
Positive and Negative Noun to Describe a Person with Examples

Positive and Negative Noun to Describe a Person

Hello Children, Today, we will learn about noun to describe a person. A noun is a word that names something, and when we use it to describe a person, it helps us understand their qualities or character. There are positive nouns that describe good qualities and negative nouns that describe not-so-good qualities. Let’s explore both types’ meanings and examples to help you understand better.

Positive Nouns to Describe a Person

Positive nouns are words that highlight the admirable qualities or traits a person may have. Here are some examples of positive noun to describe a person:

1. Leader: A person who guides or directs a group.
Example: Maya is a true leader, always inspiring her team to do their best.

2. Philanthropist: A person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by donating money.
Example: The philanthropist donated millions to help build schools in rural areas.

3. Optimist: Someone who always looks on the bright side of things.
Example: Emma, the optimist, believed everything would turn out fine despite the difficulties.

4. Scholar: A person who has a lot of knowledge, usually from studying.
Example: He’s a scholar who spends hours in the library learning new things.

5. Mentor: A person who offers guidance and support.
Example: Mrs. Gupta was a great mentor who helped me grow in my career.

6. Innovator: A person who introduces new methods, ideas, or products.
Example: Elon Musk is an innovator in the field of technology.

7. Altruist: A person who selflessly cares about the well-being of others.
Example: Sarah is an altruist who volunteers at the shelter every weekend.

8. Diplomat: A person skilled in managing relationships and solving conflicts peacefully.
Example: Mark handled the tense situation like a true diplomat.

9. Patriot: A person who strongly supports and loves their country.
Example: The soldier is a patriot who is always ready to serve his nation.

10. Humanitarian: A person who seeks to improve human welfare and promote social reforms.
Example: She’s a humanitarian, always working to end poverty in her community.

Negative Nouns That Describe a Person

Negative nouns are words that point out less desirable traits or characteristics a person might have. There are some examples of negative noun to describe a person:

1. Liar: Someone who does not tell the truth.
Example: It’s hard to trust him because he’s a known liar.

2. Coward: A person who lacks courage and is easily scared.
Example: He’s a coward who runs away when things get tough.

3. Pessimist: Someone who always expects the worst to happen.
Example: As a pessimist, Tom never believes things will improve.

4. Bully: A person who harms or intimidates those who are weaker.
Example: The school took action against the bully who was picking on younger students.

5. Traitor: Someone who betrays a trust or their country.
Example: He was labeled a traitor after revealing secret information to the enemy.

6. Narcissist: A person who has excessive love for themselves.
Example: She’s a narcissist who only cares about how she looks.

7. Hypocrite: Someone who criticizes others for doing something while doing the same thing themselves.
Example: Calling me lazy while he does nothing makes him a hypocrite.

8. Slacker: A person who avoids work or effort.
Example: The slaver didn’t contribute to the group project at all.

9. Snob: A person who feels they are superior to others.
Example: He’s such a snob, always looking down on people who don’t share his interests.

10. Cheat: Someone who acts dishonestly to gain an advantage.
Example: The athlete was called a cheat after using illegal methods to win the race.

Noun That Describe a Person | Exercise

Question 1: Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. Which of the following is a positive noun?
    • Liar
    • Leader
    • Coward
    • Bully
  2. A person who is always looking on the bright side is called:
    • Pessimist
    • Optimist
    • Rebel
    • Traitor
  3. What does the noun philanthropist refer to?
    • A person who spreads rumors
    • A person who donates money to help others
    • A person who is lazy
    • A person who betrays their country
  4. Which noun describes a person who is admired for their courage?
  5. A manipulator is someone who:
    • Helps others without expecting anything in return
    • Uses deceit to control or influence others
    • Has a lot of knowledge from studying
    • Supports their country


  1. Leader
  2. Optimist
  3. A person who donates money to help others
  4. Hero
  5. Uses deceit to control or influence others

Question 2: Fill in the Blanks:

  1. A person who is willing to help others without expecting anything in return is called a _____.
  2. Someone who spreads false information or rumors is known as a _______.
  3. A _____ is a person who shows bravery in difficult situations.
  4. An individual who thinks only of themselves is often referred to as a _____.
  5. A person who believes in high ideals and pursues them is called an _____.


  1. Altruist
  2. Gossip
  3. Hero
  4. Narcissist
  5. Idealist

Question 3: Provide two examples of positive nouns and explain why they are considered positive.


  1. Leader: A leader is positive because they guide and inspire others.
  2. Hero: A hero is positive because they show courage and bravery in difficult situations.

