
50+ Nouns Start With S – Complete List with Examples

Noun Start With S

Hello students, Today, we’re going to explore nouns start with s. What are the examples of nouns, you might wonder? Nouns are words that describe people, places, things, or animals. They can be common nouns, proper nouns, abstract nouns, or collective nouns. Each type of noun has a unique role in our sentences. Now, we will look at some examples of nouns and understand each type.

Some Commonly Used Noun Start With S

Nouns help us talk about everything around us and share our thoughts with others. Here is a list of commonly known noun start with s.

1. Sun: The star at the centre of our solar system.

Example: The sun was shining brightly.

2. Sea: A large area of saltwater.

Example: The waves of the sea crashed against the shore.

3. School: An institution where students learn.

Example: She went to school early in the morning.

4. Story:  A narrative or account of events.

Example: The story of the hero’s journey was captivating.

5. Sky: Outer Space.

Example: The sky was filled with clouds.

6. Song: A musical composition with lyrics.

Example: That song always reminds me of you.

7. Star: A celestial body of hot gases that emits light.

Example: The sky was clear, and we could see every star.

8. Ship: A large boat.

Example: The ship sailed across the ocean toward new adventures.

9. Stone: A small piece of rock.

Example: He skipped the stone across the surface of the lake.

10. Street: A public road in a city.

Example: The street was lined with beautiful trees.

11. Storm: A violent disturbance in the atmosphere.

Example: The storm knocked out power across the entire town.

12. Shop: A place where goods are sold.

Example: I stopped by the shop to buy some groceries.

13. Suit: A set of clothing.

Example: He wore an amazing suit to the business meeting.

14. Stage: A place where performers stand.

Example: She walked with so confidence onto the stage to give her speech.

15. Science: Study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world.

Example: Her interest in science led her to pursue a research career.

16. Sand: Fine particles of rock.

Example: The sand felt warm between her toes.

17. Shadow:  A dark area produced when an object blocks light.

Example: The tree casts a long shadow in the afternoon sun.

18. Shell: A hard outer covering.

Example: She collected beautiful shells along the shore.

19. Smile: A facial expression.

Example: Her smile brightened up the entire room.

20. Sword: A weapon with a long blade used for cutting.

Example: The knight drew his sword before the battle.

What are the Different Types of Noun?

When you explore noun start with s, you will discover different types  of nouns—common, proper, abstract, and collective—so that by the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to reply to the question, “What are the examples of noun?”

Common Noun Start With S

Common nouns refer to general items, not specific ones, and they are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence. So, what are the examples of noun starting with s in common nouns? Here are some lists of that.

1. Street: A public road in a city.

Example: The car parked on the street was red.

2. Ship: A large boat.

Example: The ship sailed across the ocean at dawn.

3. Soup: A liquid food.

Example: The soup tasted delicious with a sprinkle of herbs.

4. Shoe: A covering for the foot.

Example: He wore a shiny new pair of shoes.

5. Sky: The expanse of air over the Earth.

Example: The stars sparkled brightly in the sky.

6. School: A place where children go to learn.

Example: The school had a big playground.

7. Song: A short piece of music with lyrics.

Example: We danced to a happy song.

8. Star: A bright point of light in the sky.

Example: I saw the brightest star in the sky last night.

9. Store: A place where items are sold.

Example: We went to the store to buy groceries.

10. Stone: A small rock.

Example: He picked up a smooth stone from the riverbank.

Here are some more examples of noun start with s. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?

Sugar Snack Sand 
Seat Shield Shipyard 
Stream Swim Sketch 
Sledge SignalSprout 
Sheet Sweater 

Proper Noun Start With S

Proper nouns are names for unique individuals, places, or organizations. They are always capitalized. Let’s see what are the examples of noun in proper noun starting with s.

1. Sam: A person’s name.

Example: Sam is the fastest runner in our class.

2. Seattle: A city in the United States.

Example: Seattle is known for its rainy weather.

3. Spain: A country in Europe.

Example: Spain is famous for its beautiful beaches.

4. Sarah: A common first name for girls.

Example: Sarah won first place in the spelling competition.

5. Sydney: A city in Australia.

Example: The famous Opera House is located in Sydney.

6. Sahara: The largest desert in the world.

Example:  The Sahara Desert is known for its vast dunes.

7. Saturday: Seventh day of the week.

Example: We always go hiking on Saturday.

8. Stanford: A prestigious university in California.

Example: Stanford University is renowned for its research programs.

9. Sofia: The capital city of Bulgaria.

Example: Sofia is known for its historic churches.

10. Samsung: A multinational electronics company.

Example: My phone is made by Samsung.

Here are some more examples of noun start with s. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?

ShakespeareStarbucksSerena Williams
ScotlandSan FranciscoSanta Claus
Steve JobsSuez CanalSilicon Valley
SingaporeSaint PetersburgStockholm

Abstract Nouns Start With S

Abstract nouns are names for ideas or concepts that cannot be physically touched. They represent things you think about or feel. Let’s see what are the examples of noun in abstract nouns start with s.

1. Strength: Being strong.

Example: Her strength helped her overcome many challenges.

2. Success: The accomplishment of a purpose.

Example: Hard work is the key to success.

3. Sympathy: Feelings of pity.

Example: She felt deep sympathy for her friend

4. Silence: The absence of sound.

Example: The silence in the room was calming.

5. Sincerity: The quality of being truthful.

Example: His sincerity won over the crowd.

6. Sadness: To feel sorrow.

Example:  Her eyes reflected her sadness after the news.

7. Satisfaction:  Fulfillment of expectations.

Example: She felt immense satisfaction after completing the project.

8. Security: The state of being free from danger or threat.

Example: The alarm system provided a sense of security.

9. Surprise: A feeling of astonishment.

Example: Her face lit up with surprise when she saw the gift.

10. Spontaneity: Acting without premeditation.

Example: His spontaneity made the party more fun.

Here are some more examples of nouns start with s. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?

Serenity SubtletySolitude 
Successfullness Sanity Sacrifice 
Simplicity Strategy Sensibility 
Suspicion Shock Selflessness
Spirit StabilitySensitivity

Collective Nouns Start With S

Collective nouns refer to a group of people, animals, or things considered as a single unit. Let’s see what are the examples of noun in collective nouns start with s.

1. Swarm: A large group of insects and animals.

Example:  A swarm of bees surrounded the hive.

2. School: A group of fish.

Example: The school of fish darted through the coral reef.

3. Squad: A small group of people working together.

Example:  The soccer squad trained rigorously for the championship.

4. Set: Group of things.

Example: She bought a set of tools for the workshop.

5. Stack: A neatly arranged pile of things.

Example: There was a stack of books on the table.

6. Syndicate: A group of individuals or organizations.

Example: The syndicate of investors funded the new startup.

7. Symphony: A musical composition for an orchestra.

Example: The symphony was performed by the city’s orchestra.

8. Strand:  A group of threads or fibres.

Example: The strand of pearls was a family heirloom.

9. Staff: A group of people in an organization.

Example: The staff of the hospital worked tirelessly.

10. Shower:  A group of meteors or flowers falling.

Example:  The shower of meteorites was visible on a clear night.

Here are some more examples of nouns start with s. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?

SquadronSynergy Sanctuary
Society Sheaf Series 
Sean Summit Squall 

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