
50+ Nouns That Start With J – List with Examples & Meanings

Nouns Beginning With J

Hello students, Today, we’re going to explore nouns that start with J. What are the examples of nouns, you might wonder? Nouns are words that describe people, places, things, or animals. They can be common nouns, proper nouns, abstract nouns, or collective nouns. Each type of noun has a unique role in our sentences. Now, we will look at some examples of nouns and understand each type.

Some Commonly Used Nouns Beginning With J

Nouns help us talk about everything around us and share our thoughts with others. Here is a list of commonly known nouns start with J.

1. Jacket: A piece of clothing for warmth.
Example: She put on her jacket before going outside in the cold.

2. Jungle: A dense, tropical forest.
Example: I with my friends went to explore the jungle.

3. Juice: A liquid extracted from fruits or vegetables.
Example: He drank a glass of fresh orange juice.

4. Jaguar: A wild cat in America.
Example: The Jaguar prowled silently through the forest.

5. Jewel: A precious stone or gem.
Example: The crown was adorned with sparkling jewels.

6. Jar: A container with a lid.
Example: She stored the rice in a glass jar.

7. Journey: A trip or travel.
Example: Their journey across the country took several days.

8. Joke: A humorous statement.
Example: She told a hilarious joke.

9. Jigsaw: A type of puzzle made of many pieces.
Example: They spent hours working on the jigsaw puzzle.

10. Journal: A book where personal thoughts are kept.
Example: She wrote in her journal every night.

11. Jet: A high-speed aircraft.
Example: The jet flew quickly through the sky.

12. Jelly: A sweet, gelatinous substance.
Example: She spread jelly on her toast.

13. Jukebox: A machine that plays music.
Example: They danced to the tunes from the jukebox.

14. Jail: A place where people are locked up for breaking the law.
Example: The criminal was sent to jail.

15. Juicebox: A small container of juice, usually for kids.
Example: She enjoyed her juice box at lunch.

16. Jag: A period of intense activity or a burst.
Example: They went on a shopping jag over the weekend.

17. Junk: Old or discarded items.
Example: The garage was full of junk.

18. Jingle: A short, catchy song or phrase.
Example: The jingle for the toy store was very catchy.

19. Javelin: A spear-like weapon used in sports for throwing.

Example: The athlete set a new record in the javelin throw.

20. Jamboree: A large celebration or party.
Example: The town held a summer jamboree with music and games.

What are the Different Types of Nouns?

When you explore nouns beginning with j, you will discover different types  of nouns—common, proper, abstract, and collective—so that by the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to reply to the question, “What are the examples of noun?”

Common Nouns Start With J

Common nouns refer to general items, not specific ones, and they are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence. So, what are the examples of nouns beginning with j in common nouns? Here are some lists of that.

1. Jet: A fast, high-flying aircraft.
Example: The jet soared through the sky at incredible speeds.

2. Jelly: A sweet, gelatinous substance often used as a spread.
Example: She spread strawberry jelly on her toast.

3. Jail: A place where people are confined as punishment.
Example: The thief was sent to jail for his crimes.

4. Juicebox: A small, often rectangular box of fruit juice.
Example: He enjoyed his juice box during lunch.

5. Jag: A period of intense activity.
Example: They went on a shopping jag over the weekend.

6. Jukebox: A machine for playing selected songs from a collection.
Example: The old Jukebox played classic tunes.

7. Jetty: A structure extending into the water where ships dock.
Example: They walked down the jetty to board the boat.

8. Joke: A statement or story meant to amuse.
Example: The comedian’s joke had everyone in stitches.

9. Jacket: A garment for the upper body.
Example: He bought a new jacket for the winter season.

10. Jewelry: Decorative items worn for personal adornment.
Example: She wore elegant jewelry to the party.

Proper Nouns start With J

Proper nouns are names for unique individuals, places, or organizations. They are always capitalized. Let’s see what are the examples of noun in proper nouns beginning with j. 

1. Jack: A common name for a person.
Example: Jack went to the market to buy groceries.

2. Jane: Another common name for a person.
Example: Jane is the captain of the soccer team.

3. Jupiter: Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest one.
Example: Jupiter is known for its Great Red Spot.

4. Japan: A country in East Asia.
Example: Japan is a country in East Asia known for its beautiful landscapes.

5. Jordan: A country in the Middle East.
Example: Jordan is known for the ancient city of Petra.

6. John: A common name for a person.
Example: John is visiting his grandparents this weekend.

7. Jackson: A common surname or given name.
Example: Jackson won the award for best student in the class.

8. Judy: A common name for a person.
Example: Judy loves to paint and draw.

9. James: A common name for a person.
Example: James is an excellent musician.

10. Jasmine: A name often used for girls.
Example: Jasmine is named after the beautiful flower.

Here are some more examples of nouns beginning with j. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?


Abstract Nouns Start With J

Abstract nouns are names for ideas or concepts that cannot be physically touched. They represent things you think about or feel. Let’s see what are the examples of noun in abstract nouns beginning with j.

1. Joy: A feeling of great happiness.

Example: She felt pure joy when she saw her family after a long trip.

2. Justice: The quality of punishing those who do wrong.

Example: The court strives to achieve justice in every case.

3. Jealousy: A feeling of envy or resentment.

Example: His jealousy over his friend’s success was evident.

4. Jubilation: Great happiness and celebration.

Example: The jubilation after the team won the championship was contagious.

5. Journey: A trip or travel.

Example: Their journey to the mountains was both challenging and rewarding.

6. Judgment: The ability to make considered decisions or form opinions.

Example: Her judgment in choosing the right course of action was impeccable.

7. Jest: A playful or humorous remark.

Example: His jest about the surprise party made everyone laugh.

8. Joviality: The quality of being friendly.

Example: The joviality of the party made everyone feel at ease.

9. Jinx: A belief that something brings bad luck.

Example: She thought missing the lucky charm was a jinx.

10. Jovialness: The state of being jovial or cheerful.

Example: His jovialness was infectious, brightening up the entire room.

Here are some more examples of nouns beginning with j. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?


Collective Nouns Start With J

Collective nouns means a group of people, animals, or things considered as a single unit. Let’s see what are the examples of noun in collective nouns beginning with j.

1. Jury: A group of people who decide the outcome of a trial.

Example: The jury delivered a guilty verdict after reviewing the evidence.

2. Jubilee: A special anniversary or celebration.

Example: The city organized a grand jubilee to mark its 100th anniversary.

3. Jungle: A dense forest where many animals live.

Example: The jungle was teeming with life.

4. Jockeys: Riders who compete in horse races.

Example: The jockeys mounted their horses for the big race.

5. Jazz Band: A group of musicians playing jazz music.

Example: The jazz band played smooth tunes all evening.

6. Jugglers: Performers who juggle objects.

Example: The jugglers amazed the audience with their skilled tricks.

7. Jellyfish: A group of marine animals with gelatinous bodies.

Example: The aquarium’s jellyfish exhibit was mesmerizing.

8. Jesters: Historical entertainers who performed for royalty.

Example: The jesters entertained the court with their humor.

9. Jamboree: A large celebration or festival.

Example: The community jamboree was a hit with games and food.

10. Junkies: An informal term for enthusiasts of a particular hobby.

Example: The junkies of classic cars gathered for the annual show.

Here are some more examples of nouns that start with j. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?

Jive DancersJubilant
Junkyard DogsJavelin Throwers
Jelly Makers

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