
50+ Nouns That Start With U – Common & Example

Nouns That Start With U

Hello students, Today, we’re going to explore nouns that start with U. What are the examples of nouns, you might wonder? Nouns are words that describe people, places, things, or animals. They can be common nouns, proper nouns, abstract nouns, or collective nouns. Each type of noun has a unique role in our sentences. Now, we will look at some examples of nouns and understand each type.

Commonly Used Noun Start With U

Nouns help us talk about everything around us and share our thoughts with others. Here is a list of commonly known nouns start with U.

1. Umbrella: A device used for protection against rain.
Example: She always carries an umbrella in case it rains.

2. University: An institution of higher education.
Example: He graduated from a prestigious university last year.

3. Uniform: A set of clothing worn by members of the same organization.
Example: The students were required to wear a school uniform.

4. Umpire: A person who enforces the rules in a sport or game.
Example: The umpire made a controversial call during the match.

5. Undertaking: A formal pledge.
Example: Starting a new business is a big undertaking.

6. Union: An organized association of workers.
Example: The workers formed a union to negotiate better wages.

7. Utility: A government service such as electricity, water, or gas.
Example: We pay monthly utility bills for electricity and water.

8. Utopia: An imagined place where everything is perfect.
Example: Many philosophers have written about their vision of a utopia.

9. Urn: A container used for storing the ashes of a cremated person.
Example: The urn was placed in a quiet spot in the garden.

10. Ulcer: A sore on the skin.
Example: The doctor treated his stomach ulcer with medication.

11.Upgrade: A performance improvement.
Example: The software upgrade added several new features.

12. Utensil: A tool used in a household.
Example: A wooden spoon is a versatile kitchen utensil.

13. Ultimatum: A final demand or statement of terms.
Example: The company issued an ultimatum to the striking workers.

14. Understanding: The ability to grasp something.
Example: Her understanding of the subject was impressive.

15. Unemployment: The state of being without a job.
Example: The country’s unemployment rate has been steadily decreasing.

16. Usage: The action of using something or.
Example: The manual includes instructions for the proper usage of the machine.

17. Underworld: The criminal element in society.
Example: The film depicts the life of the underworld in a big city.

18. Uncertainty: The state of being unsure.
Example: The uncertainty surrounding the project made investors nervous.

19. U-turn: A turn made by a vehicle to head back.
Example: The driver made a U-turn after missing the exit.

20. Underdog: A competitor thought to have little chance of winning.
Example: The underdog team surprised everyone by winning the championship.

What are the Different Types of Noun ?

When you explore noun start with U, you will discover different types of nouns—common, proper, abstract, and collective—so that by the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to reply to the question, “What are the examples of noun?”

Common Noun Start With U

Common nouns refer to general items, not specific ones, and they are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence. So, what are the examples of noun start with U in common nouns? Here are some lists of that.

1. University: An institution of higher education.
Example: He graduated from a prestigious university with a degree in engineering.

2. Uniform: A set of clothing worn by members of an organization.
Example: The students were required to wear their school uniform every day.

3. Umpire: A person who officiates in a sports game.
Example: The umpire made a tough call during the final inning.

4. Utensil: A tool used in a household.
Example: She laid out all the utensils needed for dinner.

5. User: A person who uses something.
Example: The software was designed to be user-friendly.

6. Unit: A single, complete entity.
Example: Each apartment unit has its balcony.

7. Universe: All of space and everything in it.
Example: The universe is vast and still largely unexplored.

8. Urge: A strong desire or impulse.
Example: He had an urge to travel and explore new places.

9. Utopia: An imagined place where everything is perfect.
Example: The book describes a utopia where society lives in harmony.

10. Urgency: The need for immediate action.
Example: There was a sense of urgency to fix the leak before more damage occurred.

Here are some more examples of noun start with u. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?


Proper Noun Start With U

Proper nouns are names for unique individuals, places, or organizations. They are always capitalized. Let’s see what are the examples of noun in proper noun start with U.

1. United States: A country in North America.

Example: The United States is known for its diverse culture and strong economy.

