
50+ Nouns That Start With M – Examples & Types You Can Use

Noun That Starts With M

Hello students, Today, we’re going to explore nouns that start with M. What are the examples of nouns, you might wonder? Nouns are words that describe people, places, things, or animals. They can be common nouns, proper nouns, abstract nouns, or collective nouns. Each type of noun has a unique role in our sentences. Now, we will look at some examples of nouns and understand each type.

Examples of Some Commonly Used Nouns Start With M

Nouns help us talk about everything around us and share our thoughts with others. Here is a list of commonly known nouns that start with the letter M.

1. Music: The art of arranging sounds.

Example: I love your taste in music.

2. Market: A place where things can be sold and bought.

Example: I went to the market for my birthday shopping.

3. Man: An adult male.

Example: The man in the office helped me with the presentation.

4. Machine: A device with mechanical parts.

Example: The coffee machine brews a fresh pot.

5. Memory: A part where the mind stores and recalls information.

Example: Her memory of the trip is filled with happiness.

6. Mall: A large building having various stores and shops.

Example: Mary and Matt went to the new shopping mall.

7. Medicine: The practice of treating and preventing illness.

Example: He went to the pharmacy to take medicines.

8. Museum: A place where historic and scientific things are displayed.  

Example: The museum exhibits an ancient Egypt.

9. Magazine: A publication having articles.

Example: She subscribes to a monthly fashion magazine.

10. Motor: A machine that supplies power to a vehicle.

Example: The motor in the car needs to be repaired.

11. Map: A representation of an area.

Example: We used a map to find our way to the home.

12. Month: A unit of time (30 or 31 days).

Example: March is my birthday month.

13. Mansion: A big, impressive house.

Example: This is a beautiful mansion on the hills.

14. Meal: Food.

Example: I always skip the main meal at night.

15. Mother: A lady who gives birth.

Example: My mother makes the best food.

16. Mark: A symbol.

Example: He left a mark in the woods.

17. Mammal: An animal with mammary hair and glands.

Example: Humans are classified as mammals.

18. Manager: A person who is responsible for controlling an organization.

Example: The manager set up a meeting for the team.

19. Moment: A small period.

Example: It was a great moment with you at midnight.

20. Meeting: An assembly of people for discussion.

Example: The team meeting was scheduled for 10 a.m.

What are the Different Types of Noun?

When you explore nouns that start with m, you will discover different types  of nouns—common, proper, abstract, and collective—so that by the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to reply to the question, “What are the examples of noun?”

Common Nouns that Start With M

Common nouns refer to general items, not specific ones, and they are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence. So, what are the examples of nouns that start with m in common nouns? Here are some lists of that.

1. Monkey: A medium-sized animal with a long tail.

Example: The monkey swung from branch to branch in the jungle.

2. Mountain: A large natural elevation of the earth’s surface.

Example: They climbed the mountain over the weekend.

3. Museum: A place where artifacts, artworks, and exhibits are displayed.

Example: The museum had a fascinating dinosaur exhibit.

4. Milk: A white liquid produced by mammals and used as a drink ingredient.

Example: She poured a glass of milk with her breakfast.

5. Market: A place where goods and services are bought and sold.

Example: They visited the market for fresh vegetables.

6. Moon: The satellite of the Earth.

Example: The moon always shines at night.

7. Mailbox: A box where mail is delivered and collected.

Example: She checked the mailbox for new letters.

8. Motor: A machine that supplies power.

Example: The car’s motor needed a tune-up.

9. Mirror: A reflective surface used to see oneself.

Example: He looked in the mirror to adjust her hair.

10. Map: A visual representation of an area.

Example: He used a map to find his way around the city.

Here are some more examples of noun’s that start with m. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?

Melody Magnet Mushroom 
Match Mirror Milkshake 
Mountain Mud Mouth 
Menu Melon Magazine 

Proper Nouns that Start With M

Proper nouns are names for unique individuals, places, or organizations. They are always capitalized. Let’s see what are the examples of noun in proper nouns that start with m.

1. Mary: A common female name.
Example: Mary went to the park with her friends.

2. Michael: A common male name.
Example: Michael loves playing soccer on the weekends.

3. Moscow: The capital city of Russia.
Example: Moscow is known for its beautiful architecture.

4. Maine: A state in the United States.
Example: Maine is famous for its stunning coastlines.

5. Manchester: A major city in England.
Example: Manchester has a rich industrial history.

6. Mickey Mouse: A famous cartoon character created by Disney.
Example: Mickey Mouse is loved by children all over the world.

7. Mount Everest: The highest mountain.

Example: Climbing Mount Everest is a major challenge for mountaineers.

8. Maldives: An island country.
Example: The Maldives is known for its beautiful beaches.

9. Madrid: The capital city of Spain.
Example: Madrid is famous for its lively culture and cuisine.

10. Marie Curie: A renowned scientist known for her work on radioactivity.

Example: Marie Curie was awarded two Nobel Prizes.

Here are some more examples of noun’s that start with m. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?

Martha’s VineyardMachu PicchuMount Kilimanjaro
MonacoMount RushmoreMarilyn Monroe

Abstract Nouns that Start With M

Abstract nouns are names for ideas or concepts that cannot be physically touched. They represent things you think about or feel. Let’s see what are the examples of noun in abstract nouns that start with m.

1. Motivation: The reason or desire to accomplish something.
Example: Her motivation for studying hard was to get into college.

2. Memory: A part where the mind stores and remembers information.
Example: His memory of the event was vivid and clear.

3. Mystery: Something that is difficult to understand.
Example: The mysterious movie remains a mystery.

4. Misery: A state of unhappiness.
Example: The long wait caused him a lot of misery.

5. Maturity: The state of being fully grown up.
Example: Maturity is often reflected in how one handles challenges.

6. Modesty: The quality of being moderate in the estimation of one’s abilities.
Example: Her modesty was evident in how she talked about her achievements.

7. Mischief: Playful misbehavior.

Example: The children’s mischief led to a lot of laughter.

8. Mindfulness: The state of being totally present and engaged in the present.
Example: Practice mindfulness can help reduce stress.

9. Magnitude: The extent of something.
Example: The magnitude of the earthquake was felt across the region.

10. Moral: A lesson concerning right and wrong behavior.
Example: The moral of the story was to stay positive.

Here are some more examples of noun’s that start with m. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?


Collective Nouns that Start With M

Collective nouns refer to a group of people, animals, or things considered as a single unit. Let’s see what are the examples of noun in collective nouns that start with m.

1. Murder: A group of crows.
Example: A murder of crows flew across the sky.

2. Mob: A large group of people or animals.

Example: The mob of fans cheered loudly at the concert.

3. Manor: A large country house with lands.
Example: The manor was surrounded by beautiful gardens.

4. Militia: A military force that is raised from the civilian population.
Example: The militia was called to action during the emergency.

5. Menagerie: A group of wild animals.

Example: The menagerie at the zoo includes lions, tigers, and bears.

6. Multitude: A large number of people or things.
Example: A multitude of stars lit up the night sky.

7. Medley: A combination of people or things.
Example: The medley of colors in the painting was striking.

8. Muster: A gathering of troops or people for inspection.
Example: The general held a muster to review the troops.

9. Marching Band: A group of musicians.

Example: The marching band played lively music at the parade.

10. Magazine: A publication containing articles and advertisements.
Example: The magazine featured articles on various topics.

Here are some more examples of noun’s that start with m. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?

MessMinistryMaintenance Crew
ModelManuscriptMeditation Group
MeetingMuseumMarketing Team 

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