
50+ Nouns That Start With R – Meaning & Usage Examples

Nouns that start With R

Hello students, Today, we’re going to explore nouns start with R. What are some examples of nouns, you might wonder? Nouns are words that describe people, places, things, or animals. They can be common nouns, proper nouns, abstract nouns, or collective nouns. Each type of noun has a unique role in our sentences. Now, we will look at some examples of nouns and understand each type.

Some Commonly Used Nouns Starting With R

Nouns help us to talk about everything around us and share our thoughts with others. Here is a list of commonly known nouns beginning with R.

1. Rabbit: A small mammal.

Example: The rabbit hopped across the garden, nibbling on the carrots.

2. River: A large natural stream of water.

Example: The river flowed gently through the valley.

3. Rain: Water that falls in drops from clouds.

Example: We had to cancel the picnic because of the heavy rain.

4. Restaurant: A place where people pay to sit and eat meals.

Example: They decided to try a new Italian restaurant for dinner.

5. Road: A path.

Example: The road was crowded with cars during rush hour.

6. Room: A part of a building enclosed by walls.

Example: The room was decorated with beautiful paintings.

7. Radio: A device used to listen to music, news, or broadcasts.

Example: He listens to the radio every morning while having breakfast.

8. Rainbow: A multicolored arc formed by the refraction of sunlight through rain.

Example: After the storm, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.

9. Rock: A large piece of stone.

Example: The climbers reached the summit by scaling the steep rock.

10. Riverbank: The land alongside a river.

Example: They sat on the riverbank, enjoying the view of the water.

11. Ring: A small circular band, worn on the finger as jewelry.

Example: She wore a sparkling diamond ring on her finger.

12. Refrigerator: An appliance used to keep food and drinks cold.

Example: The refrigerator was stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables.

13. Race: A competition of speed.

Example: The runners trained for weeks in preparation for the race.

14. Racket: A tool used in sports.

Example: She bought a new tennis racket for her tournament.

15. Recipe: Instructions for preparing a particular dish.

Example: I followed the recipe to make a delicious chocolate cake.

16. Reptile: A cold-blooded vertebrate.

Example: The zoo had a special exhibit showcasing exotic reptiles.

17. Raincoat: A waterproof coat.

Example: He grabbed his raincoat before stepping outside into the downpour.

18. Robot: A machine capable of carrying out complex tasks.

Example: The robot cleaned the house automatically while they were away.

19. Ruler: A tool used to measure length.

Example: The student used a ruler to draw the lines for his graph.

20. Riverboat: A boat designed for use on rivers.

Example: They took a scenic tour on a historic riverboat down the Mississippi.

What are the Different Types of Nouns?

When you explore nouns beginning with r, you will discover different types  of nouns—common, proper, abstract, and collective—so that by the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to reply to the question, “What are the examples of noun?”

Common Nouns Beginning With R 

Common nouns refer to general items, not specific ones, and they are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence. So, what are the examples of nouns beginning with r in common nouns? Here are some lists of that.

1. Rabbit: A small mammal.

Example: The rabbit nibbled on the fresh carrots in the garden.

2. River: A large natural stream of water.

Example: The river was perfect for kayaking and fishing.

3. Rain: Water droplets that fall from the sky.

Example: The rain made the picnic a soggy mess.

4. Restaurant: A place where people pay to eat meals.

Example: We went to a new restaurant to celebrate our anniversary.

5. Road: A path used by vehicles or pedestrians.

Example: The road was closed for maintenance.

6. Room: A space in a building enclosed by walls.

Example: The room was decorated with colorful paintings.

7. Radio: A device used to listen to music, news, or broadcasts.

Example: She turned on the radio to listen to the morning news.

8. Rainbow: A multicolored arc in the sky caused by the refraction of sunlight through rain.

Example: A beautiful rainbow appeared after the storm.

9. Rock: A solid mineral.

Example: The children skipped stones across the rock-strewn lake.

10. Ring: A small circular band worn as jewelry.

Example: She admired the sparkling diamond ring her partner gave her.

Here are some more examples of nouns beginning with r. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?

Refrigerator RadiatorRiddle
Ruler RadarRoad

Proper Nouns Beginning With R

Proper nouns are names for unique individuals, places, or organizations. They are always capitalized. Let’s see what are the examples of noun in proper nouns beginning with r. 

1. Rome: The capital city of Italy is known for its historical landmarks.

Example: They spent their vacation exploring the ancient ruins of Rome.

