrainer, protector, narrator
-ismdoctrine, beliefcommunism, narcissism, skepticism
-istone whochemist, narcissist, plagiarist
-ity, -tyquality ofinactivity, veracity, parity, serenity
-mentcondition ofargument, endorsement, punishment
-nessstate of beingheaviness, sadness, rudeness, testiness
-shipposition heldfellowship, ownership, kinship, internship
agea conditionleakage, bondage, marriage
-alan actiondenial, removal, approval
-arone who performs the actionbeggar, liar, scholar
eeone who performs an actioninterviewee, internee, employee, nominee
-erone who performs the actionreader, driver, maker, painter
-hoodstate of beingboyhood, childhood, manhood
-ionconditionunion, opinion
-ismdoctrine or beliefmarxism, Sufism, egotism
-istone who is somethingdentist, chemist, Marxist, atheist
-icethe result of an actionservice, cowardice
-logytheorybiology, geology, ecology
-mentthe condition of an actionacknowledgement, punishment, agreement
-on/en/andoerartisan, citizen, surgeon
-nessstate of beingsadness, happiness, rudeness, business
-ncestatebrilliance, endurance, obidience
-shipposition heldinternship, partnership, kinship
-sionstate of beingillusion, inclusion, extension

Prefix and Suffix For Class 5 Worksheet

Exercise: 1

Form two new words using the prefix given below.

  1. Over
  2. Pre
  3. Re
  4. Super
  5. Under
  6. Mid
  7. Micro
  8. Macro
  9. Non
  10. Sub
  11. Mis
  12. Trans
  13. Un
  14. Ex
  15. Inter


  1. Overview, overpower
  2. Predict, previous
  3. Return, reunite
  4. Superfood, superstar
  5. Underline, understand
  6. Midway, midpoint
  7. Microsoft, microphone
  8. Macroeconomics, macrobiotic
  9. Nonsense, nonactive
  10. Submerged, submitted
  11. Misunderstood, mistake
  12. Transformation, transfer
  13. Unfriend, undone
  14. Exterior, extension
  15. Interaction, interview

Exercise: 2

Form two new words from the suffix given below.

  1. ful
  2. er
  3. ity
  4. ment
  5. ness
  6. ion
  7. wise
  8. ward
  9. ly
  10. ant
  11. ive
  12.  ic
  13. ous
  14. able
  15. less


  1. Grateful, beautiful
  2. Writer, helper
  3. Scarcity, equality
  4. Treatment, movement
  5. Darkness, Awareness
  6. Revision, opinion
  7. Likewise, otherwise
  8. Backward, forward
  9. Bravely, stately
  10. Extravagant, brilliant
  11. Expensive, authoritative
  12. Heroic, iconic
  13. Delicious, gracious
  14. Capable, creatable
  15. Hopeless, baseless

Exercise: 3

Fill in the blanks by adding prefixes to the given words in the bracket.

  1. Mehak _________ the difficult word spelling in English. (Pronounce)
  2. Ravi _________ her book in the stadium. (place)
  3. The sun _________ behind the clouds. (appear)
  4. The children _________ their teacher. (obey)
  5. Syra’s internet connection is _________. (connected)
  6. Rahul _________ with his friend in the class. (behaved)
  7. At late night, she feels _________ on the road. (safe)
  8. Manav is _________ from the quiz competition. ( Qualified)
  9. Naina will do her _________ from Lucknow University.(graduate)
  10. My friends _________ in the party last night. (understood)


  1. Mispronounced
  2. Misplaced
  3. Disappear
  4. Disobey
  5. Disconnected
  6. Misbehaved
  7. Unsafe
  8. Disqualified
  9. Postgraduate
  10. Misunderstood

Exercise: 4

Fill in the blanks by adding suffixes to the given words in the brackets.

  1. Shreya was sitting _________ in her seat in the hall. (Comfort)
  2. Tarun acts in drama in a very _________ way. (child)
  3. He is a very _________ businessman. (Succeed)
  4. Chandni chowk Street is so _________ and noisy. (crowd)
  5. Our team won the _________ in Nationals. (Champions)
  6. Madhav is feeling _________ in himself for not scoring good marks. (Appointment)
  7. My friend is studying _________ at Delhi University. (journal)
  8. Myra is feeling _________ in her body. (weak)
  9. The teacher required _________ result of the student’s performance in the exam. (Satisfy)
  10. My brother _________ knows Spanish and French language. (Surprised)


  1. Comfortably
  2. Childish
  3. Successful
  4. Crowded
  5. Championship
  6. Disappointment
  7. Journalism
  8. Weakness
  9. Satisfactory
  10. Surprisingly

Also read: Clauses for class 5

Noun Gender for class 5

Prefix and Suffix For Class 5 PDF

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