
Prefix And Suffix For Class 4

Prefix: A prefix is a set of words or letters that are added or placed at the beginning of a word to form a new word with a different meaning. For example; when we use the word happy and add ‘un’ at the beginning of happy the whole word changes from happy to unhappy.

Let us study more prefixes from the table below.

auto-self, one's self, yourselfautobiography, autograph, autonomy
circum -around, go aroundcircumnavigate, circumscribe, circumvent
co-jointly, with, togethercoexist, copilot, coworker
com-together, withcommiserate, compartment, community
con-with, togetherconfound, confluence, conversation
en-put into, surroundencase, endow, envelope
exo-out, outerexhale, extend, exoskeleton
extra-beyond, moreextracurricular, extraterrestrial, extravert
hetero-different, not the sameheterogeneous, heterosexual, heterocyst
homo-same, not differenthomogenize, homophone, homosexual
hyper-extreme, beyondhyperactive, hyperspace, hypertension,
inter-between, in the midst of, amongintermittent, intersect, interstate
mega -large, massivemegaphone, megadose, megabyte
micro-small, tinymicrocosm, microphone, microscope
mid-middle. midpointmidnight, midseason, midterm
mis-incorrect, bad, wrongfulmisappropriate, misunderstand, misuse
mono-one, singularmonogamous, monotone, monochrome
over-too much, excessiveovercook, overdone, overwrought
post-afterpostdate, postscript, post-war
pre-before, prior toprefix, preliminary, preschool
re-again, do overreconsider, re-evaluate, rewrite
semi-partial, somewhat, less than fullysemiconductor, semester, semi-retired
sub-below, beneathsubjugate, submarine, sub-par
trans-across, changetransferrence, transgender, translate
a-lacking, without, notamoral, atheist, abiotic
ab-away, removed, notabnormal, abstract, absent
an-without, not, lackinganaerobic, anacoustic, anhydrous
anti-against, opposing, contrary toantibiotic, antifreeze, antisocial
abawayabsent, abnormal, absorb
abawayabsent, abnormal, absorb
able/iblecapable ofreversible, breakable, visible
adto; towardadhere, adjoin, adapt
alhaving to do withherbal, factual, seasonal
amb/ambiaround; bothambient, ambiguous, amble
antebeforeanterior, antebellum, antecedent
anthrophumananthropology, misanthrope, philanthropist
antiagainstantibiotic, antisocial, antifreeze
aquwateraquarium, aqueduct, aquifer
aststarastronomy, astrology, asteroid
audhearaudio, audience, auditorium
autoselfautograph, automobile, autobiography
ben/benegoodbenefit, benign, benevolent
bitwobicycle, bilingual, bisect
biolifebiology, biography, biopsy
centhundredcentury, percent, centipede
chronotimechronic, chronological, chronicle
circumaroundcircumvent, circumscribe, circumference
co/conwith; togetherconstruct, collaborate, confer
counteropposingcounterbalance, counterfiet, counteract
non-not, lacking, withoutnonexistent, nonfiction, nonnegotiable

Suffix: A suffix is a group of letters or words that are used at the end of the word to change its meaning. For example; when we take the word pain and add ‘full’ at the end of a word the word changes from pain to painful.

Let us study more suffixes from the table below.