2. Rihanna: A famous Barbadian singer and actress.

Example: Rihanna released a new album that topped the charts.

3. Russia: A country extending over Eastern Europe and northern Asia.

Example: Russia is known for its rich history and diverse culture.

4. Rio de Janeiro: A vibrant city in Brazil famous for its carnival and beaches.

Example: They visited Rio de Janeiro to experience the famous Carnival.

5. Robert Frost: An American poet known for his reflective and pastoral poems.

Example: Robert Frost’s poetry often explores themes of nature and human experience.

6. Rafael Nadal: A professional Spanish tennis player renowned for his success on clay courts.

Example: Rafael Nadal won the French Open for the 14th time.

7. Ralph Lauren: An American fashion designer known for his Polo Ralph Lauren brand.

Example: Ralph Lauren’s clothing line is recognized worldwide for its classic style.

8. Romeo and Juliet: A famous tragedy by William Shakespeare about two young lovers.

Example: Romeo and Juliet is often considered one of Shakespeare’s most enduring works.

9. Red Cross: An international humanitarian organization providing emergency assistance.

Example: The Red Cross provided aid to victims of the natural disaster.

10. Ronda: A picturesque town in Spain known for its dramatic cliffs.

Example: They visited Ronda to see its famous Puente Nuevo bridge.

Here are some more examples of nouns beginning with r. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?

RyanairRangersRuth Bader Ginsburg
Rodeo DriveRiviera MayaRoosevelt
Rosie the RiveterRuthRogers Park
RamadanRanger StationRite Aid
ReykjavikRingo StarrRoyal Albert Hall

Abstract Nouns Beginning With R

Abstract nouns are names for ideas or concepts that cannot be physically touched. They represent things you think about or feel. Let’s see what are the examples of noun in abstract nouns beginning with r.

1. Rage: Intense anger or fury.

Example: Her rage was evident when she discovered the betrayal.

2. Respect: Admiration or regard for someone or something.

Example: He earned the respect of his colleagues through hard work and honesty.

3. Relief: A feeling of reassurance and comfort after a distressing situation.

Example: There was a sense of relief when the test results came back negative.

4. Reputation: The beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.

Example: Her reputation as a trustworthy leader preceded her arrival.

5. Resilience: The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.

Example: His resilience after the job loss was truly inspiring.

6. Righteousness: The quality of being morally right or justifiable.

Example: He was known for his righteousness in upholding ethical standards.

7. Rivalry: Competition or conflict between two or more parties.

Example: The rivalry between the two sports teams was intense and well-known.

8. Regret: A feeling of sadness or disappointment about something that has happened.

Example: She felt a deep regret over not spending more time with her family.

9. Rejection: The act of refusing to accept or consider something.

Example: The rejection of his proposal was a hard blow to his confidence.

10. Reverence: Deep respect or admiration for someone or something.

Example: The community held a ceremony in reverence of the late leader’s contributions.

Here are some more examples of nouns beginning with r. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?


Collective Nouns Beginning With R

Collective nouns mean a group of people, animals, or things considered as a single unit. Let’s see what are the examples of noun in collective nouns beginning with r.

1. Rabble: A disorderly crowd or group of people.

Example: The rabble gathered outside the building, demanding answers.

2. Rafter: A group of turkeys.

Example: A rafter of turkeys wandered across the field.

3. Regiment: A large unit of an army.

Example: The regiment marched through the streets during the parade.

4. Raid: A sudden attack or invasion, often by a group.

Example: The raid on the enemy’s camp was executed swiftly and decisively.

5. Rebellion: A group of individuals rising against authority or control.

Example: The rebellion was led by a group of dissatisfied soldiers.

6. Reef: A submerged ridge or a group of underwater rocks, often formed by coral.

Example: The reef teemed with colorful fish and marine life.

7. Retinue: A group of advisers, assistants, or others accompanying an important person.

Example: The king was always surrounded by his loyal retinue.

8. Ruin: A collection of the remains of a demolished or destroyed structure.

Example: The ancient ruins attracted many archaeologists and historians.

9. Ring: A group of people who come together for a specific purpose or activity.

Example: The ring of friends met every week to discuss their book club.

10. Reserves: A group of troops or resources held back for future use.

Example: The military reserves were called into action during the emergency.

Here are some more examples of nouns that start with r. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?

Riders Runners Ranks 

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