Question 4: Match the Noun with Its Definition

Match the following nouns with their correct definitions:

1. Visionarya) A person who avoids work and responsibility
2. Herob) Someone who is creative and has foresight
3. Scammerc) A person who deceives others for personal gain
4. Bullyd) A person who intimidates or hurts others
5. Advocatee) A person who supports a cause or speaks for others


  1. A person who is creative and has foresight
  2. A person who avoids work and responsibility
  3. A person who deceives others for personal gain
  4. A person who intimidates or hurts others
  5. A person who supports a cause or speaks for others

Question 5: Sentence Creation:

Write a sentence using each of the following nouns:

  1. Optimist: ____________________________________________________
  2. Traitor: ____________________________________________________
  3. Mentor: ____________________________________________________
  4. Fool: ____________________________________________________
  5. Peacemaker: ___________________________________________________


  1. The optimist saw every problem as a chance to grow.
  2. He was labeled a traitor for revealing secrets.
  3. She became a mentor to help others succeed.
  4. He felt like a fool for trusting her lies.
  5. She was the peacemaker in the family dispute.

Nouns Describe a person | Worksheet

  1. Match the nouns from the left column with their correct meanings on the right.
    1. Leadera) A person who avoids work or effort
    2. Optimistb) A person who guides or directs a group
    3. Philanthropistc) A person who always expects the worst
    4. Cowardd) Someone who helps others by donating money
    5. Slackere) A person who is easily scared or lacks courage
    6. Pessimistf) Someone who always looks on the bright side
  2. Write P for positive and N for negative next to each noun below.
    • Hero _______
    • Cheat _______
    • Visionary _______
    • Gossip _______
    • Mentor _______
    • Manipulator _______
    • Humanitarian _______
    • Thief _______
  3. Complete each sentence by choosing the correct noun from the word bank below.Word Bank:
    Liar, Scholar, Peacemaker, Bully, Genius, Rebel

    1. David is a ______________ who always finds a peaceful way to solve arguments.
    2. Eva is a ______________; she has brilliant ideas that no one else thinks of.
    3. The ______________ in our class made others feel small by being mean to them.
    4. Tom is known as a ______________ because he never tells the truth.
    5. As a ______________, she loved learning new things and spent hours reading.
    6. He was called a ______________ for going against the rules all the time.
  4. Read each statement and write True or False.
    1. A Narcissist cares deeply about other people’s feelings. _______
    2. A philosopher is someone who often asks deep, meaningful questions about life. _______
    3. A bully helps people by being kind and supportive. _______
    4. An idealist always believes in high ideals and wants perfection. _______
    5. A complainer is a person who always feels satisfied and never has complaints. _______
  5. Use each of the following nouns in a sentence of your own.
    1. Leader: _________________________________________________
    2. Confidant: _________________________________________________
    3. Traitor: _________________________________________________
    4. Volunteer: _________________________________________________
    5. Fool: _________________________________________________
  6. Sort the following nouns into positive or negative categories.Nouns: Patriot, Scammer, Achiever, Hypocrite, Peacemaker, Snob, Altruist, Slacker
    Positive NounsNegative Nouns
  7. Unscramble the letters to find the correct noun that describes a person.
    1. RAETTOR (Negative)
    2. RHPILOSOEHP (Positive)
    3. ALCSEKR (Negative)
    4. TEOCALVID (Positive)
    5. OLRHRSEC (Positive)
    6. TTOSIMPI (Positive)
    7. TCCIPESMI (Negative)
    8. FFOOL (Negative)
    9. SUGIPO (Negative)
    10. DOVNELOEETR (Positive)
  8. Read the clues and guess the noun describing the person.
    1. I love learning and spend hours reading and studying. Who am I? ____________
    2. I always look on the bright side and believe things will turn out great. Who am I? ____________
    3. I try to influence others to do what I want sneakily. Who am I? ____________
    4. I tell lies to get what I want. Who am I? ____________
    5. I help people resolve conflicts and make peace. Who am I? ____________
    6. I complain about everything, no matter what happens. Who am I? ____________
    7. I think I’m better than everyone else and look down on people. Who am I? ____________
    8. I spend my time volunteering and helping others without expecting anything in return. Who am I? ____________
    9. I’m always coming up with new and creative ideas. Who am I? ____________
    10. I avoid work and let others do everything. Who am I? ____________
  9. Which of the following describes someone who has a high opinion of themselves?
    • Humanitarian
    • Narcissist
    • Mediator
    • Innovator
  10. The term __________ refers to someone extremely knowledgeable in a particular area.
    • Scholar
    • Manipulator
    • Complainer
    • Slacker

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