-able, -iblecapable of beingedible, presentable, abominable, credible
-alpertaining toregional, grammatical, emotional, coastal
-esquereminiscent ofpicturesque, statuesque, burlesque
-fulnotable forfanciful, resentful, woeful, doubtful
-ic, -icalpertaining tomusical, mythic, domestic, chiastic
-ious, -ouscharacterized bynutritious, portentous, studious
-ishhaving the quality offiendish, childish, snobbish
-ivehaving the nature ofcreative, punitive, divisive, decisive
-lesswithoutendless, ageless, lawless, effortless
-ycharacterized bysleazy, hasty, greasy, nerdy, smelly
-atebecomeregulate, eradicate, enunciate, repudiate
-enbecomeenlighten, awaken, strengthen
-ify, -fymake or becometerrify, satisfy, rectify, exemplify
-ize, -ise*becomecivilize, humanize, socialize, valorize
acystate or qualityprivacy, fallacy, delicacy
-alact or process ofrefusal, recital, rebuttal
-ance, -encestate or quality ofmaintenance, eminence, assurance
-domplace or state of beingfreedom, kingdom, boredom
-er, -orone whotrainer, protector, narrator
-ismdoctrine, beliefcommunism, narcissism, skepticism
-istone whochemist, narcissist, plagiarist
-ity, -tyquality ofinactivity, veracity, parity, serenity
-mentcondition ofargument, endorsement, punishment
-nessstate of beingheaviness, sadness, rudeness, testiness
-shipposition heldfellowship, ownership, kinship, internship
-ant/-entsomeone who does something or something that has a particular functionstudent, president, resident, assistant, defendant, accountant, deodorant
-eesomeone who does somethingaddressee, interviewee, referee, trainee, employee, refugee, trustee, lessee, retiree
-er, -orsomeone who does something, something that does a particular jobwriter, teacher, worker, dancer, buyer, actor, supervisor
-ismbelief, behaviour, theory or act ofjournalism, criticism, vegetarianism, humanism
-istperson connected with, person with a belief injournalist, feminist, violinist, pianist
-mentforming abstract nounsgovernment, enjoyment, management, improvement, development
-nessquality or statehappiness, kindness, forgiveness, goodness
-sion, -tionquality or statediscussion, excursion, population, information, communication, question
-shipquality or statefriendship, citizenship, leadership, membership
-ityquality or stateability, security, similarity, curiousity
fercarrytransfer, conifer, aquifer
graphwriteparagraph, calligraphy, autograph
ianrelated to; likelibrarian, pedestrian, historian
ic/tichaving to do withrealistic, organic, metallic
ilerelated toreptile, sterile, juvenile
ismcondition; belief inracism, tourism, journalism
istperson who doessoloist, artist, cyclist
itystate of beingcreativity, disability, equality
jectthroweject, reject, interject
lesswithouthomeless, useless, wireless
logwordmonologue, prologue, eulogy
lyhow; how oftenquickly, hourly, carefully
phobiafearclaustrophobia, hydrophobia, arachnophobia
phonsoundtelephone, saxophone, microphone
plexparts; unitscomplex, cineplex, duplex

Prefix and Suffix Worksheet for Class 4

Exercise: 1

Form two new words using the prefix in each of the following.

  1. In
  2. Over
  3. Non
  4. Anti
  5. Semi
  6. Sub
  7. Un
  8. Pre
  9. Re
  10. De


  1. Inactive, indulge
  2. Overlook, overpower
  3. Nonparticipant, nonsense
  4. Antibiotic, antisocial
  5. Seminar, semifinal
  6. Submit, submarine
  7. Unable, understand
  8. Preschool, present
  9. Reappear, ready
  10. Describe, descent

Exercise: 2

Add prefixes to these words and form new words from each.

  1. Cycles
  2. Colour
  3. Look
  4. Tropical
  5. Relate
  6. Worker
  7. Agree
  8. bed
  9. Close
  10. Port
  11. Ordinary
  12. Cast
  13. Legal
  14. Correct
  15. Side
  16. Way
  17. Use
  18. Pone
  19. Refill
  20. Corn


  1. Bicycle
  2. Tricolour
  3. Overlook
  4. Subtropical
  5. Correlate
  6. Coworker
  7. Disagree
  8. Embed
  9. Enclosed
  10. Import
  11. extraordinary
  12. Forecast
  13. Illegal
  14. Incorrect
  15. Inside
  16. Midway
  17. Misuse
  18. Postpone
  19. Refill
  20. Unicorn

Exercise: 3

Add the suffix to each word given in the brackets to form a new meaningful word.

  1. Happy (ness)
  2. Triangle (ular)
  3. Vacant (cy)
  4. Brilliant (ance)
  5. Continue (action)
  6. Alternate (ive)
  7. Worth (less)
  8. Rely (able)
  9. Tooth ( less)
  10. Skill (ful)
  11. Talk (ative)
  12. Mention (ed)
  13. Desperate (ion)
  14. Notice (able)
  15. Develop (ment)
  16. Disappear (ance)
  17. Adore ( able)
  18. Magic ( al)
  19. Beauty (fy)
  20. Integrate (ion)


  1. Happiness
  2. Triangular
  3. Vacancy
  4. Brilliance
  5. Continuation
  6. Alternative
  7. Worthless
  8. Reliable
  9. Toothless
  10. Skillful
  11. Talkative
  12. Mentioned
  13. Desperation
  14. Noticeable
  15. Development
  16. Disappearance
  17. Adorable
  18. Magical
  19. Beautify
  20. Integration

Also read: Noun Gender for Class 4

 Parts of speech for class 4

Prefix and Suffix For Class 4 PDF

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