2. Uganda: A country in East Africa.

Example: Uganda is famous for its mountain gorillas and national parks.

3. Ulysses: The name of a legendary Greek hero.

Example: Ulysses was known for his cunning in the Trojan War.

4. UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles): A prestigious public research university in Los Angeles.

Example: UCLA is one of the top-ranked universities in the world.

5. Ukraine: A country in Eastern Europe.

Example: Ukraine has a rich history and is known for its vast agricultural lands.

6. Uruguay: A country in South America.

Example: Uruguay is known for its progressive politics and beautiful beaches.

7. Uppsala: A city in Sweden.

Example: Uppsala University is one of the oldest universities in Europe.

8. Ulster: A province in Northern Ireland.

Example: The history of Ulster is closely tied to the conflict in Northern Ireland.

9. Udaipur: A city in Rajasthan, India.

Example: Udaipur is often called the ‘City of Lakes’ because of its beautiful water bodies.

10. Union Pacific: A major American railroad company.

Example: Union Pacific has been a key player in the development of American railroads.

Here are some more examples of noun start with u. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?

UlaanbaatarUniversity of OxfordUrsa Major
UNESCOUnited KingdomUrquhart Castle
University of ChicagoUsain BoltUffizi Gallery
Union JackUniversity of TorontoUnites Nation

Abstract Nouns Start With U.

Abstract nouns are names for ideas or concepts that cannot be physically touched. They represent things you think about or feel. Let’s see what are the examples of noun in abstract nouns start with U.

1. Understanding: The ability to comprehend something.

Example: Her understanding of the situation helped resolve the conflict.

2. Unity: The state of being united.

Example: The unity among the team members was crucial for their success.

3. Urgency: The quality of requiring swift action.

Example: There was a sense of urgency in getting the patient to the hospital.

4. Uncertainty: The state of being unsure.

Example: Uncertainty about the future often leads to anxiety.

5. Ugliness: Lacking beauty.

Example: The ugliness of the building did not reflect the beauty inside.

6. Uniqueness: The quality of being one of a kind.

Example: Her uniqueness made her stand out in the crowd.

7. Upliftment: The process of improving the status of something or someone.

Example: The charity focuses on the upliftment of underprivileged communities.

8. Understandingness: The quality of being sympathetic or tolerant.

Example: Her understanding made her a great counsellor.

9. Usefulness: The quality of being helpful.

Example: The usefulness of this tool became apparent during the project.

10. Utility: The state of being profitable.

Example: The utility of solar energy is evident in reducing electricity costs.

Here are some more examples of nouns start with u. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?


Collective Nouns Start With U

Collective nouns refer to a group of people, animals, or things considered as a single unit. Let’s see what are the examples of noun in collective nouns start with u.

1. Union: A group of individuals coming together for a common purpose.

Example: The union of workers went on strike to demand better wages.

2. University: A collective of colleges for higher education.

Example: The University of Oxford is known for its academic excellence.

3. Ushers: A group of people responsible for guiding attendees at an event.

Example: The ushers ensured everyone found their seats at the concert.

4. Unit: A group of people or things considered as a single entity.

Example: The army unit was sent on a special mission.

5. Upperclassmen: A group of students in the higher grades of college.

Example: The upperclassmen helped the freshmen adjust to college life.

6. Urbanite: A collective term for people living in urban areas.

Example: The urbanites of the city were quick to adapt to modern technologies.

7. Umpires: A group of officials who ensure fair play in a sport.

Example: The umpires gathered to discuss the controversial decision in the match.

8. Upright Citizens: A group of morally upright people in a community.

Example: The committee was made up of upright citizens who valued integrity.

9. Unionists: A group of people advocating for or belonging to a union.

Example: The unionists called for a meeting to discuss their rights.

10.Unicorns:  A mythical group of rare and unique creatures.

Example: In fantasy tales, a herd of unicorns symbolizes purity and magic.

Here are some more examples of nouns start with u. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?

UltrasUnison ChoirUtopian Dreamers
UtopiansUrban Planners

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