
Parts of Speech For Class 6

Parts of speech are the words that describe or indicate the Grammarly words and their functions performed in the sentence. Parts of the speech are the words that indicates how the different words functions grammatically in a sentence. It performs a different role in the sentence by according to their grammar in the grammatical groups.

Types of parts of speech:-

  1. Noun
  2. Pronoun
  3. Adverb
  4. Verb
  5. Adjective
  6. Conjunction
  7. Interjections
  8. Prepositions

1. Noun

A noun is a part of speech that compromise a person, place, animal, thing, or object in its sentence. Girl, Sandhya, India, snake, arrow, and curtains are some nouns.


  1. Sandhya and Rani went are searching for good quality shoes.
  2. Ravi is going to a party on Tuesday.
  3. Alia is reading a book.
  4. Aayush’s team won the match.
  5. My mother gifted me a gold necklace.
  6. Ritu is very angry with her friend.
  7. This umbrella is very costly.
  8. Narmada is a holy river.
  9. Priya is a brave girl.
  10. He is having some silver coins in his bag.

2. Pronoun

A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun or noun phrase or noun expression in a sentence. They, we, them, it, you, her, and him are some examples of pronouns.


  1. They are going to market.
  2. She is playing chess with her friend.
  3. We are going to attend our relative’s wedding tonight.
  4. Harry lost his watch in the hall.
  5. Sia gave him a book to read.
  6. They are playing cricket with their cousin.
  7. Sheetal is going to fest with them.
  8. It is raining heavily last night.
  9. Our team is traveling to Mysore next week.
  10. He is going to their house for a party.

3. Adverb

An adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb, adjective or another adverb that often tells when, where and what conditions something happened at which an action happens in a sentence. Happily, silently, outside, yesterday, daily, and almost are some examples of an adverb.


  1. Pihu can speak French and German language fluently.
  2. Her mother drives carefully.
  3. They sit quietly in the hall.
  4. Saira passed as she study efficiently for the exam.
  5. His friend often comes to see him.
  6. Pallavi almost completes her work on time.
  7. She asks for some money from her friend.
  8. He usually studies and scores well in exams.
  9. She is so strong to handle problems.
  10. The class scored better than previously.

4. Verb

The verb refers to the word or phrase that defines the action done feeling or an experience in a condition. Action refers as walk, running, talking, sleeping and feelings or experience refers to love, hate, anger, trust, belief, and situations as is, am, was, will be, been etc.


  1. Rani loves her pet cat.
  2. The boys fight in the class during break.
  3. Suhani ate all the chocolates kept in the box.
  4. He might complete his work before evening.
  5. Seema is writing an essay on nature.
  6. They arrived at the station at 7:am.
  7. Niharika is good at singing songs.
  8. Pawan pushed his friend from the stairs mistakenly.
  9. Birds are feeding their babies.
  10. The baby is crying loudly.

5. Adjectives

An adjective is a word that describes the information and provides more information about the person place or thing in a sentence. Beautiful, expensive, kind, hot, old, tight, and tired are some adjectives.


  1. Her dress is looking so beautiful.
  2. She bought an expensive necklace for her anniversary.
  3. She likes Italian food.
  4. Niya gave some money to her friend.
  5. Only a few students in the class completed the project.
  6. Her friend got the first position in a fancy dress competition.
  7. Is that your purse?
  8. These are my books on the table.
  9. She always high confidence level in herself.
  10. From whose bag did you got it?

6. Conjunction

A conjunction is the word or phrase that joins sentences together  and connects each other by making a meaningful sentence. But, yet, because, until, both..and, either… or are some conjunctions.


  1. He wanted to attend late night party but his mother did not allow him.
  2. Siya worked hard yet she did not score good marks in the exam.
  3. The child waited for his brother forlong time.
  4. The teacher punished some students because their project is incomplete.
  5. Either Neha or her friend will go to the picnic.
  6. Ranjit is both humble and good at writing.
  7. Neither Sita nor Karan had completed the work.
  8. He won’t pass unless he works hard.
  9. Do you like to have juice or coffee?
  10. It was raining heavily so we canceled all our plans.

7. Interjection

Interjections are the words for an appearance that takes place on reactions or feelings. It expresses sudden emotional reactions, feeling, requests, and demands. Hush!, Ohh, ah! Bravo!, and Alas! are some interjections.


  1. Alas! His grandfather died in an attack.
  2. Well done! You score well in the English language.
  3. Hurrah! My sister won the quiz competition.
  4. Bravo! He passed with good marks in exams.
  5. Oh! I forgot to bring my purse.
  6. What! You did not bring the material.
  7. Yeah! We are going for a long trip.
  8. Yummy! She made the food tasty.
  9. Congratulations! You won a gift hamper from our team.
  10. Ouch! My knee got hurt by the table.

8. Preposition

A preposition is a word that shows a relationship between a noun and another word in a sentence. On, at, in, before, through, down, near are some words for prepositions.


  1. The books are kept in the cupboard.
  2. The children are going out for shopping.
  3. The school is near the temple.
  4. The dog is sleeping under the trees.
  5. The girl fell down during the rehearsals.
  6. The boy standing behind us  will not leave until his sister come.
  7. Naina should complete all her projects within the time.
  8. The meeting will be held on Saturday.
  9. The boys are waiting for a school bus.
  10. The kite fly high above in the sky.

Parts of Speech Worksheet for Class 6

Identify the parts of speech for underlined words.

  1. There is a fruit basket kept on the table.
  2. The cat jumped through the container.
  3. Naina speaks both German and French language.
  4. She is going outside to buy vegetables.
  5. They are having dinner late at night.
  6. Ouch! The ball hit me badly.
  7. My uncle bought a huge box yesterday.
  8. She shifted to a new place for a long vacation.
  9. Prachi wore a beautiful pink color dress.
  10. The girl is crying as her mother scolds her.
  11. Hush! the girl is studying for the exam.
  12. She bought a new watch for her friend.
  13. The books are kept on the shelves.
  14. The boy is so naughty in class.
  15. The kid will not go until his mother come.
  16. Riya went to Jaipur last week.
  17. The child is hungry and asking for food.
  18. Riya bakes a delicious cake.
  19. We always go to the park together.
  20. She bought a gold ring today.


  1. Noun
  2. Prepositions
  3. Verb
  4. Adverb
  5. Pronoun
  6. Interjection
  7. Adjective
  8. Conjunctions
  9. Adverb
  10. Verb
  11. Interjections
  12. Pronoun
  13. Prepositions
  14. Adjective
  15. Conjunctions
  16. Noun
  17. Adjective
  18. Verb
  19. Pronoun
  20. Noun

Parts Of Speech For Class 6

Parts of Speech for Class 6 Parts-of-Speech-for-Class-6 (747 downloads )

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